Kindergarten News
October 13, 2023
Word Wall Words
Please help your child learn to recognize the sight words. These are words that they will come across frequently as they read and will want to write them as an author. You can, of course, simply use the flash cards that were provided. However, your child will enjoy other means to learn these words. Below are three suggestions on fun activities:
- Write each word in several colors.
- Create words with Play-doh.
- Provide a list of words and write each word on a Post-it. Have your child go on a hunt in the house for the words.
Literacy Workstations
Zoey put the magnetic letters in ABC order.
Ary'Onna and Trevor worked together placing the lowercase letters in the correct order.
Word Work
While working on an interactive writing the students practice letter formation. They also have an opportunity to write words.
Writers Workshop
During Writers Workshop we are labeling the characters and other features in our stories. We are identifying the who, what, where, and when in our stories.
Reading Workshop
As readers we are building our reading muscles. The children are enjoying quiet time to read independently. Encourage your child to read at home too.
Shared Reading
During Shared Reading we are noticing the patterns in the stories and learning to tap once under each word.
In math we have continued to work on greater than, less than and equal to using a variety of approaches. The students enjoyed showing the alligator "eating" the group with the greater number of frogs in the above picture. This learning game will soon be placed in our Math Workstations so that students may practice identifying groups that are greater than, less than and equal to.
Malaya made two groups in the Math Center showing greater and less than groups.
Math Workstations
Math Workstations are such fun! Nalani is putting together a number puzzle.
This week was fire safety week. We learned about smoke detectors, making an escape plan should there be a fire at home, dialing 911 and stop-drop-roll. We practiced our stop-drop-roll.
The fire truck and fire fighters were supposed to come visit this week. But, unfortunately, they were out fighting a fire. Instead, the Fire Marshall came to talk with us about Fire Safety. We hope the fire truck will be able to visit another day!
Working on our Names
Please continue to have your student practice writing his first (and last) name.
Ry'Leigh rocked doing her name on this sheet!
Rockin' Reader Award
We have Rockin' Readers! Please be sure to record books that you read to your child on the Rockin' Reader Log. These logs are due October 17th.
Library Fun
Art Class with Mrs.Johnson
Enjoying our yummy breakfast!
Playground Fun
Contact Information
Mrs. Poston (tposton@lexrich5.org)
Mrs. Ford (mford@lexrich5.org)
Dutch Fork Elementary: Academy of Environmental Sciences
Proud to be a Title One School