Moving Out West! Oct. 28th
Welcome Jasper and Shepton rising Juniors
All rising Juniors (Class of 2027) welcome!
Monday, October 28, 2024
Invitation from Billie-Jean Lee (Principal)
What: Moving Out West (Educational Planning Night for incoming juniors)
When: Monday, October 28, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Where: Plano West Senior High School
Who: Current 10th-grade students and their parents
Special Collin College Information Meeting: 5:15-5:55 and 6:15 - 6:55 - West Auditorium.
Plano West Senior High School would like to invite all Jasper and Shepton 10th-grade students and their parents to Moving Out West next Monday, October 28, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Moving Out West is an educational planning night for all incoming juniors and their parents. Students and parents will choose six sessions they want to attend to learn more about specific courses, different levels of courses, or areas of interest for electives and extracurricular activities.
In order to plan your evening, students and parents will need to review this very detailed SMORE before October 28th so you can select the sessions you want to attend in advance. Each session will be 13 minutes and will be led by Plano West teachers and counselors. The first session will begin promptly at 6:00 p.m., so please arrive early to find parking and have time to make your way to the first session you selected. As you will see in the Plan Your Evening schedule, there is a special informational session from 5:15-5:55 and 6:15-6:55 for anyone considering taking a Collin College dual credit course. These special sessions will be in the Auditorium located in C bldg. (Fine Arts building)
As many of you know, Plano West is a very large campus with multiple buildings, so planning your sessions in advance and arriving early is crucial. A map to help you locate each of the buildings is located in the SMORE, and PWSH staff will be available to help you find specific rooms within each building. Spirit wear will also be available for you to purchase in the main lobby, and club displays will be in the cafeteria.
Parents, please note that we would love for students to attend this planning night with their parents, but if your son or daughter has a scheduling conflict, feel free to still come and gather all of the information.
We look forward to seeing you at Moving Out West!
Thank you,
Mrs. Billie-Jean Lee
PWSH Principal
Go to this link and click on the left side to see our clubs.