Kendallvue Community Updates
February 12 - 25, 2023
Dance, Dance, Dance!
The dance was a huge success! Thank you to all the WATCH D.O.G.S. who helped organize and set up. A big shout out to Michael Murphy for getting this and the Donuts with Parents event up and running. Please make sure to check out the TeamKendallvue website to stay up to date on events and other "happening" at Kendallvue.
This week we have parent/teacher conferences. This is always a great time to check in with your students' teacher and continue to enrich the partnership between school and home. This is an important time of the year as we close out the second trimester and enter our last trimester of the school year. It is hard to believe there are only four months of school left. We have a big push until spring break and then testing in April and finish our work in May. And before we know it, it's summer!
I have included some updates on the district Regional Opportunities for Thriving Schools (ROFTS) process. This is the consolidation process with Peiffer. Things will look different next year, but I do believe for the better. We will have more conversation about this during our SAC meeting in March.
This Friday is a teacher work day, so there is no school for students. Enjoy the four day weekend!
Bruce Lindsey
At Kendallvue, all students are creative, curious, and confident learners!
February 15-16, 2023
- Parent Teacher Conference
February 17-20, 2023
- Teacher work day and President's Day (no school)
- See everyone on Tuesday!
March 9, 2023
- Report cards come home
Other Upcoming Events
February 21 - Red Robin Night Out - Yum!!
March 1 - SAC and PTA Meetings (5:00 and 6:00)
March 6-10 - Book Fair
March 10 - Young Ameritowne (5th Grade)March 17 - Teacher work day (no school)
March 20-24 - Spring Break
April 28 - Teacher work day
Front Office Updates
Book Fair
- Our Book Fair will be March 6-10 this year. We are also inviting the Peiffer community to come and check out the Book Fair. Students will come to the school on Monday, March 6 to preview the fair. We are hoping to have Kendallvue students preview the fair on Friday, March 3rd. Your student's teacher will have more information in the coming weeks.
Jeffco Family Survey
- Please take some time to complete the Jeffco Family Survey. This survey will remain open until March 3. Use this link for the survey.
Summer Construction
- As part of the 2018 bond, Jeffco Schools will be enhancing our secured entrance over the summer. This construction project is broader than just our main entrance. The school will get new carpet throughout the school. We will get a new cafeteria floor, gym floor, and a new floor in the art room. We will get new lighting throughout the building. Our classrooms will get new cabinets and a wardrobe cabinet for storage. Our kitchen will also get upgrades with a new walk-in freezer, cooler, and dry storage area.
- Construction starts on May 31 and will go all through the summer. I will keep you posted on the progress as we get closer to the start of school in August.
- Thanks to Michael Murphy and all our great WATCH Dogs for organizing two awesome events this past Friday. Our Donuts with Parents event and the Family Valentine's Dance were both well attended events.
- Parents, you can always sign up to be a WATCH Dog at school. It is a great time to be with your child(ren) and enjoy the day with them. Join the team at
- There is time for a whole day, lunch/recess time, or the morning or afternoon. We always appreciate our volunteers for anytime they are able to be at school.
PTA Updates
- You're invited to Kendallvue's Spirit Night fundraiser with Red Robin 2/21/2023 at 4pm-8pm at the Bowles location, 7708 W Long Dr. Littleton, CO 80123!
- Visit in person and mention our fundraiser or order at, select Bowles, 7708 W Long Dr. Littleton, CO 80123, add our fundraiser to your cart, then load up on Yummm! 20% of Dine-in and To-Go fundraising sales will go back to Kendallvue. Excludes alcohol and tax. The more who join us, the more we earn. We hope to see you there!
- Visit for more information on Red Robin's fundraising programs.
- The Community BBQ is May 19th. As always, we invite local businesses and vendors to help make the event a success. If your business would like to set up a booth, please contact and we provide more details.
Enrichment Opportunities
- We are excited to have JC Jackman back at Kendallvue! Here is his website for more information. Next week he will start his after school adventures with students. Classes are $15 each. Here is the schedule:
- Tuesday - 2/21 Creepy Crawlers
Wednesday - 2/22 Drawing & Illustrating
- Thursday - 2/23 Clay Creations
- Friday - 2/24 Balloon Art
Science Matters
- Join the Super Science Smorgasbord on 2/27 or the Countertop Chemistry on 4/17. Each session meets for 5 weeks. See the document "science matters winter 23" for more information.
Outlaws Football (current 4th graders)
- If your current 4th Grader is interested in playing tackle football as a 5th Grader this fall please complete this Google Form or Contact Head Coach C.J. Cain at 720-229-6551.
- Here is a little more information about the Outlaws program (click here).
SAC Updates
- Regional Opportunities for Thriving Schools is the acronym adopted for the consolidation process. Our School Accountability Committee (SAC) has met twice over the last two months and discussed our budget, enrollment, and staffing issues at Kendallvue.
- Our enrollment is increasing by 100 or more students. A key value of our community is small class sizes. We will continue to make this a priority while also balancing the trade offs that come with smaller sized classes.
- Our staff will increase by approximately 1 teacher per grade level (mostly at the primary level K-3). We will continue to prioritize mental health supports and other outside the classroom supports for our students and teachers.
- We will have a full time art, music, and PE (AMP) next year! These are exciting opportunities for our school. We have the space to accommodate all our new students and with our new construction over the summer, the school will look quite a bit different.
- As always, if you have any questions or concerns please reach out to the school.
From Carmody Middle School
- See the attached flyer and the link to RSVP with your families/community. Snacks will be provided.
- 2.22.23 Community Night RSVP
Kendallvue Elementary
Location: 13658 West Marlowe Avenue, Morrison, CO, USA
Phone: (303) 982-5247