SVDP School
September 23, 2021
Hello SVDP Community,
Lots of news to share today. On Monday we celebrate the Feast of Saint Vincent de Paul, and we will dedicate a memorial plaque to Fr. Ken Westray during the school prayer service. It is also our first Spirit Day -- see Community Handbook for Spirit Dress guidelines.
Remember to schedule your virtual Parent / Teacher Conference: October 4 - 8
Please read the complete newsletter to stay up-to-date on everything at SVDP.
LOST & FOUND: We have discontinued lost and found within the school walls. Of course it is our hope that students will hold on to their belongings, but we recognize that sometimes things go missing - especially sweaters. All found sweaters will be placed in bins outside the school's main entrance. The bins will be available to students to search throughout the school day. Remind your child to look there when sweaters go missing.
Outfitted for Success
When you enroll at Saint Vincent de Paul School, you and your child are agreeing to adhere to the Uniform and Dress Code as detailed in the Community Handbook. Beginning Monday, September 27th, students may be part of regular uniform checks. We accept that last year, we let our standards slip but now it is time for your child to own their appearance, the uniform policy, and the dress code.
SVDP believes that uniforms decrease distractions, simplify the morning routine, increase respect for each student, and prepare each student for success. They promote a sense of equality, community, and safety. Our students should shine for who they are, not how they look.
Beginning Monday, with regular uniform checks, infractions will be tracked on a trimester basis. Please review the complete uniform and dress code with your student and set them up for success.
Renovations and Addition - Letters of Support
Last week we recapped the current status of our renovations and addition. We ask that every parent write a letter to the Planning Commission in support of the project. Use this link to review last week's update. Letters are due to the Planning Commission October 1, 2021.
A Message from Sister Dulce Aguilar
Dear SVDP Community,
I am grateful for all your prayers, videos, and cards during my distance teaching from Chihuahua, Mexico and during my personal healing here at our Motherhouse in Fremont. When I was at my hometown in Mexico helping take care of my dad, teaching and knowing that my students were a priority kept my mind busy. My students’ smiles and questions gave me joy and helped dissipate some of the sadness of seeing my dad get consumed little by little with cancer.
When, I, too, became sick with a gentler kind of cancer, I also received many cards from my students and emails from the community asking God to heal me. Your cards gave me courage and comfort. I am happy to share with you that God heard your prayers and healed me! I am now dealing with some side effects from chemo but should be fully restored to health in some more months. I am not able to teach Spanish due to some of the side effects, one, being fatigue.
But I want you all to know that I will be forever grateful for all your prayers and thoughts. I will pray for you and please continue to pray for me. I carry you all and specially my students in my heart and I look forward to ‘until we meet again’. Be good to your next Spanish teacher and remember the Golden rule “treat others as you would like to be treated”.
Love and peace,
S. Dulce Sarai Aguilar Rodríguez, O.P.
Mother Son Ticket Information
Parent Guild Community Service
Parent Guild Speaker Series
Virtual Book Fair
A Message from MugsyClicks
Your student's school photos are now online at
Look for emails from Mugsyclicks, and we will also be providing the school with postcards that include your student's unique access code.
All parents must login or create an account on the Mugsyclicks website to view images and purchase.
Orders will be shipped to your homes.
The Advisory Board and the Administration know that our amazing families are the best spokespeople for SVDP. To remain competitive in the San Francisco school marketplace, we must attract families that share our educational standards, values, and sense of community. For these reasons, the Advisory Board is pleased to announce a Family Referral Program.
Beginning July 1, 2021, if you recommend a family that accepts enrollment and pays all their fees, incidental charges, and tuition through October for the 2022-2023 school year, the Finance Committee will apply a $500 credit to your FACTS account in October 2022. You will get $500 for each successful referral, with a max of three referral credits. Only one SVDP family may claim a referral. The FACTS credit must be used towards tuition, not incidental charges. When a family applies, they should include the name of the referring family on their application. Online applications have been updated to include this information. The referring family does not need to write a letter of recommendation to receive the credit.
Together we are...SVDP!
Location: 2350 Green Street
Phone: (415) 346-5505
Twitter: @svdpsfschool