Hall's Corner
October 28, 2022
Dear BHS Families and Students,
I want to let you know that we continue to be shocked, appalled, disgusted, angry, and confused as you might be in regard to the actions of our ex-physics teacher. As high school principal, my number one job is to keep our children safe. Despicable and unthinkable incidents like this completely and rightfully cause our families and students to question their safety. We will continue to work hard to gain that trust back. I promise you that.
To begin the healing today, we visited all of the affected physics classes with our counseling and administrative teams and representatives from the BIVONA Child Advocacy Center. We also held grade level assemblies for all grade levels throughout the morning at BHS with counselors, administrators, and representatives from BIVONA. During our assemblies, we shared the supports and resources that are available to students. We also processed the incident and encouraged students to see a safe adult if they wanted to process further or share information. We will continue to work with and be there for our kids, families, and staff. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
The FBI tip line is 585-279-0085. Please refer to Dr. McGowan’s community letter attached to this notification. Click here: https://bit.ly/3ffJJYA
Be well,
Tom (T. Hall)
585-242-5000, ext. 4500
The following information is contained in this week’s Hall’s Corner.
- Halloween Guidelines
- Students in the News
- BHS Performing Arts presents PUFFS, 10/28 & 10/29
- Model UN Food Drive
- SAT/ACT and College Admissions Parent Presentation with Q&A
- Senior Portrait Information, Deadline is October 28!
- AP Exam Order Deadline is November 15
Winter Musical Information and Auditions
FEV Tutoring, free online tutoring is back!
- Parent Square Communication
- Open Campus Reminder
- Cell Phone Reminders
- Brighton -Bremen German Exchange 2023
- Rennes French Exchange
- Ski and Snowboard Club
- Community Education Offerings
- Calendar of Events for September
- Counseling News
- Athletics
Halloween Costume Guidelines – Please review if you choose to dress up!
First, students DO NOT need to dress up for Halloween. However, Halloween costumes may be worn at BHS on Monday, October 31st.
- Make sure your costume allows for safe and full participation in all learning activities during the day including physical education.
Please follow the same guidelines for appropriate dress for school when evaluating your student’s costume along with these more specific guidelines:
- Hats/head coverings may be worn, but faces must be visible and recognizable. MASKS and full face make up are NOT allowed.
- All “weapon-like” accessories for costumes must stay home and are NOT allowed on campus.
- Costumes must appropriately cover all under garments and should not be considered “revealing.”
- Costumes may not be offensive or promote the use of illegal substances.
- Students are NOT allowed to wear costumes or make up depicting blood or gore.
If students have a question about a costume, please have them contact one of the administrators by the end of the day Friday, October 28th.
Students in the News. Making BHS Proud!
BHS Students Named AP Scholars
Brighton High School had 203 students earn the designation of AP Scholar from the College Board in recognition of their exceptional achievement on the college-level Advanced Placement exams during the 2021-22 school year. AP Scholar awards are given to students who receive scores of three or higher on three or more exams. Overall, BHS students averaged a score of 3.90 on the exams.
