Hear Us Roar
St. Mark School Newsletter
December 9, 2024
Monday 12/2 - Classes Resume
Barnes and Noble Night 6-9
Wednesday 12/4 - $1.00 Dress Down Day
Friday 12/6 - End of First Trimester
Monday 12/9 - Second Trimester Begins
Wednesday 12/11 - Christmas Show will be at Conwell Egan High School @ 6:30
Friday 12/13 - Report Cards Sent Home
Monday 12/16 - Conferences will begin at 2:30.
Monday 12/16 - Secret Santa Workshop - more info will follow
Friday 12/20 - Free Dress Down Day - Wear red or green if you can.
Saturday 12/21 - Breakfast with Santa 10-1 - more info will follow
Monday 12/23 - Christmas Break Begins - No school
* Christmas Break - 12/23 until 1/3
*Classses Resume on 1/6
Virtue of the Month
Students that demonstrated the Virtue of Gratitude
Angel Award
Angel Award Gift Card Winners for November
Bus 18
Bristol Township informed us that due to various factors Bus 18 will not be running after today until Miss LoAnn returns on January 6th. They are aware this could cause a great inconvenience to the families involved and they do sincerely apologize.
St. Mark School
Email: msanson@stmarkmail.com
Website: www.stmarkbristol.org
Location: 1024 Radcliffe Street, Bristol, PA, USA
Phone: 215-785-0973
Facebook: www.facebook.com/StMarkBristol