Home of the Hornets!
*Principal's Newsletter: March 1-31
Hornet's Monthly Quote:
"Don't be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered." Michelle Obama-Former First Lady of the United States of America
Mission: Roswell High School's mission is to create a positive and safe learning environment, to foster the development of each student's potential, and to provide pathways to success after graduation.
Spring Break Observance: April 3-7
- No School for Students/Staff: April 3-7
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Hosted by PTSA! March 20-24
Our PTSA will celebrate our teachers each day, during the week March 20-24! We are beyond grateful for our wonderful PTSA Board and members!
How can you show appreciation during our Teacher Appreciation Week?
Small tokens of appreciation: Bookmarks, coffee mugs, homemade goodies or crafts, appreciation emails, cards or letters. Donate to the Staff Appreciation Fund: Click here to donate now to the 2022-2023 RHS Staff Recognition Fund.
Women's History Month
Theatre and Dance in Schools Month
Youth Art Month & Music in our Schools Month
GreeNest Day of the Year!
The Harbin Classic: March 31
Spring Break: April 3-7
Monthly Updates: Please check back weekly for updates!
Principal's Newsletter Updates**
Graduation Coach-Celebration Week (March 27-31)
Fulton County Schools: Math Resource Display @ RHS (March 27-May 5)
The Harbin Classic (March 31)
Spring Break: April 3-7
Senior News
Class of ‘2023 Hornet Notes!
Student News
Take a Free College Course This Summer
Summer School Registration
Community Resources: Scholarships! Scholarships-Apply now!
LGPE Scholarship
Emerging Leaders Program-Apply Now
Staff and Student Highlights!
Important to Know: School Information
- Student Success Skills-Parent News
- College Support Days: Tuesday and Thursday!
- Senior News
- Join PTSA
- Digital Learning Days (Asynchronous)
- No School Days
- Senior Information/Graduation
- OSP Payments
- Here Comes the Bus App
Student and Staff Highlights!
- Academic Highlights
- Student Highlights
- Staff Highlights
School Meetings!
- Stakeholder Meetings
Action Items
- Teacher Appreciation Week: March 20-24
- Spring Break (April 3-7)
Hot Buttons!
- Register to Volunteer
- Student/Parent Handbook
- Student Code of Conduct
- Advanced Studies/TAG
- Parent/Student COVID Portal
- Fulton County Schools Calendar
- Fulton County Meals Application
- Roswell High School's Website
Community Resources
- Scholarship Information & More
Happy March (3)
March 27, 2023
Hello Hornet Families,
It’s almost time for our annual spring break vacation. Our teachers, support staff and students are looking forward to a week of relaxation and rejuvenation. Have you ever thought about how hard our students and staff work each day? Our progression towards excellence and success, at times, can be a bit taxing; well worth it, but indeed a stretch of mental and physical strength. I am always extremely proud of our students and staff for their efforts! The reward of Spring Break is a grand one. This year, Spring Break Observance is April 3-7; students return to school on Monday, April 10.
As we close out March, I would like to extend a heart-filled thank you to our PTSA leaders and members for a wonderful Teacher Appreciation Week. Our team truly appreciates the consideration and thoughtfulness of our PTSA. It was such a joy to witness our teachers and staff bask in treats throughout the week! Thank you for lifting our spirits.
During the 2022-2023 school year, FCS will review resources for textbook adoption for Mathematics in Grades K-12. The following resources are to be reviewed by all teachers and the public from March 27, 2023 - May 5, 2023. Roswell High School will serve as a viewing site for 6-12 resources. Please stop by our school’s front office atrium to review the resources. Visitors are not permitted beyond the atrium for the textbook review.
6-12 Resources:
Roswell High School (11595 King Road, Roswell, GA 30075)
After reviewing the resources, please click here to complete the Public Review Feedback Survey.