The AP Scholars are: Faraz Akber, Zoya Alam, Luca Albano, Eliana Alweis, Valerie Arnold, Heath Ashley, Lexi Atwater, Morgan Atwater, Daniel Barraclough-Tan, Matthew Barry, Angela Bauschard, Marlena Berger, Theodore Bernold, Kaitlin Black, Meghan Black, Zoleigh Borg, Aneesh Bukya, Olivia Burkhart, Jude Byrne, Yanisa Chaisomboonpan, Bill Chang, Susan Chen, Claire Clark, Emily Clark, Cooper Cohen, Avery Coke, Benjamin Comeau, Gracie Conn, Finnur Oddsson Cricco, Lillian Culver-Anderson, Elana Custer, Rita D'Agostino, Zoe Dale, Tyler Dawe, Lyla DelVecchio, Jetmon Deng, Sai Rohan Desai, Cinder Donnelly, Tom Fabinski, Christina Feng, Will Fetkenhour, Jordan Fine, Hugh Finnigan, Lily Fitzpatrick, Michael Fitzpatrick, Jacob Flores, Macey Fredericks, Elena Fuentes Solano, Dhaanya Ghanta, Tyler Goerlich, Una Gogstetter, Alexandria Gonzalez, Isaac Gray, Samuel Gray, Adam Guarnera, Annie Guo, Endi Guo, Savni Gupta, Nicolette Hagen, Kurt Hahn, Hudson Hall, Jack Hannagan, Cecilia Hanuch, Josie Hastings, Neil Heriot, Julia Heurtley, Alexander Hilger, Emma Hilger, Sophie Hilger, Maia Hinesley-Saunders, Brogan Holbrough, Dominika Homa, Madeline Hood, Avery Hopkin, Matthew Howe, Shidao Jiang, Emelia Jordan, Benjamin Kazel, William Kelly, Megan Kenna, Eli Kinel, Rachel Knebel, Victoria Kotalik, Andrew Kotrides, Sara Kotz, Jonah Kulick, Kaiya Larkins, Hannah Leichtner, Dilara Lenio, Sam Lent, Lily Lerner, Alexander Liebman, Jared Liu, Mary Long, Lydia Lorenzo, Sabine Lucas, Maria Lukowiak, Mary MacAdam, Finnian Mahan, Lea Mancarella, Tanvi Sree Mande, Laura Marangola, Brendan Mariano, Olivia Martinez, Toby Mathis, Liam McGuire, Delaney McManus, Elena Mendoza, Zoe Metzger, Zeno Mey, Travis Minor, Kirin Mohile, Joshua Monickaraj, Eric Morrell, Bridget Mousaw, Lila Munger, Elise Murphy, Chan Nam, Aarushi Narang, Zoe Nipe, Umaima Nisar, Elizabeth Norris, Evan Norton, Finnian Nothnagle, Quinn O'Brien, Alexander Ochs, Lily Odhiambo, Esma Okutan, Adriana Ontiveros-Oberg, April Ormandy, Zeynep Ozcelik, Sophia Paciorkowski, Zachary Paine, Quentin Parks, Henry Paskell, Arjun Patel, Catherine Pearson, Evan Perrilleon, Jack Pfeffer, Hannah Picone, Bianca Pietrangeli, Qariza Rafa-Vidya, Ben Rand-Leach, Rahul Ravi, Shengdong Ren, Meredith Reynolds, Ella Ross, Georgia Ross, Paul Runge, Colin Schmitt, Leeva Selioutski, Maya Seltzer-Clinton, Atharva Shaligram, Adhya Sharma, Sophia Sherin, Lorenzo Silvio, Carter Sloan, Clinton Smith, Kyle Smith, Maggie Smith, Nora Smith, Gianna Smolock, Emily Sneider, Elena Solodova, Eden Solomon, Leo Solomon, William Spadoni, Tamsin Spiller, Chaya Spokony, Alexander Stapf, Madeline Stodgell, Olivia Strahl, Sofian Syed, Asha Temperley, Maxwell Thibault, Sophia Thrall, Stella Tinker, Benson Tracy, Daniel Tsouri, John Vanderwege, Madeline Veitch, Ben Vitale, Ava Voss, Van Voss, Kaitlyn Wagner, Kristen Waltz, Ren Watt, Joanna Weeks, Madeline Weld, Victoria Wigal, Jasmine Xu, Mingna Xu, Kevin Xue, Ella Yager, David Yawman, Zhuorui Ye, Abigail Young, Theodore Young, Itamar Zahavi, Sebastian Zebrak, Keefer Zhou, Rick Zhou, and Sophie Zhou.
BHS Students Take First Place in Central New York Chess Open
BHS Performing Arts presents PUFFS
Brighton High School is presenting its fall theatrical production, “Puffs,” at 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 28 and Saturday, Oct. 29 in the BHS Auditorium, 1150 S. Winton Road. Tickets are $8 at the door (cash/check).
Ever wonder what life at a famous school of magic, dominated by the story of a hugely popular boy wizard, would be like for the other kids? “Puffs” tells the story of seven increasingly eventful years of school during which those kids who aren't so cool struggle to figure out how to fit in and make their lives meaningful. This parody is both funny and poignant for those who are new to the magical universe or die-hard fans, but is only recommended for a 13 and up crowd due to the nature of some of the humor.
