Wiggin Street Parent Update
April 26, 2022
Better Together
Thank you to all that were able to attend our Spring Fun Festival! A special thanks to our Friends of Wiggin Street, staff, and volunteers for making the event possible. Please take a minute to complete this survey to help us make adjustments for next year.
It was so nice to have the community altogether in our building again. There were smiles galore! We hope you enjoy the pictures in this update, and we hope to share more next week. Thank you to Katy J for coming to the festival to take pictures. We often find ourselves having so much fun that we forget to take them, and these will be treasured.
Saturday is 4/30/22, and your child is invited to walk in the 43022 parade in Gambier. Please see the flyer below. If your child would like to walk in the parade, please have them wear a Wiggin Street shirt or red and meet Mrs. Grandstaff and friends on W. Brooklyn St. next to the Village Market at 12:15. We hope to see you all there!
Lastly, make sure to double check your calendar with the Upcoming Important Dates at the end of this update. Some events have been added and others may have been revised.
Christy Grandstaff
43022 Day
Fun Festival
No Homework Club for the rest of this school year
Due to testing this week and Kenyon having exams starting the first week in May, we have decided to end Homework Club for the rest of this school year. We hope to resume next September.
Friends of Wiggin Street
Next FOW meeting is Tuesday, May 3rd @ 5:00 pm.
Thrive Kids
Thrive Kids Update
Anger. Sometimes it can help us do our best. And, sometimes it can KEEP us from doing our best. Staying in control when we are angry is hard but when we create a plan for what we will do when we are angry then we have a better chance to stay in control.
This week we worked on an "exploding" push-up from our knees. The students had a lot of fun trying to explode from the bottom of the push-up to see if they could clap their hands!
Our next session on April 28, will be our LAST Thrive session for the school year! We will play some games and showcase some of the movements we have learned!
Stay tuned to our social media pages to stay-up-to-date on our summer Thrive plans!
@thrivekidsfitness on Facebook and Instagram!
Keep moving,
Coach Hannah
Middle School Music Department
Information/Sign up Meetings
Thursday, May 19 @ MVMS
6pm: Pleasant Street & Twin Oak
7pm: Dan Emmett & Wiggin Street
8pm: Columbia & East
Talent Show Tryouts- Round 2
Gund Gallery
Kenyon College- Gund Gallery
101 1/2 College Drive, Gambier, OH 43022
Tuesday-Friday: 11:00 AM-5:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday: 1:00-5:00 PM
Monday: Closed
Idle-free Zone
Last Day of School
Upcoming Important Dates
26-27 4th and 5th Gr. Math State Testing
29 Arbor Day Celebration and Tree Planting
29 5th Grade Orchestra/Band Recruitment Concert 1:00-2:00 @ MVHS
2 District Spring Math & Sci Testing Closes
2 NWEA MAP Window opens
2 Talent Show Tryouts Round 2
2-6 Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
3 PTO Meeting, 5:00
4 Middle School Talk w/ 5th Grade
5 2nd Grade Field Trip to "The Works"
6 Popcorn Friday
6 School Lunch Hero Day
6 Kenyon Dance Collab. Performance
9 Kindergarten Screening
10 4th Grade Ag Day 9-11:30 am
12 5th Grade vs. Staff Hockey Game, 2:15 pm
13 5th Grade Cases for Smiles
13 End of the Year Picnic, 11:45-12:45
16 5th Grade to Heartland Camp for the day with Pleasant Street
18 Field Day
19 Field Day Rain Date
20 NWEA MAP Window closes
20 3rd Grade History Field Trip 9:15-2:00
22 High School Graduation
23 4th Grade Hygiene Talk w/Knox Public Health, 1:55-2:35
23 5th Grade Puberty Talk w/Knox Public Health, 2:40-3:30
24 Talent Show, 2:00
26 End of 4th 9 weeks/Last Day of School
26 KDG Graduation, 9:30 am
26 5th Grade Graduation, 10:30 am
26 5th Grade Clap-out, 11:45 am
26 Final Report Cards go home
26 2-hour early dismissal, 1:30
27 Teacher Work Day
30 Memorial Day
Principal- Wiggin Street Elementary
Email: cgrandstaff@mvcsd.us
Website: mvcsd.us
Location: 207 Wiggin St, Gambier, OH, USA
Phone: (740) 427-4262
Twitter: @LCGrandstaff