Principal's Newsletter Updates**
Graduation Coach-Celebration Week (March 27-31)
Fulton County Schools: Math Resource Display @ RHS (March 27-May 5)
The Harbin Classic (March 31)
Spring Break: April 3-7
Senior News
Class of ‘2023 Hornet Notes!
Student News
Take a Free College Course This Summer
Summer School Registration
Community Resources: Scholarships! Scholarships-Apply now!
LGPE Scholarship
Emerging Leaders Program-Apply Now
Staff and Student Highlights!
From Good-to-Great-to-Unstoppable! Let’s go HORNETS! #Commitment Matters
Your Partner,
Principal Miley
Happy March (2)
March 20, 2023
Hello Hornet Families,
We are well into the month of March, and if you recall I mentioned this is the month of “many thanks”. I specifically mentioned that during the month of March we give many thanks to our educators, women, students and many more. This week our PTSA will celebrate our teachers and support staff with special treats each and every day. At the NEST we are so thankful for our PTSA. We simply could not do the work that we do without their support, grace, gratitude and pure love! We are so honored to have such a supportive PTSA Board and members! If you are wondering how you can join us in celebrating our teachers and staff, take a moment to review a few of the suggestions below. At times, it’s the thought that makes the world of a difference!
Small tokens of appreciation: Bookmarks, coffee mugs, homemade goodies or crafts, appreciation emails, cards or letters.
Donate to the Staff Appreciation Fund: Click here to donate now to the 2022-2023 RHS Staff Recognition Fund.
SGC Elections: We need Parent Leaders!
It’s the final week to declare your candidacy. We are seeking engaged and supportive parents to join us on the School Governance Council. It’s a great way to stay connected, remain engaged and get involved! The time commitment is minimal. I encourage you to declare your candidacy and support the council in making strategic decisions for our school. Parents who are interested in declaring candidacy must complete the following form: . Candidate Declaration Form. Thank you for your willingness to lead at the NEST!
Principal's Newsletter Updates**
PTSA’s Teacher Appreciation Week (March 20-24)
Graduation Coach-Celebration Week (March 27-31)
School Governance Council Declarations (Form closes on Friday, March 24)
Fulton County Schools: Math Resource Display @ RHS (March 27-May 5)
The Harbin Classic (March 31)
Spring Break: April 3-7
Senior News
Student News
Take a Free College Course This Summer
Summer School Registration
Community Resources: Scholarships! Scholarships-Apply now!
LGPE Scholarship
Emerging Leaders Program-Apply Now
Staff and Student Highlights!
From Good-to-Great-to-Unstoppable! Let’s go HORNETS! #Commitment Matters
Your Partner,
Happy March! (1)
Hello Hornet Families,
The month of March is a month where we give many thanks to our educators, women, students and many more. This month, alongside other celebrations, we will show our appreciation and thanks for the equity of educational opportunity. Our fine arts programming is standards-driven, sequential, substantive and comprehensive. Here at Roswell High School, we are pleased to offer such robust programming in the Fine Arts. We are pleased to prepare our students to live productively in and contribute to the diverse contexts of a global society. We hope that you will join us in our celebration of Music in Our Schools Month, Youth Art Month and Theatre and Dance Month! Thank you to all of our fine arts leaders, and it is our honor to celebrate you this month.
With many celebrations taking place this month, we will kick off the first full week in March by celebrating Exceptional Children’s Week (March 6-10), alongside honoring our amazing school social worker, Mrs. Valerie Rogers and our School Social Worker-Intern, Ms. Tina Cairo, during School Social Work Week (March 6-10). We will conclude our “Month of Many Thanks”, by celebrating our Graduation Coach, Ms. Naomi Kirk, during Graduation Coach Week (March 27-31).
Please join us in all of our celebrations through your kind words, emails and thoughts of appreciation. Please review the Principal’s Newsletter to learn how you engage further in our celebrations.
Principal's Newsletter Updates**
SGC Declarations-Declare your candidacy! (2/1-3/24)
Presidents' Day: February 20, 2023 (Holiday: No School for Students!)
