Patriot News
August/September 2022
Message from Ms. Jaworski
Hello Patriot families!
The beginning of this school year has been a great success! Mrs. Maus and I have felt very welcomed by our new community, our school families, and our students. We are looking forward to building even stronger relationships throughout the school year. Already our Patriots have been focused on learning and our teachers have been encouraging the love of learning through student inquiry!
Please remember that we are partners in your child’s education. You can get involved by joining our PTO, SAC, volunteering, or just simply keeping in close communication with your child’s teacher. We are so excited to see our families on campus throughout the year at our events we have planned, or when you are on campus to have lunch with your student. Please be sure to say hello! Please watch for PTO news and additional school information in the weekly Wednesday, red Communication folder. Please also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and visit our school website for current information, school highlights, and more.
We are excited to be on this journey with you, providing a World-class IB education to your child!
Ms. Jaworski
Message from Mrs. Maus
Dear Parents:
In March 2022, legislation was signed that eliminated the Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) and replaced it with a progress monitoring tool to measure students’ growth in language arts and math. This state-mandated progress monitoring tool, known as the Florida Assessment of Student Thinking or FAST, is aligned to the B.E.S.T standards.
The FAST is administered on the computer and is adaptive in nature. This means that the test will adjust up or down depending on how your child responds. If your child answers an item correctly, the test will adjust and introduce a more challenging question. If your child answers incorrectly, the test will adjust and present your child with a less challenging question. Because the test is adaptive, no two students are taking the exact same test. For more information on the FAST, go to
Your child will be taking their first progress monitoring test in English Language Arts and Math between August 22nd and September 2nd (depending on your child’s teacher’s individual schedule). Both tests, English Language Arts and Math, are only one session each.
After your child has tested, you will be notified of your child’s results. Once the electronic results are received from the state, you will be able to access them through the state’s Family Portal. You can access the state’s Family Portal by logging into your Pasco parent account, clicking on Check Grades/Attendance, and then clicking on the Florida Statewide Assessments icon.
Thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher or myself,
Learner Profile of the Month
What is the purpose of the IB Learner Profile Attributes?
Within the International Baccalaureate, the learner profile focus is on the whole person as a lifelong learner. These attributes apply to everyone, both adult and child. According to the International Baccalaureate Organization, the goal of all of its programs is to “develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet help to create a better and more peaceful world.” Developing lifelong learners who are positive contributors to society is something many schools strive to achieve.
Every Wednesday wear the Learner Profile of the Month color!
August Learner Profile of the Month: Inquirer
The IB Learner Profile aims to develop students who are inquirers. Students who are inquirers nurture their curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. They know how to learn independently and with others. Inquirers learn with enthusiasm and sustain their love of learning throughout life.
How can parents help to develop students who are Inquirers at home?
- Visit places that spark inquiry like a museum, park or nature preserve.
- Explore the areas of your child's interest by visiting the library to borrow books.
- Develop an understanding of the Internet. Work with your son or daughter when the Internet is being used and try to instill the understanding that some internet sites are not reputable.
- Model being an inquirer. Ask questions and wonder!
- Praise your child for asking a question
- Have your child jot down their wonders in a journal. Spend time researching these wonders!
September Learner Profile of the Month: Communicator
IB Learner Profile: Communicator
The IB Learner profile aims to develop students who are communicators. Students who are communicators understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others.
How can parents help to develop students who are Communicators at home?
- Take turns speaking and listening to one another about your daily events.
- Explore other forms of communication including symbols, signs, and sounds.
- Read a variety of texts and find connections between the books and your child's life.
- Discuss the TV programs and videos you watch together.
- Make books, magazines, and other reading material readily available.
- Take time to listen to your child when he/she talks with you, by turning off technology and providing undivided attention.
- Ask questions about what they are saying, ask for explanations.
- Act out stories, plays, poems, use language in fun creative ways.
- Sing together.
- Support other forms of communication via art, dance, music etc.
