The Latest at Lowell
An update from Principal Hessler (6/11/23)
That´s a wrap!
These are a few of the fun things we have been up to lately: field trips, spring concert, school-wide Bingo, Lowell alumni senior run-throughs, 5th grade graduation, Field Day, and retirement parties. Among all those fun, final activities, students still managed to continue learning and review all their new skills from the year.
In this newsletter you will find information about the following:
- Retiring teachers
- Return of the AP
- Summer projects at Lowell
- School lunches
- Summer IXL access
- PTA corner
- Save the Date
- Community Happenings
I look forward to doing it all again next year, even better.
In educational solidarity,
Retiring Teachers - Mrs. Liang-pi Yang & Mrs. Nancy Pulkrabek
- Liang-pi Yang (Mrs. Y) - For over two decades, Mrs. Y has worked as a paraprofessional, Chinese teacher and Integration Specialist in the Duluth Public Schools. In her position as an Integration Specialist at Lowell, Mrs. Y has run the Mandarin Club, taught lessons in calligraphy, given chopstick lessons, taught about Chinese New, supported the backpack program, and done everything necessary to get her students to succeed. We will miss her quirky humor and generosity.
- Nancy Pulkrabek - For over 30 years (26 in the Duluth Public Schools), Mrs. Pulkrabek has been a successful teacher and colleague. She expertly delivered content, sometimes to multiple grades at once, and made her classroom an inviting place with high expectations. Throughout her career, she taught in Connecticut, Hudson WI, Grant, Woodland, Laura Mac, Piedmont and Lowell. We will miss her technological expertise and the love she gives her students.
Lowell Summer Hours
The office will open again Monday, August 14.
Lead clerical Rachel Nett will be working a handful of days in July. Enrollment questions will be answered on those days.
Principal Hessler and Assistant Principal Anderson will check email on a regular basis during the summer break.
Lowell will host summer Keyzone as well as the summer lunch program.
Summer Projects Around Lowell
- Expansion of parking lot entrance to three lanes
- New basketball court and hoops
- Construction of a temporary wall in the library for an interventionist space
- **Proposed** two temporary office spaces in the main lobby
- Fence around the playground for safety and erosion prevention
Mr. Nathan Anderson, Lowell Assistant Principal
We are so happy to have him back!!
Summer Access to IXL
PTA Corner
- PTA End of the Year Announcements
- School supply orders through WRITE STUFF are due Monday, June 12
- Meet Alaine to do some organizing and purging on Friday, June 16 11:00 - 2:00
- Non-fundraiser fundraiser info below
Thank you to all our PTA volunteers. Special shout out to our Lost & Found Fairy!! We are so grateful!
Summer Breakfast & Lunch at Lowell & Other Duluth Sites
Meals will be available June 20 through Aug. 18 at Laura MacArthur Elementary, Lowell Elementary, Denfeld High School, Myers-Wilkins Elementary, Piedmont Elementary and Stowe Elementary. There will be no service on July 4.
Breakfast will be served from 7:30-10 a.m. and lunch will be served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Meals must be eaten at the site.
If you have questions, please call 218-336-8707.
Save the Date - looking ahead
June 14 - Report cards mailed home
June 23 - last day front office is open regular hours
August 14 - Office reopens for regular hours 7:30 - 3:00
August 25 (approximately) - Teacher assignments announced via Parent Portal and email
August 30 - Lowell Open House/Back to School Night, 4:00 - 5:30
September 5 - First day of school 1st - 5th graders
September 7 - First day of school Kindergarten
Summer at The Depot
June and July are jampacked with music, art, nostalgia, and special events at The Depot and with Extension.
We are so excited for Adam Swanson to install his butterfly mural on The Depot rotunda this June. Watch The Depot Facebook for installation updates.
The Art Institute member show is going on now—I think it’s my favorite show to date! The Symphony Bridge sessions are on the horizon, Camp Esquagama is coming to The Depot, games are back, the trains are running, and we are ready to welcome the community for a summer of engagement and entertainment at The Depot.
Check out the June Newsletter for more details.
Have a wonderful summer! We hope you come visit us at The Depot!
Lowell Elementary
Nathan Anderson, Assistant Principal
Rachel Nett, Lead Clerical
Brooke Gauthier, Attendance Clerical
Attendance Line 218-336-8895, option 2
Email: lowell@isd709.org
Website: https://lowell.isd709.org/
Location: 2000 Rice Lake Road, Duluth, MN, USA
Phone: 218-336-8895
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lowelllions