Hall's Corner
October 1, 2021
Dear BHS Families:
Homecoming 2021 is upon us! Check out the details in the attached HOMECOMING 2021 Letter. THANK YOU for talking to your kids about homecoming and helping us ensure a safe and fun homecoming week.
1st Quarter Grade Updates in SchoolTool Parent/Student Portal
Grades for all classes will be updated in Schooltool on or before 8 AM on Monday, October 4th!
Click link below for a complete and up-to-the-minute list
Reminder 1 – MASK WEARING over the nose and mouth.
We need to wear our masks over our nose and mouth while inside the building. Believe me, I get it, nobody wants to be wearing masks all day inside, but for now, we have to do this. We want to remain 5 days/week and stay in school. This is one of the ways we can do that. I hope things change in the next several months. For now, wear your masks!
Reminder 2 – Going outside during FLEX and Free periods.
Students can go outside any time they are free through door 20 near the cafeteria.
There is no need to sign out or back in, but YOU MUST STAY ON CAMPUS! The campus is closed during periods 1,2,3,4 and FLEX. Students are not allowed to leave campus without specific permission during periods 1, 2, 3, 4, FLEX, and 8. You must stay on campus during these periods.
If students have free periods and want to leave campus during OPEN CAMPUS, periods 5, 6, or 7, you must sign out of the building at door 1. Sign back in at door 1 when you return.
Topics covered in today’s Hall’s Corner: READ ONLY WHAT YOU WANT!
Senior Parent Nights – Check this out! IMPORTANT INFO!
Students in the News
BHS School Picture Retake day – October 22nd
Athletic News
Check out this website for the most up to date athletic schedules
Follow Brighton Sports on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/BCSDSports
Calendar of Future Events – Check this out!
Senior Parent Nights – Two Great Information Nights Remaining – Check it out!
2nd Night – 10/5 at 6:30 PM – BHS Auditorium and ZOOM
3rd Night – 10/12 at 6:30 PM – ZOOM ONLY.
KUDOS to Senior Alex Heininger! Alex, an offensive lineman for the BHS Bruin Football, has committed to Central Michigan University! See his story on News 10 In-Depth Investigative