Awareness First
From Annelies & Conduit for Change, LLC
2- Reduces hoarding of facemask supplies intended for healthcare professionals.
3- Gives you a sense of safety and creativity to slay fear, stress, reducing social anxiety.
Not business as usual
Dear Ones,
Life is ebbing and flowing all the time. We don’t notice its undulations until we’re personally knocked “off course”. With coronavirus/covid19, we’re in for a wild ride.
My sweetness Greg Whitt of Drum for Change and I gently remind you that this is not a call for panic. It's a call for thoughtfulness, a time to buckle up and let go all at once. In the presence of this unprecedented change-- we invite you into our home for a community conversation around the kitchen table. Pull up your computer, your phone, your glass of wine and let's talk. Some of you may be scared, some of you may be thoughtful and planning, some of you may be wondering what the heck is going on? Let's talk.
We held a virtual community meeting on March 13th, 2020 to soothe nerves, share resilience resources and generate ideas on agility in the presence of change. It was recorded live. Watch the video is above or click here. We plan on hosting these regularly as this global crisis spreads. To keep up to date with live video feed, subscribe to my Youtube channel.
Reality is— everything is connected. We’re never truly “off” from anything else. Change is a constant that which we can plan for only so much. Self similar patterns repeat but never exactly the same. The beauty is— the unexpected twists and turns can provide us with new ideas we could never imagine before. Let's all take a breath, show up for one another and be a part of what’s next. Let's create ways to bridge gaps, solutions and solace in the presence of the unknown.
With kindness, love and imagination.... Annelies and Greg ✨
Contact Annelies
Phone: 919-345-8396