The Star News

We hope everyone has a restful Spring Break! Our students and staff have been working hard this school year, and this is evident in all the events, performances, games, and plays/musicals that have been hosted during the past month. We can't wait to see how everyone continues to excel in the final two months of the school year!
Thank you for your continued support of Roanoke City Public Schools!
Celebrating Black History
As a tribute to famous African Americans in history, Ms. McLaughlin, Round Hill Elementary School's Instructional Coach, dressed up throughout Black History Month and discussed their contributions with her students. Check out WSLS' story!
Six RCPS Staff Members Honored with NAACP Impactors Awards
The Roanoke NAACP Youth Council presented its Impactors of Excellence Awards in early March, and six members of our RCPS family were honored:
- Superintendent Dr. Verletta White
- Ms. India Anderson
- Councilwoman Vivian Sanchez-Jones
- Mr. Anthony Swann
- Dr. Jason Wimbush
- Ms. Lori Wimbush
These awards were presented by two RCPS students, Jayveon Tucker and Yolanda Joseph!
RCPS Staff Participate in Division-Wide Safety Training
Superintendent's Corner
RCPS Family,
I wish you and your family a restful and safe Spring Break! When we return in April, we will have only two months left in the 2022-2023 School Year, and I know our students and staff and ready to finish strong!
We have many exciting events planned for the final nine weeks of the school year. We know our students benefit from the support of their family, and I encourage you and your family to be engaged and involved with your student's education:
- The third and final EL Parent/Guardian University of the school year will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 13 at William Fleming High School. This is a wonderful opportunity for our families whose students are English Learners to meet with community partners and connect with RCPS staff.
- Our high school students have the opportunity to meet with nearly 80 employers on April 20 for our second annual RCPS Works. This connects our students and employers so students can find productive, meaningful employment and employers can hire hardworking employees, which will benefit everyone across the Roanoke Valley. We are also excited that this year's event will include a Transition Services Fair for our families of students with disabilities.
- Our schools are hosting performances, family engagement events, and PTA nights, so you can stay connected to your student's school. Be sure to ask your student's teacher or follow your school on social media to stay up to date on upcoming events.
We also have many opportunities available for our students this summer:
- RCPS+ will run from June 20 through July 27 for our elementary and middle school students. Students will "Find their Voice" through literacy and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) activities. Registration is now open.
- Our Staying Safe by Staying Connected programming will be available for rising 5th through 8th grade students. We know our students are better able to stay safe when they stay connected to their school and feel supported. Students will have the opportunity to participate in weekly athletic camps and a fine arts academy. More information will be available soon.
- Our Summer Reading program, generously sponsored by Cox, will allow students of all ages to earn a free book, gift card, and other prizes by reading at least 600 minutes throughout the summer. More information will be available soon.
These are just a few of the events and programs we have on the horizon. It is an exciting time for Roanoke City Public Schools, and we are looking forward to seeing our students continue to grow and succeed as we finish the school year and transition to the summer.
Together, We Are One!
Dr. Verletta B. White
Save the Date
Spring Break
Schools and offices will be closed Monday, April 3 through Monday, April 10 for Spring Break. Students and staff will return on Tuesday, April 11.
RCPS Works
The annual RCPS Works Student Job Fair and SPED Transition Services Fair is Thursday, April 20 at the Berglund Center! Register today to meet with 70+ employers.
Click here to register for the Job Fair.
Click here to register for the Transition Services Fair.
School Highlights
Dance Español
We are so proud of our 4th graders from Highland Park, Hurt Park, Lincoln Terrace, Morningside, and Wasena Elementary Schools for spending all year learning about dance, music, and life skills such as teamwork. They performed at the Berglund Center at the end of March in front of their families and friends.
Middle School History Quiz Bowl
Congratulations to all our middle schools for recently participating in the 2023 Middle School History Bowl! Congratulations to Woodrow Wilson on placing 1st, and John P. Fishwick for placing 2nd.
High School Bands and Orchestras
Congratulations to our high schools' orchestras and bands for receiving "Superior" ratings at their concert assessment! This is the perfect way to celebrate National Music in Our Schools Month!
Patrick Henry's Concert Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, Wind Symphony, and Symphonic Bands and the William Fleming Band all received a "Superior" rating, the highest rating possible!
Equity & Student Services Corner
Daily life can be filled with so many things to do…some days can feel like a race! Without some space, we can feel out of balance. Creating balance can help us to weather stress and build our resilience. Creating balance supports our health and well-being and helps us to bring our best to our relationships.
Here is a simple way to find your balance: Just STOP!
Here is what it means to take a moment to STOP:
S: Stop – physically stop what you are doing for a few moments
T: Take a few deep slow breaths
O: Observe...how am I doing?
P: Proceed on as you are ready
With STOP, we can restore our balance. Those few deep breaths (the “T” in STOP) help balance the body’s stress response system. We check in with ourselves and then we can make a clear choice about what to do next. STOP is a wonderful skill for students and adults!
The STOP practice can be found here. You can use it on your own anytime, anywhere or practice it with others. It is one way to find our “foundation,” level and strong.
Have a question about Mindfulness?
Laurie Seidel, Coordinator of Mindfulness Education
P: (540) 853-1726 | E: lseidel@rcps.info
Family & Community Engagement
Become a Board Member for Central Council PTA
Central Council PTA is seeking board members for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school years! Openings are available for first and second vice president and secretary. Board members spend an hour each month informing PTA boards about their standing with the State PTA. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Anthony Frazier, whose contact information is below.
Community Needs Assessment
Roanoke City Public Schools is excited for the opening of the Booker T. Washington Center for Community Empowerment and Education! Ahead of the center's anticipated opening in July 2025, the Superintendent's Community Engagement Committee is creating a Community Needs Assessment to help plan for the center's services and programming. This survey will be shared with families when we return from Spring Break. We encourage you to complete the survey and share your feedback to help ensure RCPS is able to support families, students, and the community.
Have a question about PTA or Family & Community Engagement?
Dr. Anthony Frazier, Director of Family Engagement & Special Programs
P: (540) 853-1359 | E: CommunityEngagement@rcps.info
Twitter: @AnthonyFrazier
If you aren’t receiving robocalls, your phone number may be deactivated or incorrect in the RCPS mass notification system. Please contact your child’s school to ensure you continue receiving these important messages. In addition, if you have moved, make sure to provide your new address to the school as well.
Need help resolving an issue that impacts student learning, the school-work environment, or understanding how RCPS works and where to go for assistance? The RCPS Constituent Services Office may be able to help! Click here for more information.
Are you looking for a job that allows you to be on the same schedule as your child? Apply to become an Instructional Assistant, School Security Officer, Bus Driver, Bus Aide, or Food Service Worker! Other part-time and full-time positions are also available. Visit our website to learn more.
- Your child's school is a great source of information. They always welcome you to contact them directly with questions. Visit rcps.info/schools for school contact information.
- Missed an edition of The Star News? Access previous issues here!
Roanoke City Public Schools
Roanoke City Public Schools serves approximately 14,000 students in grades pre-K through 12. RCPS provides an inclusive and equitable, student-centered culture that empowers lifelong learning. Through meaningful, relevant, and engaging learning opportunities, RCPS will empower all students to dream, excel, and meet their full potential to benefit our city and its citizens.