Newton South High School Library
Newsletter, February 2023

Book Your Valentine!
We can never resist an opportunity to encourage students to read for fun. This year for Valentine's Day we've invited students to "Book Your Valentine" by sending a favorite library book with an optional message to a student of their choosing. The recipient receives a special message from the library inviting them to come to the library to collect their Valentine book. Sending and receiving students will be entered into a prize raffle on Valentine's Day. So far participation is strong - students are sharing their (book) love!
Library Classes
The largest academic undertakings in the library during the first semester were Freshman Library Orientation, the Choice #1 Project in 9th grade World History and Sophomore Speech. All 9th graders came to the library during an English block for orientation at the beginning of the year. Later in the semester, most 9th graders returned to the library with their World History classes for several days of instruction in research skills for their first History research project. Two blocks are finishing up this project now. Many Sophomore English teachers brought classes to the library for researching students’ speech topics. But the library is not just for underclassmen. We also held many research oriented classes for upperclassmen, and all students can request an appointment for research help at any time using our online appointment tool.
New Display - Thank You Newton Schools Foundation!
The library recently received a grant from the Newton Schools Foundation for a new display shelf that will allow us to purchase and display diverse and inclusive books corresponding to monthly heritage celebrations and initiatives from the South Human Rights Council. The goal of the project is to promote reading and ensure that students feel seen in the library.
Jennifer Dimmick
Jennifer is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters