TCS@ODU Family Newsletter
June 2022
Upcoming Events
- Mon. Aug. 8 - Tues. Aug. 16 - PD Days
- Mon. Aug. 15 - First Day of School for ODU
- Wed. Aug. 17 - Fri. Aug. 19 - Fresh Start for only 9th Grade
- Mon. Aug. 22 - Open House - 5:00-7:00pm
- Mon. Aug. 22 - Tues. Aug. 23 - PD Days
- Wed. Aug 24 - First Day of School for TCS@ODU
- Mon. Aug. 29 - First Day of School for CSCC
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Important School Links
- Summer Front Office Hours - 9:00am-3:00pm office@TheCharlesSchool.org
We're Hiring! Check out TGFS employment opportunities for the 2022-2023 school year!
Summer Meal Information
All children ages 1 through 18 are eligible to receive free meals during the summer months at participating program sites. Individuals age 19 through 21 who have been identified as having mental or physical disabilities and are following Individualized Education Programs (IEP's) through their current enrollment in educational programs are also eligible for free summer meals. For a full list of locations near you for summer of 2022 please visit the link listed below, or you can call 1-866-3-HUNGRY(486479).
Is your student returning next year?
Please complete your student's 2022-23 Registration today! Your student's spot for next school year is NOT guaranteed until all Annual Registration forms are received by the school. This is just for Returning students, New students will be sent registration information soon.
Already have an account? Use the same login you used for the 2021-22 school year. If you did not create an account last year, you will need to create an account first using the invite code OR your student's ID number. Please contact us via email at: office@TheCharlesSchool.org or call 614-258-8588 with any questions.
Review this How to pdf for what you'll see when you enter the eSchool site.
OneView Login Page: https://tcs.esvportal.com/
- As you set up your account you will be asked to create your own PIN.
- Once you enter the site, your student's information should be pre-populated into the forms. Double check that the pre-populated information is correct, fix any wrong information, complete new information, and then submit. Check each Section.
- NOTE: Choose Yes or No at the end of each section BEFORE trying to update the information.
- Click NOTE: Use the Save and Return button, frequently.
- Once you have completed all seven parts, select Save and Return THEN Save and Submit to District.
We are asking our families to help with expenses by paying the annual school fee of $35.00. You can pay with credit card, cash, check or money order in person or by mail. You may also pay with a credit card online via the TCS School Store at this link: TCS Online Store
In addition to the Registration information, we are mandated by the Ohio Department of Education to obtain a new proof of residency every school year. This may be a copy of a utility bill or bank statement (dated on or after July 1, 2022). Proof of residency can be sent separately in the summer. Please mail, drop off or e-mail your proof of residency to office@thecharlesschool.org. But it must be submitted on or before the first day of school.
Thank you for confirming that your student is returning to TCS@ODU next year!
TCS@ODU Needs Your Support!
The Charles School at Ohio Dominican University has the freedom to pursue its unique educational mission within the structure of core standards and state requirements, however, state funding does not fully cover all of our expenses. Gifts to the Annual Fund provide unrestricted, critical resources that support the essentials of an Early College High School program, while allowing us flexibility to direct funds to where they are needed most such as building improvements, technology upgrades, college textbooks, and support for professional development that keeps our teachers at the leading edge of best practices in the field of education. Charitable gifts allow us to invest in those value-driven aspects that set us apart from other schools. Please join us in supporting the Annual Fund!
It is now common practice for a portion of our school’s annual operating budget to be supported by donations. Every member of our community is asked to participate: current parents, grandparents, alumni, parents of alumni, board members, community members and other friends.
Giving to TCS@ODU is quick and easy.
Affordable Connectivity Program
Please check out information and fliers that can be found here from The Ohio Connectivity Champions on the Affordable Connectivity Program. The OCC can support families through the application process. The ACP provides $30 per month discount on internet bills and $100 subsidy for a connected device.
The Webpage for the ACP - https://www.fcc.gov/acp
The Webpage for the Ohio Connectivity Champions - https://www.ohio-k12.help/remotedx/connectivity-champions/
Who Is Eligible for the Affordable Connectivity Program?
