Updates From D91 Supt. LaOrange
Jan. 19, 2024
From The Superintendent's Desk
Celebrating New Ways To Help Students Earn Credits
As we focus on our goal of increasing D91's graduation rate, I want to celebrate new ways of making sure students earn the credits they need to successfully finish high school.
For most students, the end of each trimester is filled with celebrations for courses completed and excitement for the start of a new trimester. Students with too many absences face a very different end to their semester as absences translate into a Loss of Credit due to Absences (LCA). Students can make up their absences by attending Saturday School. If absences are not made up, students can be left scrambling. They either have to retake courses or fall short of the credits necessary to graduate.
At Idaho Falls High School, Dean of Students Matt Houser decided to tackle the LCA problem with an innovative approach that has cut the number of credits lost due to absences in half. Yes, in half!
Matt partnered with the College of Eastern Idaho to provide tutoring one afternoon per week to students who needed a little extra help. Students who attend the tutoring sessions can count time with a tutor toward making up time for an absence. Skyline is looking at a similar program.
The program boasts plenty of wins for everyone involved! CEI students and staff share their expertise as they tutor students from Idaho Falls High School. IFHS students get the help they need and make up time for their absences. With class time made up and a better understanding of the subjects, students can earn credit for the course. It’s a win for everyone!
Check Out Supt. LaOrange Answering 7 Questions With Emmy
Important Dates In January & February
- Jan. 23: Board Work Session, 4 pm
- Jan. 30: D91 Career Exploration Fair for all Juniors & Seniors, Mountain America Center
- Feb 6: Middle School & High School Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Feb. 13: Middle School & high School Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Feb. 14: Drawing for CTEC's Skoolie
- Feb. 15: Board Business Meeting, 5:30 pm, District Office
- Feb. 19: President's Day, No School
- Feb. 27: Board Work Session, 4 pm
- Feb. 29: End of 2nd Trimester
Apply For Empowering Parents Grants
Idaho is once again offering Empowering Parents grants that can be used to purchase education-related services such as tutoring, internet connectivity, computer hardware and software and more. Learn more and apply at the Empowering Parents portal.
FAFSA Now Ready!
A new and shorter Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now open and ready for families with seniors who are applying for scholarships and financial aid. The 2024/25 FAFSA must be completed by March 1. Here's a link to apply for the NEW FAFSA, which is two-thirds shorter, just 36 questions compared to 108 in the old form.
School Finance 101
Some Basics About School Finance
In the coming weeks and months, we'll be working to balance D91's budget for the 2024-25 school year. As we prepare for that work, we'll be sharing budget updates and basic school finance information in the D91NEWS newsletter.
This week, we wanted to look at how schools are funded. In the past, schools in Idaho received funding based on the number of students enrolled in school. Starting this year, schools will be funded based on ADA or Average Daily Attendance. So how does that impact school funding? Like most districts in Idaho, the move to funding based on ADA means the district will receive less state funding.
D91 has traditionally spent more than it receives from the state. It has invested in better salaries, smaller class sizes and safer schools. It has used the supplemental levy, along with savings and federal funds to close that gap. However, that discrepancy is growing larger and larger, especially with changes in how the state is funding education.
That is not sustainable so as we work on the budget for the 2024-25 school year, we estimate we will need to make at least $4 million in cuts. Additional cuts of between $1.5 and $2 million may be necessary depending on what actions the Legislature takes.
At this point, we haven’t identified any specific cuts. District administrators will meet in the next few weeks to analyze budgets and start identifying areas for potential cutbacks. They will then meet with principals who will provide input on potential cuts. Teachers, staff, students, parents and patrons also will have the chance to provide input, which will help shape the recommendations that will go to the Board of Trustees in April or May. The board makes all final budget decisions. Watch for more information about D91's budget and budget workshops!
Happening Around D91
It's Souper Bowl Time!
We are #D91Proud of the student leaders at Idaho Falls and Skyline high school as they prepare for this year's Souper Bowl.
The 18th annual Souper Bowl, which has become one of the largest food drives in eastern Idaho,
kicks off this weekend. It will run through Friday, Feb. 2. Both IFHS & Skyline are working with their feeder schools to collect as much food as possible for local food pantries.
The schools also will be accepting cash donations. In addition, a number of special events are being planned around Idaho Falls to collect food and money to support the drive. Watch the D91PROUD Facebook page and www.ifschools.org for more information on those activities in the coming days! Go Tigers! Go Grizz! You make us #D91Proud!
Compass Now Accepting Applications!
D91's magnet school – Compass Academy – is now accepting applications for incoming freshman. Compass prides itself on developing innovative creators through project-based and problem-based learning. The priority deadline for D91 students is Feb. 1. The deadline for out-ot-district students is March 1. Learn more about Compass by taking a school-day tour at 1:30 pm on Jan. 26 or 9:30 am on Feb. 12. Evening tours are available from 6 to 7 pm on Jan. 23 or check out the student Expo on Feb. 22 from 5 to 6 pm. Apply today!
You still have a chance to win the Skoolie!
Students at D91's Career & Technical Education Center converted an old school bus into an RV, and since they didn't get any bids for the vehicle, they are now selling raffle tickets for $50 apiece.
More than 100 students enrolled in CTEC's welding, industrial mechanics and construction programs spent 11 months converting the old bus. The finished RV has a bedroom, full kitchen with propane fridge, a stove/range, storage, a dining area that can be converted into an additional sleeping area, solar panels, a climbing wall and lots of storage.
It's easy to get a ticket. Buy them online, buy one from any CTEC student or get one at special D91 events like this weekend's Tiger-Grizz Wrestling tournament. If you have questions or if you'd like to see the Skoolie, call CTEC Administrator Bev Hott at (208) 525-7549.
School & Safety Updates
Learn More About The Dangers of Vaping
If you don’t know the first thing about vaping, this is for you! As vaping continues to impact the lives of today's youth, staying informed is more critical than ever.
Available as part of D91's partnership with ParentGuidance.org, the January Newsletter: Clear Lungs, Bright Futures(English/Spanish) shares the latest insights, trends, and essential information about vaping. Discover why it's crucial for parents to be in the know about this pressing issue and how you can safeguard your children's health. Knowledge is your best defense.
In addition, Eastern Idaho Public Health and Idaho Public Television are airing the popular documentary "Nic Sick: The Dangers of Youth Vaping" on Feb. 8 on Idaho Public Television. Learn more about the documentary and watch the "Nic Sick" trailer. This is a great opportunity for parents and kids to watch together and have a conversation about vaping.
Latest Sports Updates From IFHS & SHS
Good Luck To All Our Wrestlers!
Good luck to all the D91 wrestlers taking part in this weekend's Tiger-Grizz Wrestling Tournament, which is expected to draw more than 1,300 wrestlers from around the region!
IFHS is hosting all the JV wrestlers while Skyline will host all the varsity action. Matches at both IFHS and SHS start Friday, Jan. 19, at 1 pm, and 8 am on Saturday, Jan. 20.
Tickets are available at the door. They are $15 for adults and $12 for students and seniors. Two-day tournament passes are $25 for adults and $20 for students and seniors. Make us #D91Proud!