Professional Development Day: February 21, 2023 (No School for Students!)
3DE Leadership Academy: Magnet Applications (Late applications accepted, 2/17/23)
A Moment with Miley! Coffee & Conversations!
Senior News
ACT Day: March 7
ACT Day: Seniors are Asynchronous (Seniors will work remotely; attendance is not required)
Community Resources: Scholarships! Be sure to apply!
From Good-to-Great-to-Unstoppable! Let’s go HORNETS! #Commitment Matters
Your Partner,
Principal Miley
Email me: RoswellPrincipal@fultonschools.org
"I believe it is important to reteach history, culture and tradition to all, so they remain alive for each Hornet to internalize and share."
Principal's Newsletter Updates
Exceptional Children's Week: Power in Our Differences! (March 6-10)
Each year, the Georgia Council for Exceptional Children hosts an Exceptional Children's Week(ECW) to provide a time for schools, districts, and educators to come together to acknowledge and celebrate students with exceptionalities.
GaCEC Annual Student Contest
Submissions must focus on this year's theme (Power in Our Differences), and may be presented in a format chosen by the student. This can be an electronic format (i.e. video, PowerPoint, Google Draw, Prezi, Essay, etc.) or created by the student (original artwork, 3D, written work).
Official Observation: MARCH 5 – 11, 2023
National School Social Work week is a great way to recognize School Social Workers and celebrate the impactful work they are doing in their school and community. The theme for National School Social Work Week 2023 is “We Rise.” During the school year, School Social Workers are confronted with challenges, heightened anxieties, and anticipated difficulties. However, School Social Workers face these challenges with strength and resilience. School Social Workers rise up - supporting their students, families, and school communities. School Social Workers rise to share hope. They rise to listen and understand. They rise to challenge inequities. They rise to support all students. Please join us in celebrating our incredible School Social Workers this week! If you have any questions, please contact Mercedez Jackson, Coordinator School Social Work Services.
Valerie Rogers (School Social Worker): We appreciate your dedication and support; and all that you continue to do for our Hornet families (20+ years and counting).
Tina Cairo (Intern): Thank you for jumping in and supporting the work we do daily. We appreciate you support!
School Board Appreciation Week: Celebrating Katha Stuart, Board Vice President, District 1
Fulton County School is joining in a statewide celebration to acknowledge the work and dedication of local school board members. The week of March 13-17, has been proclaimed School Board Appreciation Week in Georgia. This weeklong observance calls attention to the positive contributions made by local boards of education. We are honored to celebrate our Katha Stuart, Board Vice President, District 1 and all of our board members who serve and support Fulton County Schools. Thank you, Mrs. Katha Stuart, for all that you do for our students and staff! We appreciate you!
Congratulations to our TOTY and POTY SY24! We are so PROUD of Christi and Erika!
Graduation Coach-Appreciation Week: March 27-31
Not every student needs the same level of support and encouragement from school staff, but for those who do need extra support, graduation coaches put those students back at the forefront of their education. Graduation coaches (and other support staff who work with at-risk students) are caring adults who develop stong bonds and help students strengthen their relationships throughout the school. Graduation coaches help students discover their potential
and see the relevance in their education which in turn improves their motivation in the classroom. Ultimately, graduation coaches connect with students, empowering them to fulfill their promise and change their lives.
A Special Thank You to Naomi Kirk, Graduation Coach-Roswell High School. We appreciate you, Mrs. Kirk!
The Harbin Classic!
SGC Elections: February 1 - March 24
March 13, 2023: Professional Development Day! No School for Students
- No School for Students!
Important to Know: School Information
PTSA Scholarships! ACT NOW-Seniors!
12 Scholarships and more than $15,000 up for grabs. There is something for everyone: Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Literary Arts, Academic Excellence, Scholar-Athlete, Hard-Working Hornet, CTAE, Trade, Services to Others, Hornet Spirit, Entrepreneur, Excellence in Technology and more! Due: March 17, 2023.
