Mrs. Farnsworth's Class
About Me
I have always wanted to be a teacher. I was one of those kids who always “played school” and now I get to be at school every day! This is my 9th year at Sunnyside and my 22nd year in District 91. I have taught multi-age, sixth grade, and fifth grade, and fifth grade is my absolute favorite grade! I love reading, and it’s my goal that every student in my class learns to love reading, too. I think learning is fun, and I do my best to help my students feel the same way.
Contact Information:
Teacher: Mrs. Lori Farnsworth
Email Address:
School Hours Monday-Thursday: 8:15-2:25 (first bell rings at 8:15)
Friday: 9:15-2:25 (LATE START)
Our Classroom Policies & Procedures
Planner: A great way to keep track of your student’s work and what is happening at school is to look at their planner. For the first trimester, I would appreciate it if you would look at and sign your child’s planner each day. At the end of each day, if their planner is filled out and their homework is listed correctly, I place a small sticker in their planner. This helps you know that your child’s planner is correct and allows you to help them get their homework done. A homework folder should also come home nightly.
Home reading: Your child will be asked to read 30 minutes a night, 5 times a week. When your child reads, please have them write down what they read and the length of time they read in their planner. There is a section at the bottom of each day that says “parent comments” and they can write it there. I will be checking it daily. The five days your child reads do not have to be the school days…any five days of the week will do. This allows for some flexibility for after school lessons, sports, or family activities.
Friday folder: Please look for your student’s Friday folder every week. It will contain papers that have been graded and gone into the grade book for the previous week, plus any important notices from the school. Please look the papers over with your student. If you have any comments or concerns, please note it on the front of the folder and I will contact you. These folders will be an important part of our communications this year; both between you and myself and also with you and your student.
Spelling: You can generally expect spelling homework Monday through Thursday. The list words and the assignment sheet will be sent home on Monday. The student needs to complete the task on their own paper and keep the assignment sheet at home to use each day.
Home fluency: This passage is to be read aloud each night to someone in the family. On Thursday, your child is to answer the comprehension questions on the back of the sheet. The practice needs to be signed by both yourself and your student and returned on Friday. You are absolutely allowed to HELP your child with the comprehension questions!
Other: Occasionally there will be a social studies or science project that may come home. This will probably only be once or twice a trimester, such as for the Invention Convention or our Natural Disasters Public Service Announcements.
Other Important Notes:
We have Specials classes on Thursdays, from 9:00-11:00. Please make sure your child wears shoes appropriate for P.E. on this day so they can enjoy that class.
Homeworkopoly: Homeworkopoly is a fun way to encourage children to do their homework! We will play Homeworkopoly each Friday. If a child has completed all of their homework for the week, they get to roll the dice and move their marker around the game board. There are many rewards on the board! This game will continue for the entire year.
You are welcome to send in (or bring) Birthday treats for your child's birthday. Treats must be store-bought. We usually pass out birthday treats at the end of the day.
Weekly Email: I will be sending out weekly emails each Monday listing class and homework assignments and spelling words. I’ll also list any upcoming events, like picture day, field trips, etc. Watch for my email every Monday!