- A household is eligible for the Affordable Connectivity Program if the household income is at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, or if a member of the household meets at least one of the criteria below:
- Received a Federal Pell Grant during the current award year;
- Meets the eligibility criteria for a participating provider's existing low-income internet program;
- Participates in one of these assistance programs:
- The National School Lunch Program or the School Breakfast Program, including through the USDA Community Eligibility Provision;
- Medicaid
- Federal Public Housing Assistance
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Veterans Pension or Survivor Benefits
- or Lifeline;
Calling all Families with 8th Graders! NOW is the time!
If you are considering enrolling your 8th-grade student in The Charles School at Ohio Dominican University (TCS@ODU) please complete an online application as soon as possible. Here’s the link: TCS@ODU 2022-23 Online application
Completing an online application does NOT commit your student to attend OR complete their enrollment for TCS@ODU.
Your family DOES need to complete an application to be considered for enrollment. Our available spaces are starting to fill up, apply soon.
If you'd like a paper application:
Contact us at: office@TheCharlesSchool.org OR
Call 614-258-8588 to have the 2022-23 application mailed to you.
When you shop at Kroger, and/or Amazon you can help TCS@ODU raise money for class supplies
Go to: www.krogercommunityrewards.com or call 1-800-837-4483 to enroll in the program. You can search for TCS by name or use our school code: DC649. Shop! Every time you use your Kroger Rewards Card TCS@ODU gets rebates. Kroger totals those rebates and sends TCS@ODU a check.
Amazon Smile
Amazon Smile gives to The Charles School! When you make a purchase on Amazon Smile they will now donate 0.5% of your total purchase to TCS@ODU. Go to http://smile.amazon.com/ch/20-2744006 to start shopping!
No Free Breakfast & Lunch for All Students in 22-23 School Year
Due to the pandemic, the federal government has been providing universal free school meals for students. This program has allowed The Graham Family of Schools and other school districts to provide free lunches and breakfasts to all students since the spring of 2020. The USDA will not be extending the food service program waivers for the 2022-23 school year. Because of this, families not eligible for Free/Reduced meals will need to pay for the meals. However, families should fill out a Free & Reduced School Meals Application to see if they qualify for free or reduced meal pricing and these other benefits:
- pEBT $ (if available)
- Reduced fees for taking ACT/SAT testing
Beginning July 1st we will have online applications listed on our website.
Do you know someone interested in attending The Charles School at Ohio Dominican University?
Columbus Summer Opportunities
More Free Covid-19 Tests - Complete the Online Form Today!
The USPS is offering another round of 8 free rapid-antigen Covid tests to all households that sign up via this link: https://special.usps.com/testkits. Click the link to review details and sign up.
Covid-19 Vaccine Locations:
Ohio Early College Association
The Charles School at Ohio Dominican University is proud to be a member of the Ohio Early College Association. Representatives from each of the 13 Ohio Early College High Schools meet monthly to share best practices and resources, plan occasional group initiatives, and celebrate our work.
The Charles School at Ohio Dominican University has been a member of Middle College National Consortium (MCNC) since 2007. MCNC is a national organization dedicated to increasing the number of high school students across the country who have access to college classes with an integrated support system that positions students for success. Member schools develop and sustain a successful model of collaborative education that expands student's future opportunities.
EL Education
Our partnership with EL Education empowers our teachers to unleash the potential of their students. EL Education is built on ten design principles that reflect the educational values and beliefs of Kurt Hahn, founder of Outward Bound and co-founder of EL Education. These principles also reflect the design's connection to other related thinking about teaching, learning , and the culture of schools.
Title 1
TCS@ODU is a School-wide Title 1 program, enabling us to receive Federal Funds to ensure that our students receive the support they need to reach and exceed grade level goals in reading and math. We welcome parent involvement in planning, review and improvement of Title 1 programs. Please contact Debbie Addison at addison.2@thecharlesschool.org with any questions.
Per House Bill 21 community schools are required to perform a monthly review of student files and randomly select families for residency verification. Please contact the school immediately in case of an address change. Proof of residency must be submitted within two weeks of an address change. If evidence is not provided, requests for additional documentation or a home visit may occur.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
The Charles School at Ohio Dominican University
Email: frontdesk@thecharlesschool.org
Website: https://www.thegrahamfamilyofschools.org/thecharlesschool_home.aspx
Location: 1270 Brentnell Avenue, Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: (614) 258-8588
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Charles-School-at-Ohio-Dominican-University-217016711531