Student Success Skills (SSS)
March 27, 2023
Dear Parents,
This week of Student Success Skills lessons will focus on emotions. Students learn ways to understand the varying degrees of their emotions and how these emotions can be managed and regulated as well as expressed.
From ReThinkEd: “Emotions are a natural part of what makes us human. They have the power to enrich our lives and the power to get in our way. They drive our feelings, thoughts, and behaviors and impact our self-esteem and social interactions. In the Emotions lessons, students learn to identify emotions, examine how their emotions impact their behavior, and practice strategies to address and manage emotions.”
The literature for the lesson can be found here:
Grade 12, My Emotional Intelligence
Have a fantastic week! Let your student know you are part of their support system! Have a wonderful SPRING BREAK!
Thank you for your support!
Use this link to find information on how to connect to the Rethink Ed portal from home. CLICK HERE for access to instructions on Rethink Ed for parents.
Thank you for your support!
Roswell High School
Student Success Skills Champion
Interact & Red Cross: Join us for another Blood Drive!
Site: Roswell High School
Address: 11595 King Road, Roswell, GA, 30075
Room Name: Atrium
Date: Fri Mar 17, 2023
Time: 08:30 AM - 01:30 PM
Blood Program Leader Name: Regan Pierce
Click here to make an appointment
College Support Days @ the NEST: Tuesday and Thursday during 4th Period!
When you’re getting ready for your higher education journey, whether it’s a 2- or 4-year college, career training, or something else altogether, it can be hard to know where to start. Insight on how your peers are preparing for life after high school can help.
Below are seven steps high school seniors from across the country have taken to get ready for higher education. Use this as a checklist when preparing for college. Click here to learn more.
Senior Information: March 24
- April 1st is the deadline for the Graduation Fee (which includes cap & gown). After April 1st, the fee will rise to $205, and caps and gowns must be shipped to your home address. Use the link to pay for the grad fee now: https://shop.3rdascent.com/categories/packages. If you are unsure if you have paid your grad fee, please get in touch with Ms. Johnson in the front office.
- The first order of senior yard signs will arrive next week (if you ordered by 3/17). You will receive an email from Ms. Johnson in the front office when they are available for pickup. Please see the flyer on the senior page of the website or go to www.vipdecals.com for the next deadline to order your senior’s yard sign.
- Information for ordering cap and gown portraits, graduation announcements, and yearbooks can all be found in the headline section of the front page of the website, in addition to the senior page: https://www.fultonschools.org/domain/789
- Musical Auditions for the Roswell Baccalaureate service, being held on Sunday, May 21st, will be Tuesday, March 28th, from 3 – 6 PM. Any senior interested in auditioning can contact Ms. Finke for more details: 770-366-0650
- Prom is Saturday, April 22, 2023, from 7-10 PM at the Buckhead Theatre. Tickets can be purchased on OSP: Purchase Prom Ticket.
- It’s time for Senior Hornet Notes! Don’t forget to honor your Senior with notes of congratulations and well wishes from friends and family. Click on the link for more info and the deadline: Senior Hornet Notes.
- Don’t forget to check the last page of the Senior Letter for ALL important dates and deadlines! Senior Class Letter
- The Senior Exit Survey will be posted to Naviance after Spring Break. Fulton County Schools REQUIRE all seniors to complete a survey about their post-secondary plans.
- Please submit scholarship offers and attach files here Roswell HS Class of 2023 Scholarship Form. Only official documentation will be accepted. Please also include the scholarships you are not accepting. Scholarship documents must be submitted using the student’s device or bringing official scholarship forms to Student Services. When submitting the award letter, we need a copy of the actual award letter (not a summarized statement from the parent or student), the award amount, and if it is renewable. The student’s/parent’s responsibility is to provide the scholarship information to the school for inclusion in the graduation program. All scholarship information must be received by April 21, 2023. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this deadline.
