Board Highlights
The Winnetka Public Schools, October 2023
Important: Adventures in Learning Temporary Pause & Location Change for ESY Over Summer 2024 Announced
The Board approved a temporary pause in Adventures in Learning programming for the Summer of 2024 to accommodate construction and renovation at all five campuses. Extended School Year will continue as planned, but will be hosted at New Trier’s Northfield Campus. The District will be excited to reopen Adventures in Learning in Summer 2025. More details are below.
Regular Board Meeting
Emily Rose, President, noted that this week is the 100th anniversary of the Jungle Gym, which originated in Winnetka. Read more here. This milestone ties into the longstanding history of Progressive Education in the community. Ms. Rose thanked Dr. Matheson and Mr. Knapp, who hosted a Winnetka Parents Institute on Understanding Benchmark assessments, and encouraged families to view the video of the session. In light of Principal Appreciation Month, she thanked the District Principals for their dedication to supporting student growth and achievement.
Reports on the following Committees were shared by participating Board Members:
Facility Subcommittee Meeting
Crow Island Stewardship
Special Work Session Meeting
TrueNorth Cooperative 504 Leadership Council
Winnetka Public School Foundation
Finance Subcommittee Meeting
Special Meeting
Policy Subcommittee
Dr. Kelly Tess, Superintendent, shared that the Superintendent’s Survey is now open through November 18. Please take the survey to provide the administration with important information to better support communication. Echoing Ms. Rose, Dr. Tess also expressed gratitude to the District Principals for their leadership and all of their positive contributions to the school community.
Painting our Portrait:
Monthly, one of the five District schools will share a video to showcase an initiative that helps support attributes outlined in our Portrait of a Graduate. Effective Communication, Lifelong Learning, Empathy and Global Citizenship are all components of Digital Literacy at Crow Island School.
From Principal Livingston:
“At Crow Island, we recognize that we live in a digital age and students have access to online resources and learning opportunities. We recognize that we have a responsibility to help students navigate online tools in a way that is safe and fosters positive experiences. DistrictDigital citizenship lessons and skills are being taught across our grade levels to help students navigate their use of online tools through a range of skills and responsibilities that include:
Keeping a healthy balance of online and offline activities.
Maintaining a positive online presence.
The ability to protect your personal information.
Understanding intellectual property right”
District and School Improvement Plans
The Department of Innovation, Teaching and Learning, along with the principals provided an overview of the data-based District Improvement Plan and individual School Improvement Plans. A mid-year update on progress towards School Improvement Plans will be shared by Principals in February. A short video detailing this work will be included in a message to families next week.
Informational Items
The Board approved Bulley and Andrews as the District’s new Construction Manager in September 2023. The team was introduced at the October meeting.
Adventures in Learning/ESY Summer 2024
It was recommended and approved that the Board support a temporary pause in Adventures in Learning programming for the Summer of 2024 to accommodate construction and renovation at all five campuses. Extended School Year will continue as planned, but will be hosted at New Trier’s Northfield Campus. The District will be excited to reopen Adventures in Learning in Summer 2025.
Enrollment/Staffing Update 2023/2024
The Board received a recommendation for the addition of staff including a link to the current staffing plan. The District will continue to monitor student needs in order to provide the appropriate staffing support.
New Student Pre-Registraton Discount for 2024/2025
The Board approved a pre-registration discount of $40 per student for those students who are fully registered by January 12, 2024. This was approved in order to assist the Administration with staffing appropriately for the following school year.
Permanent Utility Easement for the Village of Winnetka
The Board approved a permanent utility easement agreement to the Village of Winnetka for Greeley Elementary to allow access to a new transformer and switchgear that will be installed on the property as part of the referendum work.
Recommended Updates to School Board Policy – 2nd Read
The Board had the opportunity to conduct a 2nd read on policies brought forward for review and update by the Policy Subcommittee at its September 26, 2023, meeting. Included in this 2nd read was a rewrite of Policy 7:50, Student Admissions and Student Transfers to and from Non-District Schools. The updated policy remains unchanged yet does address parent concerns related to delayed entry for kindergarten. Pending no changes following a 2nd read, policies recommended for update will be adopted during the consent agenda portion of the meeting.
The Consent Agenda and Following Action Items Were Approved:
2024-2025 Pre-Registration Discount
Permanent Utility Easement Agreement to Village of Winnetka for Greeley Elementary School
Adventures in Learning Programming Temporary Pause