Robi Repository
Resources & updates from the Hudson High School media center
warm welcome
I plan to push out these brief newsletters frequently so I can share resources, offer services, and keep you updated on your media center. I promise to keep them brief so people might actually read them!
My surname is a mouthful, so a lot of people call me Robi. I look forward to meeting everyone and working closely with you.
Mr. Robitaille
A little about me
While in Brisbane, I met the person who would become my wife, Amanda. I moved to Australia and married Amanda on a beach near the Gold Coast. I became an e-learning integration teacher at a primary school in Brisbane. I became an Australian citizen in 2006.
After five years in Australia, Amanda and I decided to move to the U.S. where we had a closer family network. We saved money for a year and took the plunge in 2008, returning to Ohio with our two cats. (Don't ask how expensive it was to fly them here!)
I was hired as an instructional technology teacher at Jackson Memorial Middle School near Massillon. I also began taking classes at Kent State University to become a certified library media specialist. I graduated with a Master of Library and Information Science in 2013 and was fortunate to move into the media center of Jackson Middle School when their media specialist retired. Awesome timing!
When the opportunity at Hudson fell into my lap, I was excited to accept a new challenge. I was so impressed with the innovator's mindset at Hudson, the amazing facilities, and the opportunity to grow a makerspace program. I have so much to learn, but I am thankful to be surrounded by a supportive, friendly staff who have been incredibly helpful these past couple of weeks.
I continue to live in Jackson Township with Amanda and Cooper. Amanda is a pre-school teacher in North Canton. Cooper is starting kindergarten this week at Jackson. In my spare time, I love to get outside. I play with Cooper a lot and take him on adventures that usually involve getting muddy and picking up slimy creatures under logs.
I have a lot of names to learn at HHS, so please don't be offended if I call you 'mate' in the meantime! :-)
My goals for 2018-19
- Building relationships with staff and students. I will endeavor to visit all areas of the school this year and visit staff in their workplaces. I would like to collaborate with staff to co-teach lessons.
- Opening the lines of communication. I want to get the word out to staff and students the many services and resources I can offer.
- Familiarizing myself with my own collections. This includes studying my print and electronic collections, as well as the technology tools at my disposal.
Featured resource: classroom screen
Classroom Screen is an awesome tool that allows teachers to project an easily-manipulatable website on their whiteboard. Classroom Screen has a simple interface and is designed to allow a teacher to quickly project a selection of tools and widgets.
Some of the widgets you could customize and project are:
- Timer
- Stop watch
- Student name randomizer
- Sound level meter
- QR code
- Drawings
- Text boxes
- Work symbols (work together, silence, whisper, etc.)
- Clock
- Traffic light (you can select green, yellow, red)
It's quick and easy to prepare a Classroom Screen and project it to help guide your lesson. Check out the video below to see it in action.
To dabble with Classroom Screen, follow the link and start playing.
media center construction
(Click to enlarge a photo, then scroll with your arrow keys.)
Teaching spaces available in the media center
Contact Mr. Robitaille
Email: robitaia@hudson.k12.oh.us
Website: https://www.hudson.k12.oh.us/domain/798
Location: Hudson, OH, USA
Phone: (330) 653-1412
Twitter: @aussieandrew