Wildcat Weekly
September 23, 2022
Contact Information
Website: https://www.ksb.kyschools.us
Location: 1867 Frankfort Ave, Louisville, KY 40206
Phone: (502) 897-1583
Fax: (502) 897-2850
Facebook: facebook.com/KYschoolfortheblind/
Twitter: @KSBWildcats
Principal's Message
Happy Friday Wildcats!
Can you believe Fall is finally here? As we swing towards cooler temperatures, you may want to send a sweatshirt to school for your child to keep here as we do go outside often during the day. Don't forget our Fall Break begins next Thursday, so look for next week's Wildcat Weekly on Wednesday! Students will resume classes on Tuesday, October 4.
Parent/Teacher conferences will be Monday, October 3. If you have a high school student, you can use this link to sign up for your conference time. If you have a middle school student, use this link for conference sign ups. If you are the parent of an elementary student, look for an email about signing up for a conference.
On October 20, KSB will host our second annual Fall Festival. The fun will start at 10:00AM, with plans to begin at the school pavilion. The festival is first and foremost a fun-filled social event for students. They will create fall decorations, play games, and connect with classmates. Look for more information as we get closer to the event.
Have a great weekend!
Upcoming Events📅
- Fall Break-Thursday, September 29-Monday, October 3
- Parent/Teacher Conferences - Monday, October 3
- November PATH Program Application Deadline-September 30 (more info below)
- Bill Roby Games-Wednesday, October 5
- KSB Fall Festival-Thursday, October 20
If you have any change in phone numbers, home address, a change in bus routine or you need someone added/removed from your child’s safe pick-up list; please contact Beth or Linda in the front office.
Are you signed up for OneCall? KSB uses OneCall to send school information, including our Weekly Wildcat. If not, please contact Beth Baker at beth.baker@ksb.kyschools.us or 502-897-1583
Reporting Student Absences
A parent/guardian should call the KSB Office (502-897-1583, ext. 0204) for each day their child will not be at school to report the nature of their child’s absence. If possible, please call the school before 7:45 am. A student’s absence can only be reported to the KSB Office.
Excused absences:
- Medical appointments which cannot be scheduled at non-school times
- Death in the family
- Student illness
- Unavoidable transportation issues
- Other just and legitimate causes, as determined by the Principal
Classroom Connection📓
Math ➕➖➗✖️
Middle School:
In Middle School Math classes, the students have been using their problem solving skills the past few weeks. Students are using individual assistive technology in class as well as learning how to use Google Forms to complete math quizzes and tests. Since we use devices in class daily please make sure students are charging devices at home or in the dorms nightly.
In 6th grade, students completed a unit on decimals and are now learning how to do computations with fractions. In 7th grade, students are completing a unit on operations with rational numbers and will have a test very soon. The 8th graders have had their first unit test on real numbers and are now learning about exponents and scientific notation.
In middle school math, students are allowed to retake a math test, after they submit test corrections and a signed contract. A time will be arranged once the test corrections and signed contract is completed. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Ms. Fischer at any time if you have any questions.
High School:
We are so excited that many students have showed growth in their MAP test scores! In high school math classes, our Algebra 1 students are continuing their work with linear expressions. Geometry students are beginning to learn about measuring angles and the Angle Addition Postulate. Algebra 2 students continue their preparation for the ACT in the spring and are currently learning to solve systems of equations using a variety of methods.
PE 🥎🏐
In PE for elementary we are beginning to learn the skills we need to compete at the Bill Roby Games in October! We are introducing and reviewing how to use the guidewire, either softball throw or shotput form and our jumping events so they can compete and succeed at to the best of their ability!
In our Upper Middle School group we just finished our bell kickball unit and are beginning to learn foundational skills for volleyball, as requested by some of our 8th graders! This week we are focusing on the underhand serve. For our 6th grade group we are also perfecting our Bill Roby events before they compete for their last time.
Our high school students are partaking in a Cup Stacking unit, this focuses on both their hand-eye coordination and dexterity in both hands! We are currently working first on their form and how to follow the patterns, once they have got the pattern down we will move onto speed and teamwork activities!
Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) Spotlight🔦
Elementary School
Our elementary students have been working on Visual and Auditory Perception. They enjoyed the book Zoom by Istvan Banyai, and its counterpart, Re-Zoom. Student weren't satisfied with the Re-Zoom audio file, so they want to make their own to go along with the second book! Students have also practiced baking (someone had to make Mrs. Evers' birthday cupcakes! 😀) and continue to practice using their technology responsibly. Our youngest learners are also working on pre-braille skills, including finger isolation and tracking a line.
Mental Health Matters 💚
Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
As we prepare to close out September and Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, we wanted to include extra information for families.
Warning Signs
Sometimes, even after trying multiple coping strategies, there will be times when it is important that your child reach out to someone for help. If you find they are:
- No longer interested in things that were once important
- Isolating from family or friends
- Emotionally distressed or sad for an extended period of time
- Engaging in risky behavior
- Using illegal substances
- Giving away prized possessions
- Fixated on death or dying
- Feeling hopeless about their future
Where to Get Help
It's important to help your student know, they are NOT alone! Encourage them to reach out to a trusted adult, if they need help. They Do Not have to go through hard times by themselves.
People that can help them:
- A parent or family member
- School counselor
- A teacher
- A coach
- A pastor
- Any adult at our school!
Student Life 🏫
Huge shout out to the Residential staff on 2nd and 3rd shifts for their flexibility and understanding as we had to combine our boys' dorms for a few days. These T.E.A.M. players always continue to put the needs and safety of our students first and we are so grateful!
Ms. Charity, Mr. Angelo, and Ms. Destiny will all be in dorms as houseparents for the foreseeable future, so there will be slightly modified independent living skills instruction and recreation activities moving forward. As always, please refer to the Residential Parent Webpage for information.
We are excited to announce that Food Service was able to hire another person, so dinners will be handled again by Food Service except for Sundays. Please remember that students are not allowed to bring fast food items into the dorms on Sundays for dinner.
PATH Program
The PATH Program provides services to blind, visually impaired, and deafblind students starting at age 14. Students through age 21 can attend if they are still in high school. The goal is to help students to increase their ability to succeed when they exit high school. Any student can attend whether their goal is to attend a post-secondary training program or are looking to go into the work force. The services are very similar to what you might know as the Expanded Core Curriculum.
For the first time this year there will be more than one opportunity for individuals to attend PATH. The next chance to participate will be the weekend of November 4th – 6th in Louisville. The focus of this weekend will be how to look your best when you have vision loss. Activities will include learning about things like making sure you have completely shaved your face, skin care, putting on makeup, and dressing for the occasion. Adults who are blind or visually impaired will help to teach these lessons so that the students can learn from someone that does this every day. Social skills will also be addressed. There will be opportunities to do some recreational activities as well. Many times, this helps the young adults to apply what they have learned in a real world setting. Students that have attended previous PATH programming have indicated that they learned a lot that they had not been exposed to before.
To apply, go to https://forms.gle/C3hFpwHQWrysC9aTA If you have any questions, feel free to contact Janell Turner at JanellK.Turner@ky.gov. Applications for the November PATH Program are due September 30.
APH Family Connect
Newsletter background shows drawings of leaves on a white background.