Hawks Highlights
August 2022, Volume 4 Issue 1
AEMS Website: https://earhart.riversideunified.org/
Facebook & Instagram: @aemshawks
In this Issue...
- August Calendar of Events
- Policies & Expectations
- Counseling Connection
- Join PTSA
- Parent Information Nights
- Athletics
Upcoming Events
August Calendar
- Aug. 16- PTSA Meeting (4:30 pm/virtual)
- Aug. 17- ASB Applications Due (https://bit.ly/AEMSASB- link to application)
- Aug. 19- ASB Spirit Day- Wear your AEMS gear
- Aug. 22- Chats with Chann (5:00 pm/virtual)
- Aug. 23- Parent Information Night: Cyberbullying (6:00 pm/MPR)
- Aug. 26- Friday MINIMUM DAY (school ends at 12:35 pm)/ASB Spirit Day- Hawaiian Theme/ASB Welcome Back Luau (6:00-8:00 pm in the lunch quad)
- Aug. 29- Sept. 2- Spirit Squad Tryouts
- Aug. 30- Sports Physicals on site (after school)
AEMS Policies and Expectations
Tardies: Students who arrive to school late must provide the same type of documentation as above to clear the tardy. Parents are encouraged to walk their students inside the office and sign them in if arrival is 10 minutes or more past 8:00 am. This way they can verbally notify the office of the reason for a tardy; otherwise, sending the student inside with a signed note is acceptable. In the case of morning doctor's visits; we still require doctor's verification of the visit for a tardy.
Electronics Policy: "AWAY FOR THE DAY"- AEMS is an electronics away for the day school. This means that students are expected to keep all personal electronics: cell phones, earbuds, gaming devices, etc. in their backpacks from the moment they enter the gates until the moment they exit at the end of each day. If necessary, students may contact parents by coming to the office and using an office phone during the day.
RUSD Dress Code Policy: The picture above is a link to the RUSD Dress Code Policy. Parents & guardians you are asked to familiarize yourself with this NEW POLICY and refrain from sending students to attend school wearing items that are not allowed. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Chromebooks: Chromebooks were distributed on Tuesday, August 9th. Students were given two stickers with their names on them to affix to the power cord and to the Chromebook itself. If these stickers fade or fall off, students may see Mr. Boebinger in the library for new ones. Students are REQUIRED to bring a fully charged device & charge cord to school each day. We strongly encourage students to use an RUSD issued Chromebook at school and NOT a personal device. AEMS is not responsible for any damaged, lost or stolen personal devices at school.
Counseling Connection
Health, safety and well-being of students and parents are a priority. CareSolace is a 24/7 online resource meant to assist individuals in finding local mental health related programs and counseling services. This is available at no cost and does not require a user's name, address, phone number or date of birth. If you are interested or in need of counseling-related services, visit https://www.caresolace.com/rusdfamilies
We hope your student is settling into life at Earhart! If we can assist you in this transition, please contact the appropriate grade level counselor listed above. This year, AEMS is fortunate to have a part-time MTSS counselor who will support our students that are struggling academically and emotionally. We encourage you not to let your student spend the first few weeks struggling with classes. Please connect with your child's teachers right away to inquire about tutoring options.
In the month of September, the counselors will be presenting College and Career guidance lessons in our Elective Classes. These presentations will give students an opportunity to recognize potential careers they would like to pursue once they begin to select classes in high school.
AEMS Parent Teacher Student Association
PTSA stands for Parent Teacher Student Association. PTSA is a volunteer association where parents, educators, students, and other citizens can be active our school community. We invite everyone to join!! The overall purpose of PTSA is to make every student's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for our students. We are committed to making the school healthier,
happier, safer, and more productive. Join our meetings to stay informed of upcoming events, activities, and actions. While we appreciate all volunteers, you are NOT REQUIRED to volunteer any time for our events and/or fundraising. Join us for our family fun nights, dances and other programs.
Cost to join: Only $8.00 Membership link- bit.ly/joinaemsptsa
Check out our new spirit wear store!! Shirts, dry-fit shirts and hoodies. Free shipping during this flash sale! Prices will go up and shipping will not be free after Aug 22. Remember, this is a pre-sale, shirts will ship several weeks after the store closes!!
Spirit wear- bit.ly/aemsptsastore
Please join us for our first association meeting on Aug 16!!
Important Information
No Place for Hate(c) Hosts 1st Parent Information Night on Cyberbullying!
You are invited to attend our first Parent Night of the year on cyberbullying. Our AEMS Team No Place for Hate(c) has partnered with Riverside Medical Clinic HERO Program for two parent nights on bullying. The first is Tuesday, August 23rd at 6:00 pm in our MPR on the topic of cyberbullying. We have the capacity to host up to 200 individuals for this event. Should you need ASL translation services, please contact Mrs. Scott by Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2022 at 951.697.5700 ext. 5310. We hope to see you there!
AEMS Athletics are a valued piece of our school culture. At our school, students may participate in the following sports: Volleyball & Cross Country (fall); Basketball (winter); Soccer & Track and Field (spring). We also have an amazing School Spirit Squad Team that practices, travels and competes year round. Each of these teams requires students to do the following:
- Have a completed sports physical packet on file in order to tryout
- These packets are available in the main office with Mrs. Torres.
- Packets are returned to Mrs. Torres prior to the first day of tryouts.
- Maintain a 2.0 grade point average (C average)
Contacts: Mr. Metzger, Athletic Director (room 901, bmetzber@riversideunified.org)
Mrs. Fairfield, Spirit Squad Advisor (gym, afairfield@riversideunified.org)
AEMS Text a Tip Line
AEMS provides students an anonymous way to report things they feel administrator need to know (such as dangerous situations to the school or fellow students). Posters with our Google Voice number are posted in each teacher's classroom and around the school. When students use this line, an administrator responds and helps out with the situation. Students should not abuse this number by sending prank messages or false reporting.
Monthly ASB Calendar
ASB Advisors: Ms. Salveson (esalveson@riversideunified.org) &
Mrs. Holcomb (bholcomb@riversideunified.org)
The Final Word with Mr. Gull
Gull's Perch
As we commence our second week of instruction for 2022-2023, your student will start to transition from our site lessons on orientation and behavior expectations towards formal instruction in their classes. This is a great time to assist them in setting both academic goals and their daily habits at home regarding sleep, activities, free time and homework. Starting the semester with a strong foundation will assist them in developing sound study skills, time management and social-emotional well being. AEMS has a lot to offer your student, whether they have an interest in the Visual and Performing Arts, Student Leadership, Academic Clubs or Athletics. Just as in high school, eligibility for extracurricular activities starts with maintaining a 2.0 Overall GPA. When they face difficulty in their studies, whether at school or at home, please encourage them to ask for help immediately and openly communicate with their teachers. When needed, our site offers a variety of instructional supports to help them be successful, from on-site After School Tutoring to at-home Online Tutoring available through our district contract with PAPER, which students can access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please don’t hesitate to contact the AEMS Main Office to speak with their counselor, Mrs. Chann or myself if you ever have an academic concern regarding your student…we are all here to help!
We know this is going to be a great year for your student and welcome to the HAWKS family!