The Olive Branch 11.5.21
What's Up At The Nest...
Principal's Message
Dear OMS Families,
Last year, our students were required to play in a recess zone and only with their classmates. With less COVID restrictions we were able to open our playground and allow students to play freely. Unfortunately, we have seen a lot of inappropriate and unsafe behaviors during recess. We continue to address this behavior and our teachers and recess supervisors are continually reteaching recess expectations, as well as how to resolve peer conflicts in an appropriate way. In the upcoming week or two, we will be having grade-level assemblies to address our concerns with our students and review our Playground Rules. In advance of our assemblies, we are asking for your help. Below you will find our Playground Rules. We would greatly appreciate if you would take time this weekend to go over each of the rules with your children.
A ginormous THANK YOU to our OMS parents that have been volunteering their time during our lunch recess hour. The increased supervision is needed and appreciated.
Have a great weekend!
Erin, Julia, and the OMS staff
Playground Rules
RULER Presentation
Updates from the Office!
Please remember that if there are no staff members outside at 9:05, parents must go with the student to the school entrance and sign him/her in. This is a safety measure to ensure that all students are accounted for.
On Monday, November 8th, there is a change to the lunch menu. Please note that the hot lunch on Monday will be hot dog (not hamburger).
We appreciate all of our volunteers and visitors giving their time to help out at OMS. Please plan to arrive no more than 5 mins early for your volunteer time, Music For Youth lesson, and classroom helper activities. We often have a lot of activity in the office and several volunteers in there at a time. Also, many staff have morning and lunchtime duties and might not be back to their rooms earlier than 5 minutes before the start of the day or end of lunch hour. Thank you for your time and understanding of this policy.
Did you know that the online absence form can also be used to report a partial-day absence? If your child will be arriving to school late due to an appointment, just fill out this form in advance so that the office knows not to call you that morning to inquire about an absence. Similarly, you can fill out the partial-day form to give us a head-up that your child will be picked up early. This information is helpful in the office in case teachers ask us about students' comings and goings, or in case there is a guest teacher in the classroom. Please note that students must still be signed in/out using the code on the main entrance at the time of the arrival or departure.
Veterans Day!
From the Health Office
Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary
Ms. Erin Davis, Principal
Mrs. Julia Pemberton, Assistant Principal
Location: 303 East Olive Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847.398.4282
Twitter: @ahsd25Olive