JSD Tech Updates
Jerome School District Technology Updates
Information for Staff and Students - Content Filter
Securly content filters through our Google Suite
- In order to to use our Internal Network, any user on any device must be logged in to their Google Account through Jerome School District.
- The Guest network will not require you to login a device to Google, but will always receive our Default content filter.
- If you want the content filter to know who you are, you must be connected either wired, or on JSDDevices, JSDStaff, or JSDStudent.
Devices Needing a Certificate
- All Chromebooks and Windows Domain computers/laptops have had an Internet SSL Certificate pushed to them. This allows your device to automatically trust Securly.
- If you are using any other type of device, including personal devices, they must have a certificate installed on them in order to use our internal network.
- Testing to see if you have the certificate on your device, along with instructions can be found here: https://www.securly.com/ssl
- That link is also on our district website under Quick Links, Technology Support.
Help! We're Being Blocked!!!
- There WILL be sites that were opened by us in the past that Securly will block by default, and we will need to re-open them.
- There WILL be sites we intentionally blocked in the past that are open now.
What do I do if something needs changed?
Fortunately, we have a procedure in place for content filter changes. If you need something changed on the content filter, please do the following:
- Email 2 people: The Curriculum Director, Janet Avery, and your Building Principal.
- Include the actual URL or Domain you want blocked or unblocked.
- Explain who you want it changed for (Staff, Students, Guests)
- Explain the Instructional Purpose behind blocking/unblocking the site.
New Tech Support Ticket System
You can now also get there from inside your google account. If you click on the Google Waffle icon, you can now scroll down to the Mojo Helpdesk icon (looks like a star) and enter a ticket from there. You will also be able to see all your open and previously closed tickets within the system as well (you won't see tickets from the old system in there).
Link directly to our Mojo Helpdesk
Tech Support Webpage
Though we can't always plan for everything that happens, we'll try to put things on here like links to tools, the shared staff Google Drive, and updates that will down service to things like PowerSchool, Skyward, Internet or Phones.
Jerome School District Technology Department
Website: https://www.jeromeschools.org
Location: 125 4th Avenue West, Jerome, ID, USA
Phone: 208-324-2392