- Seniors, please continue to check Naviance for Scholarship opportunities.
Senior Information: March 17
- Seniors take advantage of the Georgia Colleges waiving their application fees this month. https://www.gafutures.org/college-planning/apply-to-college-initiative/application-fee-waivers/
- There is still time to complete your FAFSA if you have not already done so. https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa
- Please continue to check Naviance for scholarships, as they are being updated frequently.
- Senior Sunrise will be Friday the 24th. Join us at 7 am in the stadium. Chick-fil-a biscuits for all seniors will be our monthly giveaway at 7:50 am. Please remember to park in your parking spots for the event.
Senior Information: March 10
- Seniors take advantage of the Georgia Colleges waiving their application fees this month. https://www.gafutures.org/college-planning/apply-to-college-initiative/application-fee-waivers/
- There is still time to complete your FAFSA if you have not already done so. https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa
- Please continue to check Naviance for scholarships, as they are being updated frequently.
Senior Information: March 3
Hello Hornets!
- Take FREE College Courses This Summer!!! Summer Enrichment Engage in summer enrichment by taking advantage of free college courses offered through Georgia'sDual Enrollment program! Students can get ahead and earn both college and high school credits!!! See flyer for details.
- Seniors, please continue to check Naviance for new scholarships that have been added.
- Spring is around the corner, and so is the first deadline for Senior Yard signs. March 17th is your first deadline, so don't delay. See the flyer for details and designs, or visit www.vipdecals.com
- We still have some Seniors who have yet to pay their graduation fees and order their caps and gown. Please don’t delay so that you can participate in the graduation ceremony.
- https://www.fultonschools.org/Page/21609
- Don’t forget to check out the Senior/Graduation page for the Senior parent letter and all things “Graduation Related": https://www.fultonschools.org/Page/22576.
Go Hornets!
Summer Enrichment-Dual Enrollment!
Summer Learning Opportunities!
Summer Learning Opportunities
Registration is now open for our Summer Learning Program! This program provides an opportunity for students to accelerate or recover credits during the time between school years. Face-to-face and virtual offerings exist and often provide students with a broader array of options than those available during the school year. Registration is open until May 25.
Get more information and details about after-care and summer enrichment programs at our community meeting on Thursday, March 30 from 6-6:45 p.m. Click here to join the meeting.
For invitation criteria, courses offered, and registration information, please visit the Summer Learning website at fultonschools.org/summerschool. Plus, get all the details on “Let’s Talk Schools!”
Join PTSA! Parent, TEACHER, and Student Association (PTSA)
Take a moment and join the RHS PTSA today. Just follow the link https://roswellhsptsa.new.memberhub.store/store
Digital Learning Days for All Students!
FCS No School Days!
Online School Payments: School Fees!
Welcome to the Fulton County Schools Online School Payments (OSP) portal. This service is provided to parents and community members to facilitate payment for school fees for a variety of products and services. For further information or to request additional information, please contact the main office. As part of the onetime setup of your student account, you will need to enter the student ID number. This number is indicated on your student’s report card and is also used in the cafeteria line. While some purchases are not specifically for students and may not require the ID number, in most cases you will also need the student ID number to complete the transaction. If you have questions regarding the student ID number, please reach out to your school’s front office.
School Highlights!
Great News to Share! Click here to share your great news!
Staff-of-Excellence! Congratulations!
Please join me in celebrating our Staff-of-Excellence!
- August: Beverly Michaud
- September: Ali Ahmed
- October: Crystal Clark
- November: Deb Carstens
- December: Whitney Sweet
- January: Carrie Gutierrez
- February: Jennifer Miner
- March: Addie Omen
Beverly Michaud
- Media Paraprofessional
Ali Ahmed
- History Teacher
Crystal Baker
- Interrelated Teacher
Deb Carstens
- Counseling Professional Assistant
Whitney Sweet
- Interrelated Teacher
Carrie Gutierrez
- Spanish Teacher
Jennifer Miner
- School Counselor
Addie Omen
- History Teacher/Department Chair
Unstoppable HORNET AWARD!