Reminder about Absences
Please remember to fill out the "Report an Absence" form on our PVES website under important links everytime your child is absent. There are only 2 ways an absence can be reported either by completing the "Report an Absence" form (link below) on the website or by sending in a Doctor or Parent note. If students are tardy from a Doctor’s appointment they should arrive to school with a doctor’s note.
Counselor's Corner
My name is Tanya Keene and I am the counselor at Pine View Elementary School. I consider myself very lucky to have the opportunity to get to know all the wonderful students here.
At Pine View, we've been learning about mindfulness and how it can help us focus and stay calm when our brains and bodies react with big emotions. This involves deep breathing, distracting our brain, or just closing our eyes and pictures something that makes us happy.
Each Monday on the school news, we learn about a new way to be mindful or practice what we already know. I'll also be seeing your students 6 times a year in their classrooms providing lessons using the Safer Smarter Kids curriculum, where we learn about staying safe and making good choices.
While I'm not able to provide counseling or therapy at school, I can, with parent permission, provide individual or small group support to students who need emotional guidance and be a person they can talk to when they need help.
Please don't hesitate to reach out by phone or email if you need my assistance. Tanya Keene, School Counselor,,
Morning Mile is BACK!!!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are happy to announce that the Morning Mile is coming back on Sept.20! The Morning Mile is a before-school walking/running program that gives children the chance to start each day in an active way while enjoying fun, music and friends. It’s also supported by a wonderful system of rewards, which keeps students highly motivated and frequently congratulated.
It will be offered on Tuesday and Thursday mornings starting at 9:05 am on the PE track in the back of the school (weather permitting) All students will be given a mileage club card to scan. Please encourage the students to keep the card in their backpack to bring each morning they run. This event is open to all students at PVES.
If you have any questions, please contact Coach Epifanio or Coach Turman at 813-794-0600.
PVES Chorus
4th and 5th grade chorus begins August 31st at 8:10 a.m. in the music room. Students wanting to join must fill out a permission slip and bring it with them to the first rehearsal. We will rehearse every Wednesday in the music room from 8:10 – 9:10. Parents can drop off their child at the car loop and chorus members will then walk directly back to the music room and doors open at 8:00 a.m. We will be preparing for a Thanksgiving concert to be performed on November 8, 2022 in the school cafeteria at 7 p.m. Members must be committed to attending all rehearsals and to be on time. Any questions, e-mail our music teacher Ms. Reed at
2nd Grade Guest Speaker
Patriot Readers
Patriot Readers, PVES' monthly reading program, will start in September. This program is open to all PVES students. All you need to do is read for 30 minutes every day and mark off each day you read on your calendar. Turn in your completed calendar at the end of the month and earn a cool prize. For younger students or beginning readers, you can read to your student. Watch for reading calendars to come home soon!
Open House
Thursday, Sep 1, 2022, 05:30 PM
5333 Parkway Boulevard, Land O' Lakes, FL, USA
Early Release Days 2022-2023
Early release days for the 2022 - 2023 school year will take place on the following dates. Students will be released from school 2 hours early.
- September 7, 2022
- October 5, 2022
- November 2, 2022
- December 7, 2022
- January 11, 2023
- February 1, 2023
- March 8, 2023
- April 12, 2023
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires that each year schools notify parents, teachers, and students in writing of the availability of Management Plans for asbestos materials identified in each school. Pursuant to Section 763.93(e)(12)(g)(4), this notice shall be dated and identified by school/facility affiliation.
The most acceptable form of notification is to have the notice included in the school newsletter. Electronic versions of online newsletters are acceptable. A copy of the text for this notice is on the following page. Insert the name of your school in the space identified.
Please issue the notice and include a copy of the notice in your Asbestos Management Plan. A copy of the notice should also be sent to Carol Thoma, Maintenance Services Department. If possible, send an electronic copy by email to
If you have any questions, please contact me at extension #47947.
Contact Us
Location: 5333 Parkway Boulevard, Land O' Lakes, FL, USA
Phone: 813-794-0600
Twitter: @PatriotsPves