WMS Friday Forecast
April 12 - Week 30
Dear Parents:
I have had a few inquiries from parents about a new tech tool we are using at WMS. We have been piloting a wonderful instructional tool that has had some great benefits. Hapara is a tool that allows a teacher to do a host of things that make teaching with technology more effective. Here are some of the highlights:
Hapara can quickly push out links, documents, and other information to students in a class.
It can allow a teacher to see what every student in the class is working on and pull out exemplars as models for the class.
It allows visibility into what our learners are working on, so our teachers can provide feedback right in the moment.
Hapara helps to keep our students focused and organized online, building critical 21st-century skills.
Hapara allows teachers to limit what sites a student can go onto, giving them the ability to focus on the learning at hand.
Hapara provides opportunities for more personalized learning tasks through the creation of focus sessions that can be delivered to the whole class, small groups, or individual learners.
With the volume of technology our children consume, Hapara allows for focused learning in a classroom setting. There are some components of Hapara that we are not using, but if you would like to learn more, go to www.hapara.com. Also, please note that only a handful of teachers are using Hapara so your child may not yet know what this is.
If you have comments about this tool, I would enjoy hearing them. Please send me an email at tim.loversky@d303.org.
Dear Parents:
One of my favorite sayings is, Nature always finds a way. So do middle schoolers and technology. In today's hyper-technological world kids have learned to adapt to what we took for granted. One example of an issue we are finding is that kids are using Google Docs as large "note passing" or "chat rooms". We have found that there are many benign comments, but also many that are inappropriate in nature with content that is racist, sexualized, or mean.
We would like you to talk to your student about using technology appropriately. While at school, they need to focus on learning. And most certainly they need to be appropriate in their communication with each other.
Here are a couple of good articles that highlights the issue for today's students.
- https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/teens-using-google-docs-as-messaging-app/
- https://www.bark.us/blog/kids-using-google-docs/
We appreciate your support in keeping our RedHawks on-track and focused on learning!
- 7:30 am - 8:30 am Buses Only
- 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Buses Only
Thank you!
WMS Staff
WMS Parents:
All students will be taking the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) during the dates April 16th, 17th, & 18th.
Please make sure your child is well rested, has a good breakfast and is on time to school for testing on these dates. This will help set them up for success as they take these tests. They will need to bring the following items to school with them for each day of testing:
Chromebook FULLY charged and ready to go
Earbuds - (check to ensure they are working, please)
Water Bottle
Healthy snack
Note: Students should earbuds as requested on the school supply list. If your child has lost them or they no longer work, we do have a limited supply available for purchase in the LRC. The cost is $2.00 cash. You are also welcome to purchase some on your own.
Thank you for your assistance as we prepare for testing.
Bernie's Book Bank Donations:
Please Send In:
Eighth Grade Cheerleaders and Parents,
Before the end of our cheer season, some of the girls asked for some practice time to prepare for the high school tryouts. I looked over the weekend and East has their tryout information posted. See below. North HS information follows the SCTE information. Starting May 6, if any of you would like to have some practice time after school please let me know. As long as I can get some practice space I'd be happy to help. Please reply and let me know if you're interested.
Coach Hovious and Coach Johnson
There will be a mandatory parent meeting for any student who is trying out for the 2019-20 Cheer Team on May 2nd at 6 PM in the Main Commons.
Tryout Dates are: 5/21-5/24 3:30-5:30 in the Sports Complex
RedHawk Spotlight
Do you have a student you would like us to
highlight in our RedHawk Spotlight?
Please email their story and a couple of photos
to Tim Loversky for consideration.
The last Wredling PTO meeting of the school year will be held off-site. On behalf of the PTO I’d like to extend an invitation to all parents interested in learning more about the PTO. Please join us on Monday, May 6th at 7:00 pm at Puebla Modern Mexican. Join us for an hour so we can say thank you to our graduating volunteers and welcome all new volunteers. Incoming 6th grade families for the 2019-2020 school year are welcome. Contact information and details are located within the e-vite invitation link below.
Dear Parents:
Angst Follow-Up Session # 3
Wredling Middle School - Home of the Redhawks
Website: Wredling.d303.org
Location: 1200 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Wredling-Middle-School-537757163011275/
Twitter: @WredlingD030