Patriot Post
Counseling Corner: January
Wellness Corner
Lunch & Learn Workshops:
- Lunch & Learn workshops are available for students to attend this semester.
- RSVP at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e044fafaf22abf85-lunch2.
- See the attached flyer for workshop topics and dates.
Free Parenting Workshops:
- The Minnie Street Family Resource Center is offering free workshops and services for parents. Workshops and services range from Parenting tips, counseling services, and Q&A with immigration attorneys.
- See the flyer below for additional information.
Suicide Prevention Workshop:
- OCDE is offering a free webinar event including warning signs, how to have a conversation with your teach, and actions to take.
- See the attached flyer for more details and to register.
Coffee with the counselors
- Save the date to discuss 2nd semester details and next year's course selection.
- All meetings with be prerecorded and emailed to families for convenient viewing.
- Counselors will be available from 2:15-3:15 for quick follow up questions on these dates
10th grade - 1/20
11th grade - 1/21
12th grade - 1/22
College and Career Resources
Community College Weekly Virtual Office Hours for BHS Seniors
Santiago Canyon College:
- Every Tuesday from 1:30-3:00 pm Griselda Morones will be available virtually to meet with Beckman students and parents. Griselda will be able to assist with applying to SCC, exploring SCC programs and services, support with general community college exploration/questions and help completing FAFSA/Dream Act applications. Students or parents can schedule a meeting with Griselda here. If you have any questions please contact Ms. Rosas.
- They are also offering a Cash for College event in February. See the SCC January Newsletter below for more information.
Irvine Valley College:
- Every Thursday from 1:30-3:30 pm Denice Perez & Rick Chan from IVC outreach and matriculation will be available to answer IVC application questions, explore programs, and discuss the matriculation process with Beckman seniors via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/94048261701.
Looking for College & Career resources?
- Check out the Bitmoji Career Center which offers students and parents several resources on career exploration, financial aid, scholarships, 4-year, community college, CTE/Trade, Military, work, and volunteer opportunities. To access the Bitmoji Career Center click here, students have to be logged into their mytusd account.
Job Corps
- Long Beach Job Corps is now accepting applications for their program. Learn about getting up to two years free tuition, career pathways, support programs, the admissions process and more.
- See the flyers below for more information or connect with a Job Corp counselor on Thursdays at 2 pm by calling 650-479-3207 and entering 920 789 452 when prompted.
Senior Scene
January is the start of a New Year and a new semester. This means that you can take advantage of a fresh start in more than one way! How cool is that?
- Fill out & submit your FAFSA no later than March 2, 2021.
- Your Mid-Year transcripts will be sent out to the colleges you applied for thru Naviance by your counselor the first week of February.
- Focus on your 2nd semester classes. No matter how your first semester went, the second semester is a fresh start. Colleges love to see continual improvement and if your grades pick up the second semester, your chances of getting off a wait or deferral list are that much better.
- Avoid senioritis. You’ve worked too hard to get to this point in your academic life so don’t start getting lethargic. Colleges will look at your final grades at the end of the semester and make their final decision.
Financial Aid Q&A
- Need help completing your FAFSA application?
- Join us on 2/9 & 3/2 from 1:30-2:30 pm via Zoom to get one-on one support completing your FAFSA/Dream Act application.
- Reserve your spot here. Questions: email Ms. Rosas
Financial Aid: Income Changes Due to the Pandemic
- If your family's current financial situation has changed and been adversely impacted by the pandemic, check out this podcast on the process to ask your college to consider these changes in their financial aid package.
Senior mytusd Email Notification
We would like to share with you some important information regarding your student's mytusd.org email address.
- As they are working on college applications and are exploring opportunities available after high school, it is important they are using a personal email address when completing these applications and not the mytusd.org email.
- Once students graduate high school, the Tustin Unified email address will no longer be available to use. Using a personal email address when applying will allow students to continue to receive communication once graduated.
- We wish your family all the best during this application season. The Beckman High staff is here to support you throughout this process!
Junior Junction
11th Grade Parent Counselor “Coffee”:
- Parents, this year’s 11th Grade Counselor Presentation will be a video sent out the week of January 19- 22. It will include important reminders, college and career readiness, and course selection information for senior year. Included will also be a Padlet wall where you can post questions; a counselor will respond within 48 hours.
The BCAP is coming! What is the Beckman Career/College Admission Process?
- Lesson and project in English classes during the Spring semester of junior year.
- Includes instructions on the application processes for each type of post-secondary path, how to request letters of recommendation, questionnaires, resume, & much more!
- Interested in learning more about the BCAP? Check-out the BCAP Intro Video.
Sophomore Stop
10th Grade Parent Counselor “Coffee”:
- Parents, this year’s 10th Grade Counselor Presentation will be a video sent out next week. It will include important reminders, college and career readiness, and course selection information for junior year. Included will also be a Padlet wall where you can post questions a counselor will then answer.
- Sophomores will meet one-on one with their counselor next month to then discuss and finalize their course selections for 11th grade.
Freshman Forum
Welcome back from break and Happy New Year!
- To start off the new year, Mrs. Charles will provide a prerecorded Counselor Coffee for Freshman parents on January 19th to share upcoming information for the freshman class.
- On January 27th, Mrs. Charles will walk freshman though a virtual 4-year planning lesson and students will enter a 4-year high school plan in Aeries. Here is a link to the lesson and how to input your courses in the Aeries planner.
- Following the lesson, freshman will register for their 10th grade classes February 11th - February 23rd. They must have their 10th grade course selections finalized in their Aeries 4-year plan by February 10th. Please be sure to review your student's selections in Aeries.
- During this registration process, students also explore their interests by completing the Naviance Career Cluster Finder. At the end of the exploration activity students save three careers of interest to their Naviance account.
Upcoming Dates
BHS Workshops:
Substance Abuse & Mental Health - 1/13/21
Coffee with the Counselors:
9th grade - 1/19/21
10th grade - 1/20/21
11th grade - 1/21/21
12th grade - 1/22/21