Jefferson Journal
April 2023
Happy April!
April Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Click on the Links Below for Upcoming Events:
News from the Jefferson PAC (Parent Advisory Council)
It's time for Spring Cleaning!! We have two textile boxes that are located at the 93 George Street entrance to the parking lot. Spread the word to purge old clothes, shoes, linens, stuffed animals and more! The full list of accepted items can be found here: https://www.baystatetextiles.com/what-we-do-dont-accept/
Did you know you can contribute to the PAC without doing more than picking up your phone? Simply download the Box Top$ for Education App and start scanning your receipts! No more cutting and sending in the tops! And for any grocery pick-up families, you can email your receipt to customer service at Box Top$ and you are all set! Feel free to contact us here or at jefferson.pac.rockland@gmail.com and we can send detailed instructions on how to make sure your purchases are earning their box tops!
As always, thank you for your continued support of the Jefferson PAC!
Follow Jefferson PAC on Social Media
Additional Questions?
Mrs. Maloney, our secretary: jmaloney@rocklandschools.org
Mrs. Mallar-Reske, our front desk/KidAccount manager: bmallar-reske@rocklandschools.org
Mrs. McGarry, our nurse: smcgarry@rocklandschools.org
Mrs. Sgambato, our school psychologist: asgambato@rocklandschools.org
Mrs. Muolo, our school adjustment counselor: tmuolo@rocklandschools.org
Ms. Wells, our assistant principal: swellsap@rocklandschools.org
Mrs. Scheufele, our principal: mscheufele@rocklandschools.org
Jefferson Elementary School
Email: mscheufele@rocklandschools.org
Website: https://www.rocklandschools.org/o/jefferson
Location: 93 George Street, Rockland, MA, USA
Phone: 781-871-8400
Twitter: @mrsscheufelejes