Laura Speed Elliott Middle School - Oct 6 Edition
Homecoming Assembly Fun
Friday Night Lights
Yearbook working on team building and using their problem-solving skills with this "Picture in Pieces".
7th-grade science students finding mass in their density lab.
LSE Choir students sing the National Anthem during the last home volleyball game.
Weekend Tutoring
The Impact Activity Center provides free weekend tutoring on Saturdays from 10:00 am-2:00 pm. Contact Daniel Bruce or Chequita Hinkle to schedule a time slot for your child.
Counselor's Corner
October 9, 2023
Please complete the consent form and return to LSE if you would like for your student to receive an influenza vaccination.
10/10 at 10:10 Communications Test
It is our goal to provide the best possible community information for all of our Pirates families. Pirate families and staff will receive text and email communications at about 10:10 AM on October 10 to test our emergency protocols and contact information. This is just a test. If you do not receive an email or text, please email us at to let us know.
Upcoming Dates
10/9: Flu Vaccine Clinic
10/11: Picture retakes
10/13: Progress 2 ends
10/16: No School, PD Day
10/18: BOE meeting 6pm
10/20: LSE Halloween Dance
LSE Student Handbook
The student handbook is something that every Pirate family can use. It has been updated for the 2023-2024 school year. The handbook is also listed in "Parent Information" on the LSE website for easy access throughout the school year.
Laura Speed Elliott Middle School
Location: 700 Main Street, Boonville, MO, USA
Phone: 660-882-6649