Blackhawk Banner
April 2023
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STAR Expectation Refresh Assembly
- Kindness Rules!: it is our goal to have a safe and welcoming school for all students at all times.
- Locker usage: students should not be sharing their lockers with anyone at any time and they should not be setting their lockers in the open position.
- Hands, feet, and objects to yourself: though this is pretty self-explanatory, it is still an ongoing challenge for many middle schoolers.
- Proper use of phones: though phone misuse has drastically improved this year, we still remind students and families that texting throughout the day is not permitted except during students' designated lunch periods.
- Appropriate dress: as the weather will be warming up soon, we reminded students that appropriate length pants and shirts are expected at school--regardless of fashion trends.
- IDs: students are expected to have their IDs every day--consequences possible
- Tardies: students are expected to arrive to school on time, seated in advisory by 7:50--consequences possible
- Lunch: delivery services for lunches is not permitted
- Finish strong: students were encouraged to pick one or two of the above to work on for remainder of the year
Blackhawk Alumni Spotlight
When asked what's something she remembers about her Blackhawk years, she responded:
"Mr. Hodges' science class." She shared that Mr. Hodges’ class was where she first became interested in science. She never knew a class could be so fun and informative as well. Whenever she would go back to visit Mr. Hodges after graduating, she would tell him she was going into science, getting her doctorate, and then finally becoming a pharmacist! He was so proud of her. Dr. Arifovic would also like to mention Mrs. Popescu. While in Mrs. Popescu's math class, she always made Dr. Arifovic feel at home and comfortable. Believe it or not, math used to be one of the Arifovic's weaker subjects (funny because she chose a career that has A LOT to do with math). Arifovic shared that Mrs. Popescu always believed in her, showing her tough love and never allowing her to doubt herself. Arifovic claimed, "Mrs. Popescu probably knew I would succeed before I even knew it myself!"
When asked what advice she might have for current Blackhawk students, her suggestion is, "You can accomplish anything you set your mind and heart to!! Never give up on any dream you have. I wanted to be a doctor and although it was the most challenging aspect of my life, it has been the most rewarding!"
Dr. Masa Arifovic, 8th Grade
Dr. Masa Arifovic, Senior Year
Mr. Robert Hodges, 7th Grade Science (retired)
Dr. Masa Arifovic, 2023
Anderson Book Fair
Blackhawk Career Day
- accountant
- architect
- beauty/cosmetology
- car industry
- engineer
- firefighter/paramedic
- lawyer
- medicine
- police
- politics
- teacher
- travel
- veterinarian
This career day was a collaborative effort involving Ms. Mazzone, 8th grade social science, and Ms. Schwarz, District 2 Community Liaison, and the entire 8th grade team.
This career day fits nicely into the next 8th grade social science unit that explores personal finance and budgeting. In this unit, students are required to find a job which is an area in which many students need support and experience. Ms. Mazzone surveyed the kids to see what jobs they would be interested in learning more about. Then the team, led by Ms. Schwartz, set off to find those people in those fields to invite them to participate in career day. The team didn't have to guess what the kids wanted to explore--the kids told them in the survey. It all came together wonderfully and produced great excitement in the auditorium Thursday.
We are so proud of how our students let their curiosity lead them through this experience. Some career representatives at the fair said our students were well-prepared with good questions and handled themselves with maturity and respect. It is our hope to make the career day an annual event and include even more professions in the future.
Upcoming Important Dates
April 12th-14th Book Fair
April 12th Blackhawk track meet at Fenton HS
April 14th National Museum of Mexican Art, select students trip
April 15th Blackhawk Jazz Band performance at Chicago Wolves game
April 19th Blackhawk track meet at York HS
April 20th, Erin's Law Presentation, 6th grade
April 21st Third trimester midterm
April 26th Blackhawk track meet at Fenton HS
May 3rd Blackhawk Chorus and Steel Drum concert, 6:30 PM, auditorium
May 2nd Student Recognition Breakfast, 7:00 AM, cafeteria
May 4th Blackhawk PTO meeting, 6:30 PM, Learning Center
May 4th Blackhawk track meet at Hinsdale Central HS