What is the Unstoppable Hornet Principal's Award?
Each month Principal Miley selects 2 students who exemplify what it means to be a committed Hornet who represents characteristics we hope that all our students will embody.
- What does it really mean to Commit to the R? This commitment is exemplified by a student who is dedicated and steadfast in representing their school, community and family with pride and honor, through respect, responsibility and a readiness level that is difficult to define. They simply become unstoppable in their quest! An unstoppable hornet defies the odds and rises to the occasion when others are not looking, and even sometimes when there are onlookers; modeling excellence is often observed.
Congratulations to our Unstoppable Hornet Principal's Award Recipients:
October: Austin Edler (11th) and Christopher Slemmer (12th)
November: Taylor Voglesonger (10th)
December: TBA
January: Maren Cline
February: Conrad Kramer
March: TBA
Georgia Department of Education: Advanced Placement (AP) Honor School for 2023
Chief Academic Officer Jones proudly acknowledged 17 schools who received recognition by the Georgia Department of Education as Advanced Placement (AP) Honor Schools for 2023.
- Roswell High School
Phoenix Irish Arts: St. Patrick's Day Parade Essay Contest Winner!
Congratulations, Shylaja Garton's:
Shylaja has recently been named the winner of the St. Patrick's Day Parade Essay Contest. This contest was open to ALL Georgia high school students! The award is accompanied by a scholarship for Shylaja!
Shylaja will be honored along with her parents at the Dignitary Breakfast prior to the parade this Saturday, and she will be in a special car in the parade! The Dignitary Breakfast attendees will include many Atlanta Civic Leaders along with the Consul General of Ireland, Atlanta Caoimhe Ni Chonchuir in addition to dignitaries coming in from Ireland!
The Phoenix Irish Arts and Roswell High School are very proud of Shylaja, a student of Irish music and dance.
Japanese Speech Contest and Japan Academic Challenge!
Roswell students performed outstandingly well on the state-wide Japanese Speech Contest and Academic Challenge (Quiz Bowl) held at Kennesaw State University.
Japanese Speech Contest
Category I (High School category) 1st place: Gabrielle Chilton
Category IV (Heritage Learners category) Honorable Mention: Marina Richey
Japan Academic Challenge (Quiz Bowl)
Level I 1st place: Jannat Ahmed, Theodore Fashola, Dalton Peek
Level II 3rd place: Jayne Donner-Wells, Kevin Fallon, Elsa Renner
Level III 3rd place: Kendyl Warmouth, Andrew Stephens
Level III 1st place: Nicole Tuller, Madison Lu, Eden Wuttke
3DE's Honorable Mention
Shouting CONGRATULATIONS!!! To our 3DE students and teachers on being named HONORABLE MENTION in 3DE’s 2023 ARBY’S NATIONAL CASE COMPETITON.
What an incredible feat for our inaugural year at Roswell.
RHS is host to a pilot program of Quest 4 Excellence, a STEM mentoring program. For the month of March, up to 9 students, with help from volunteer mentors, will be conducting experiments on the International Space Station.
Georgia Music Educators Association All-State Band: Will Nicholson
Roswell High School 2022-23 GHSA Literary Region 7 - AAAAAA CHAMPIONS! Coach: Stanton Usher
Neighborhood TV Highlights Roswell High School's Construction Program!
Roswell Westling-State Champion 135lbs
Stakeholder Meetings!
School Governance Council Meeting: Wednesday, March 08, 2023
Community Meeting: March 22 @ Mimosa Elementary (9:30 a.m.)
- March 22: Mimosa Elementary (9:30 a.m.)
- April 19: Crabapple Middle (9:30 a.m.)
