Giesinger Gazette
March 5, 2023

☘️ Giesinger Family,
We had a great week last week celebrating Dr. Seuss. Each day, we enjoyed seeing students participate in the theme of the day and it made for an exciting week.
In support of Earth Day, we are participating in HEB's school plastic bag recycling challenge. We are asking students to bring plastic bags that we will collect. The winning grade gets a grade-level prize. This will run through April 14th.
Our second graders have been hard at work and we look forward to seeing their musical this week. The evening performance for parents is Thursday, March 9th at 6:30 here at Giesinger.
We will see you tomorrow Eagles!
Amy Barber
Giesinger Elementary Principal
🦅 Click here to support our Eagles Shopping Network School Store for students.
☘️ Music in our Schools Month ☘️
Did you know that March is Music in our Schools month? We are so lucky that our students get to learn from one of the most passionate music teachers around, Mrs. Moore. Thank you Mrs. Moore for all that you do for our students and campus and fostering your love of music in such a way that impacts our whole campus.
☘️ Happy Diagnostician's Week ☘️
Please join me in wishing Mrs. West a Happy Diagnostician's Week. Mrs. West does so much for our campus and has our students best interest at heart. We are so thankful that she is part of our village.
☘️ SMART Tag is Here ☘️
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The District is excited to announce a new addition to student safety with the implementation of the SMART tag™ I.D. system. Students at Giesinger will begin using this system on Tuesday, March 7th, 2023, with the initial use to scan bus riders boarding or exiting a bus. SMART tag™ uses safe passive technology which enables your child’s I.D. card to be programmed with a unique student number. This number can only be read by the SMART tag™ tablet installed on each CISD school bus and the I.D. number is the only digital information in the card. The goal is to have the SMART tag™ system fully implemented throughout the District by May 2023.
Upon full implementation, parents/guardians will have the ability to sign up to receive text notifications of when their child’s bus will arrive for pick up in the morning and drop off in the afternoon. When a student boards or exits the bus, the student will touch their SMART tag™ I.D. card on the SMART tag™ tablet (RFID reader) at the top of the stairs. This will allow the bus driver to determine if the student is on the right bus, as well as confirm that the student is getting off at the correct bus stop. The GPS capability is in the SMART tag™ tablet on the bus not the SMART tag™ I.D. card. All students will receive SMART tag™ I.D. cards and a lanyard in the coming days. The success of the program in large part depends on students having their SMART tag™ I.D. card with them when they get on and off the bus. We ask for your help in this regard.
The District is excited about offering its families this new service to increase safety, and we ask for your patience as we implement this new program. In the near future, your child’s SMART tag™ I.D. will also be used for cafeteria purchases and library book check-out. For more information on the program including how the passive technology works, please visit the District’s SMART tag™ website.
If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact the Conroe ISD Transportation Department’s Conroe Center at 936-709-5975 or visit our transportation website.
Conroe ISD Transportation Department
☘️ Eagles Shopping Network ☘️
Please help restock the School Store (Eagles Shopping Network). Our students had fun last week redeeming their hard-earned tickets. Click here to help us restock.
☘️ Special Education Newsletter ☘️
Click here for March's Special Education Newsletter.
☘️ Join the Cryar PTO ☘️
Contact cryarpto.cisd.gmail.com for more information or if you are interested.
Registering in CISD does NOT give you a PAC account.
Giesinger Contact Information
Principal- Amy Barber - abarber@conroeisd.net
Assistant Principal- Jaime Peek- jpeek@conroeisd.net
Counselor- Amanda Barton- abarton@conroeisd.net
Secretary- Neva Hammonds- nhammonds@conroeisd.net
Receptionist- Irene Delcid- idelcid@conroeisd.net
Nurse- Dana Corbit, RN- dcorbit@conroeisd.net
Registrar- Robin Rickwalt- rrickwalt@conroeisd.net
Child Nutrition Manager- Misty Terry- mdterry@conroeisd.net
Cafeteria 936-709-2685
Conroe Transportation- 936-709-7916
Giesinger Elementary
Email: giesinger@conroeisd.net
Website: giesinger.conroeisd.net
Location: 2323 White Oak Boulevard, Conroe, TX, USA
Phone: 936-709-2600
Facebook: facebook.com/GiesingerCISD/
Twitter: @GiesingerCISD