We don’t have to go to sacred places to pray or wait for holy days for good things to happen. We can pray always, and everything that happens is potentially sacred if we allow it to be. Once we can accept that God is in all circumstances, and that God can and will use even bad situations for good, then everything becomes an occasion for good and an occasion for God. “This is the day God has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24).
Our task is to find the good, the true, and the beautiful in everything—even, and most especially, in the problematic. The bad is never strong enough to counteract the good. We can most easily learn this through some form of contemplative practice. In contemplation we learn to trust our Vital Center over all the passing snags of emotions and obsessive thinking. Once we deepen contact with our strong and loving soul, which is also the Indwelling Spirit, we are no longer pulled to and fro with every passing feeling. This is the peace that Jesus gives, a peace that nothing else can give, and that no one can take from us (see John 14:27).
Richard Rohr
Hi Everyone,
There is something irresistible in the words of Richard Rohr, causing those who want to, to look again at one’s thinking around any number of the assumptions that we make.
Another BIG effort by our children in Years Three to Six, hard at it in our Faction Cross-Country around Jackadder Lake today. How blessed are we to have this amazing and beautiful space to use at the bottom of the hill. Several of our children have been quietly training in their own time prior to the carnival, and we congratulate them on making that extra effort. We hope it paid off! Thankyou Rob Flexman, our teacher of P.E. here very early to set up and make sure the track was ready for action. It takes a lot of work to get this right, and right it was. Nice work Rob.
Moving of classes is complete! The unsolicited offers of help have been so much appreciated - thankyou very much.
Have a great weekend. Looking forward to seeing you next week - the last week of term - who can believe it! We will be finishing with a School Mass 9am Friday and would love you to join us if you can.
Friday 30 June
- NAIDOC End of Term Mass - 9am
- NAIDOC Smoking Ceremony & Welcome to Country - 10am (PP- Year 6)
- P & F Bake Sale 12-1pm
- End of Term 2 - Free Dress (No Gold Coin Donation)
Holy Rosary Cross Country
Year 6 Girls
Champion - Milla G
Runner up - Halle E
Year 6 Boys
Champion - Noah S
Runner up - Luke B
Year 5 Girls
Champion - Frankie J
Runner up - Mia W
Year 5 Boys
Champion - Tate M
Runner up - Ben F
Year 4 Boys
Champion - Luke M
Runner up - Fox S
Year 4 Girls
Champion - Georgie B
Runner up - Emme C
Year 3 Boys
Champion - Harrison W
Runner up - Axel J
Year 3 Girls
Champion - Grace G
Runner up - Lily N
Gold 306
Green 302
Blue 287
Red 259More Chickenpox
SENIOR CHESS started this week with 60 Year 4, 5, and 6 students playing in Round 1. Round 2 will commence after the holidays.
YEAR 5 BOOK CLUBBERS are enjoying their book and are lucky to have the holidays to finish before we have our last session in Week One.
NUMERO CLUB with Mr Scutti, will start again in Term Three. Students from Years 3–6 can enjoy Numero each Friday morning before school in Term Three in the library from 7.45-8.15am. They can sign up on the library whiteboard. All info about what is happening in the library is always found in this newsletter, on the whiteboard and talked about in library sessions. All overdue/lost/damaged books need to be found/purchased over the holidays for borrowing to occur in Term Three. We have some outstanding books from Term One and many being returned with food and water damage. Thanks for your support of our gorgeous library!
Mrs Butson
“Everybody deserves to have something good in their life. At least once”
― Morris Gleitzman, Once
Online Ordering: https://quickcliq.com.au/
Monday 26 June: E Capolingua
Wednesday 28 June: A Julian, M Zuvela
Friday 30 June: M Maggiore, G Delaney, K Clark, C Miraudo
Wednesday Soup: Lentil Soup
Leanna 0414 953 958
P&F Bake Sale
Bake sale items are priced at 50c to $3 per item.
Items include cupcakes, muffins, slices etc.
Entertainment Book
Signing up for the entertainment book not only unlocks savings on your favourite restaurants, fast food faves, holidays, outings and much much more, but 20% of the proceeds of sale also come directly back to the P&F to support Holy Rosary School.
Please use link below to purchase direct through the Holy Rosary fundraiser site, and feel free to share with your friends and extended community!
Promotion below ends at midnight tonight!!!
- Five days a week during term time
- Vacation Care during school holidays.
- Available for children attending Kindy through to Year Six
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
Parish Office - 9446 2055
Father Peter Hoang OP - 0412 445 199
2023 Term Dates and Student Free Days
Term 2 Wednesday 26 April - Friday 30 June
Monday July 17
Tuesday July 18
Term 3 - Wednesday 19 July - Friday 22 September
Term 4 - Monday 9 October - Friday 8 December
Holy Rosary School
Email: admin@hrs.wa.edu.au
Website: hrs.wa.edu.au
Location: 35 Williamstown Road, Doubleview WA, Australia
Phone: (08)9203 4500