RRSD #35 Community Update
October 11, 2023
District Happenings:
What's new?
The RRSD is working hard to push the needle forward for student growth and academic achievement. Here is a brief summary of what we are doing to help our students grow and learn.
- New Language Arts Curriculum was piloted in several classrooms last year at the elementary. This year we are doing a full implementation. Our new curriculum utilizes the scientifically supported approaches to learning reading.
- New Math Curriculum K-12 was adopted for this year. Staff are working hard to learn the best ways to utilize our new curriculum to support student learning.
- We are doing a deeper and more intentional focus on data analysis to support educational decision making at the building and classroom level.
- Throughout the District we are focusing on strengthening our family engagement. Strong family engagement is proven to help improve student outcomes in school.
With all of new curriculum and focus, staff are working hard and burning the candle at both ends. Kudos to all staff members who are attacking all of our new implementations with a can do, must do attitude. This would be a great month to tell a school employee thank you. They are working hard for your students.
Dirty Deeds:
- Our FFA hosted a soil judging competition at the property of Bruce and Cheryl Sund. Schools from southern Oregon and eastern Oregon converged in Wimer to test and identify various types of soil. Students were treated to pulled pork sandwiches compliments of the Sunds. At the end of the day, our students dominated the competition on the individual and school level.
School Food Improvements:
- The combination of free lunch for all and the recent improvements in our school food service have led to increasing numbers of student participation. More choices, better quality, and an unbeatable price (free) are increasing student interest. (Food Service Newsletter and Menu's)
Upcoming Dates:
- There is no school for students on Friday, October 13, 2023, due to teacher in-service.
- Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for November 8 and 9, 2023. We hope to see all of our families this year. (23-24 RRSD School Calendar)
- There is no school on November 10, 2023 due to observation of Veteran's Day.
Ashtyn James: Ashtyn has brought many new ideas and deep expertise to our school. She has had a profound impact through developing new systems that will help students for years to come.
Sandy Mathews: Sandy's positivity and team-first approach were magnified this year when she switched grade levels. She has stepped up to the plate, and Principal Olmstead is proud of the work she has done for her students and her team.
Pam Weaver: Pam is an employee who is appreciated for her hard work, willingness to help our team, and for having a "get-things-done" mindset. Her work has strengthened our HR department.
Cecil Felkins: As the new principal of SVA, Cecil has focused on growth and improvement that are already being noticed. Enrollment is up, and daily attendance for in-person learning has grown as well. Great work, Cecil.