- May 17: Elkins Point Middle (9:30 a.m.)
Action Items!
ACT Day! Marc 7, 2023
Important Reminder: March 7, 2023, is ACT Day. All seniors will work remotely-Asynchronous Day. Seniors who have registered for the test and report to school, are pre-approved to depart school immediately after testing. The remote day only applies to Seniors-12th Grade. Only registered juniors and seniors will complete the test; all other students will attend school and adhere to the schedule for the day.
- All seniors will work remotely-Asynchronous Day. Seniors who have registered for the test and report to school, are pre-approved to depart school immediately after testing. The remote day only applies to Seniors-12th Grade.
Community Resources
Scholarships! Scholarships! Scholarships!
National Science Foundation
Apply by April 15, 2023
Tentative Program dates: July 31st - August 18th, 2023
Generous Scholarships available from the National Science Foundation
To accommodate the schools that are opening on August 14th, the last week's classes will start in the afternoon after school. The first two weeks program will begin at 9 am. All classes will be offered both in person and virtually over zoom.
FinDS is an innovative program that is designed to provide high school students a strong base in the Mathematical Foundations of Data Science. We do not expect a prior background in data science. A strong background in algebra and willingness to work hard is all that is required to participate in the program. The program is appropriate for any student who has taken Algebra 2. Even college students seeking a solid background in the foundation of data science are welcome to apply.
FinDS is brought to you by the EnCORE institute at UCSD. FinDS will be led by the creator of PACT, Prof. Rajiv Gandhi. PACT started in 2009 has been enormously successful with an impact worldwide on school and college students. We bring in the passion to educate and create a next-generation of college students with solid mathematical foundations in Data Science.
The program is generously supported by the National Science Foundations and multiple scholarships are available.
What is the Emerging Leaders Program?
The Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) offers a unique opportunity for sophomores and juniors from North Fulton high schools who wish to develop leadership skills, identify and address community issues, and interact with local leaders. This is accomplished through a combination of interactive lectures, discussions, site visits, outside activities, community service, and networking opportunities.
This program provides the skills and knowledge for students to be effective leaders in their communities. The program is built around class days with specific topics to be addressed such as healthcare, government, professional development, financial literacy, mock interviews, strength building, public safety, and much more!
Do you have a student at your school that stands out among their peers? Do you see potential in the student that needs to develop their leadership skills? This program is for them!
This year, we have 43 students representing 11 high schools in North Fulton. This program is great for your student to step out of their comfort zone, learn new skills, develop new relationships, and engage in their community.
You can find the application for 2023-24 HERE. Deadline to apply is April 1st (students also need a recommendation letter to apply)
Register for our FREE virtual information session on March 7th HERE.
Excel 2023 Scholarship Program
Applications for Excel Federal Credit Union’s 2023 Scholarships are opening now for those students who will continue their education after high school into an accredited college in the Fall.
The below QR code will take the student to our Scholarship Information Page where there will be detailed information and a link to apply for one of three $1000.00 scholarships for the 2023 school year.
Also, if you would like full page flyers announcing the scholarship application with the QR code and additional information, please let us know how many you would like, and who we can send to, and we will get them to you.
In addition, here is a link to the Scholarship information page https://www.excelfcu.org/scholarship/
Thank you for promoting the scholarships for those students at your school. We have made the application process easy.
The Roswell Administration reserves the right to amend or change policies within this handbook.
Our mission is to create a positive and safe learning environment, to foster the development of each student's potential, and to provide pathways to success after graduation.
The consideration for gifted services may be reported or automatic as defined by the GaDOE Resource Manual for Gifted Education Services. (Contact L. Kouns)
We Are Roswell: Go HORNETS!
Email: RoswellPrincipal@fultonschools.org
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/Roswellhs
Location: 11595 King Road, Roswell, GA 30075, USA
Phone: 470-254-4500
Twitter: @RoswellHighSch