The cast features: Callan Comeau as Wayne Hopkins; Henry Ager as Oliver Rivers; Jordyn Raville as Megan Jones; Itai Weinstein as Narrator; Matt Linkous as Ernie Mac; Ionna (Ivy) Vaugh as LeAnne; PJ Finn as J. Finch Fletchley; Aurora Cabral as Sally Perks; Aubrey Wilbanks as Susie Bones; Phoebe Martin as Hannah; Christopher Kilbridge as Cedric; and Casey Boyack as Professor McG/Xavia Jones. The ensemble includes: Kayla Harvey, Paix Day-Magallon, Jamie Ryder, Ada MacIntyre-Yee, Cypher McNulty, Molly Mcintyre, and Ana Bansal. The play is directed by Mrs. Parent.
The tech crew includes: Victoria Hardie as Stage Manager; Violet Klaus on lights; Tamako Wigal is the light board operator; Tallyah Maimon is on sound; Pidge Hood is on sound FX; Fae Calhoun is the stage left leader; Kayleigh Sherman is the stage right leader; Anya Derhak and Bronte Yelle are spotlight operators; Renata Corrado-Green is the lead on microphones and assistant stage manager; and Rhys McLendon is the prop master. The stage crew includes: Ann Adamski, Carol Adamski, Noa Dolan, Clayton Gomes, Pooja Guntreddi, Nora Hiller, Tree Howe, Arwen Hull, Cameron Isham, Molly Kirkwood, Aaron Mai, Soren Marques, Ashe Nipe, Wyatt Robinson, Yazmin Rohatsch, Olivia Seckel, Hudson Sloan, Zoe Sussman, and Devin Veazie. The Microphone Techs include: Cameron Isham, Soren Marques, Olivia Seckel, Arwen Hull, Clayton Gomes, Zoe Sussman, Molly Kirkwood, Hudson Sloan, and Wyatt Robinson.
Model UN Food Drive
Model UN is hosting a Fundraiser for Refugees helping Refugees! Starting from October 31st to November 18th we are collecting canned goods and non-perishable boxed items. Your generous donations can be dropped off at the Model UN box near door 1 and the main gym. These donations will help refugees get the support they need and is a wonderful opportunity for Brighton Bruins to give back to their community.
The SAT & ACT, what you need to know!
PTSA Meeting with the Principal from October 27th
Curious about the importance of the SAT and SAT or the distinctions between need and merit aid? Join us for a double feature of college admissions insight as nationally recognized experts Mike Bergin of Chariot Learning and Jona Jacobson of jj College Admission Advising share essential information for college-bound students. Attendance is free, but advance registration is highly recommended.
Register: 784-5300
Click here to see the associated flyer.
Senior Portraits
Attention AP Students & Parents
The AP Exams will be May 1- May 12, 2023.
AP Exam fees are $97 and due by November 15, 2022.
Payments can be made online by credit card or by check.
For more detailed information and forms go to: https://www.bcsd.org/Domain/259
Parent Square is Brighton’s new tool for all K-12 communication!
Click here for a PDF including QR codes for easy registration and Parent Square tips.
Open Campus
New Cell Phone Policy
Brighton -Bremen German Exchange 2023
the Brighton - Breman Exchange will be February 15-24, 2023. Click here to see the preliminary itinerary and trip registration information.
Rennes French Exchange Program is looking for host families
Would you like to host a French student from January 29th- February 8th, 2023? 43 French students will be visiting, and we still need to place 17 male students. Hosting is open to BHS students enrolled in a French, physics or chemistry class this year. Please contact Madame Beh for more information or come to 304 for a host family application. Information on traveling to France will be available at the end of the month. Merci!!
Ski and Snowboard Club Information
Do you like to ski or snowboard or both? Be a part of BHS ski and snowboard club! It will be 3 Saturdays in January and 3 in February at Bristol Mountain. The bus leaves BHS at 7:30 am and returns around 4:45 pm. Ski and snowboard club student lift ticket passes are $309.00 before 11/15/2022. After 11/16/22 they go up to $329.00. Equipment rental is not included but is available. For more information contact Mrs. Nadine Dykes in the printshop or send and email to nadine_dykes@bcsd.org
College Essay and SAT/PSAT Prep classes
Preparing for PSAT and SAT Exams is open to al BHS Juniors and Seniors. See link for more information . See the Prep Class Flyer for times and dates available.
Calendar of Upcoming Events at BHS
In Counseling
2022-2023 School Tool Parent Portal
Check the portal for student grades, missing assignments, or attendance.
SchoolTool Portal link
BHS Counselor Assignments 242-5000 ext. 4803
Administrator and Counselor Information
Click here for names and contact information.