Sequoia Adult School
December 2020 Newsletter
Farewell and Congratulations to our Sequoia Adult School Director, Lionel DeMaine on his Retirement!
After 18 years of hard work and dedication to the Sequoia Union High School District and to the Sequoia Adult School, Director Lionel DeMaine is retiring!
Lionel had always strived to continually improve Sequoia Adult School by focusing on student success and leading with compassion. Having always put student's needs and education in the forefront of all the decisions, he has made Sequoia Adult School a place where students from all walks of life can come to pursue their education and feel safe and accepted. Lionel DeMaine is an exemplary leader who has become such a integral part of the school, and his absence will surely be missed by all.
Lionel, we wish you a long, happy and healthy retirement! It is well deserved!
All the best,
Sequoia Adult School
Upcoming Events
Distance Learning
Office: (650) 306-8866, extension 77900
SUHSD Travel Guidance
Although staying home continues to be the best way to protect yourself from COVID-19, in the event that you plan to travel this holiday season, we ask you that you please follow the CDC’s recommendations for travel.
The recommendations are as follows:
- After travel, travelers should monitor their health and look for COVID-19 symptoms
- Take temperature if you feel sick and visit a doctor
If you participate in “high-risk activities during travel, travelers should take additional precautions 14 days after returning home, which include:
- Stay home as much as possible
- Avoid being around others
Per the CDC, high-risk activities include:
- Travel to an area that is experiencing high levels of COVID-19, including destinations with a Level 3 Risk Level
- Large social gatherings (such as weddings, funerals, or parties)
- Mass gatherings (such as sporting events, concerts, or parades)
- Being in crowds (e.g., at restaurants, bars, airports, bus, and train stations, and movie theaters)
- Travel on a cruise ship or riverboat
As a community, it is important that we all do our part to take the necessary precautions to limit our exposure and spread of COVID-19. If we work together and stay vigilant, we can protect our community, save lives, and increase our opportunity of returning to a level of normalcy sooner rather than later.
Winter Break
Online Winter 2021 Classes will resume January 11, 2021.
ESL Winter 2021 Orientations
Register for online English as a Second language (ESL) classes at Sequoia Adult School. Please click the link below to complete registration.
Classes begin on January 11, and mandatory online orientation is a three-hour session. Students must complete the online registration form and attend an online orientation to enroll in English as a Second (ESL) classes.
Contact: Ana Escobar
Email: aescobar@seq.org
Phone: (650) 479-1754
High School Diploma/ High School Equivalent Orientations
Time: 12:30-2:30pm
Sign up for the next orientation today.
Contact: Leonela Gutierrez
Email: lgutierrez@seq.org
Phone number: 650.382.3656
Trades Introduction Program Orientation Jan. 9, 2021
Pre-register for a zoom orientation:
January 9, 2021
Go to--> www.tinyurl.com/tipsanmateo
*Limited to the first 200 people.
Women are highly encouraged to apply!
Services Available
Food Distribution at Sequoia Adult School December 14
At Sequoia Adult School...
Monday December 14 from 4:00-6:00 PM
Drive through the staff parking lot, enter on 6th Ave, and pick up two bags of groceries.
No car, no problem. Pick up groceries at the school entrance at 3247 Middlefield Rd.
Visit these free public wifi spaces!
Free Flu Vaccine Clinics
Free Covid Testing
For children ages 5 to 17: Schedule an appointment here and learn more.
For Adults: visit the County’s testing partner, To find appointments up to seven days in advance at the Event Center or at a mobile site. https://www.projectbaseline.com/study/covid-19
No appointment, ID, or health insurance needed.
3 years and older are asked to wear a face covering.
For more info: smchealth.org/flu or (650) 573-3927
Job/Employment Opportunities
Visit our College and Career Center page and learn about the following:
- Virtual job search workshops
- Trades programs
- Financial workshops
- Job openings
- Career and Training programs
Are you in need of Free Mental Health Counseling?
One Life Counseling Center
Individual or Group counseling available. Services available in spanish as well.
1303 San Carlos Ave
San Carlos, California
Phone: 650-394-5155
Email: info@onelifecounselingservices.com
Hours: Monday - Sunday: 9am to 9pm
Liliana Campos, Transition Navigator
Email: lcampos@seq.org
Phone: 650-503-3848