Bridgewater Bear Tracks
Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Safe, Try Your Best
February 17, 2023
Teacher Workshop-No School for Students on Monday, Feb. 20th
There is no school for students on Monday, Feb. 20th. Teachers will have Professional Development on this day. The Bridgewater office will be open from 7:30-3:30.
Northfield All School Art Show at the Nfld Arts Guild-Feb. 15th-Mar. 11th
The Northfield All School Art Show with the theme “Art Attack” is back this year! Congratulations to the 75 of our Bridgewater artists who had their work selected this year for the NAG art show and they will be bringing home yellow letters with postcards attached this week. We would love to include all of our wonderful artists from Bridgewater, but we have to share the gallery space with the other schools in Northfield and our wall space is limited. The artwork will be displayed Wednesday 2/15/23 through Saturday 3/11/23 at the Northfield Arts Guild on Division Street in downtown Northfield. The address is 304 Division Street, Northfield, MN.
A public reception called the “Imagination Celebration” will be held Saturday, February 25th from 10am -2pm. Students, families, guardians, and friends are invited to enjoy the visual art show, theater performances, art activities, and musical performances during this special day of recognizing the wonderful work these students have created. I will be present in the gallery from 10-11p.m.
I hope that you can attend this event to see the outstanding display of talent by Northfield’s young artists. If you are unable to attend the “Imagination Celebration” you may view the show during regular gallery hours. Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: 12–5pm Saturday: 11am–4pm. Congratulations to our BW artists and keep up the great work everyone!
Bridgewater Art Room website:
Northfield Arts Guild website:
ArtZany Radio
If you would like to hear more about the show or about our art programs in Northfield tune into ArtZany Radio! Airing on FRIDAY 2/17/23 @9 am and SATURDAY 2/18/23 @9 am!!! You can also listen anytime at :
Artfully yours,
Ms. Kate Woodstrup
Visual Art Teacher
Bridgewater Elementary School
Bus Driver Appreciation Day-Feb. 22nd
Bus Driver Appreciation Day is on Wednesday, Feb. 22nd. School bus drivers are always there to make sure that kids get to and from school, safely and on time. Parents are assured that once their kids leave their homes for school, they are in the good hands of the bus drivers. Please help us to thank our bus drivers and make them feel appreciated!
I Love to Read Month
February is I Love to Read Month. Attached below is the calendar of events for February.
Cat In The Hat
Wednesday, Feb. 22nd is Cat In the Hat Day. Wear you favorite hat to school!
BBC Spirit Day
Friday, Feb. 24th is our next spirit day. Students may dress as their favorite book character or wear PJs! Suggested donation is $1.
Black History Month
February is Black History Month. This is a time that we recognize the many contributions of African Americans to the United States. We will introduce students to a variety of black people that have made and/or are making a significant difference to our country and the role that they play in our lives today.
New Diverse Books
Media Specialist, Rebecca Glassing, has done a great job of bringing in more diverse books for our students to read. It is so important for students to see themselves in books and in the curriculum. Below are three examples of books that are now available in our Media Center for students to check out.
Hair Love by Matthew Cherry
Figure It Out, Henri Weldon by Tanita Davis
Just Right Jillian by Nicole Collier
Trading Cards/Toys
Please have children keep any and all playing cards and toys at home. These items just end up causing a distraction at school, especially when they get lost or taken. This includes Pokemon cards.
Kindess Retreat
The Kindness Retreat for fourth-grade has been re-scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 22nd. In the meantime, we can practice kindness every day!! I doesn't cost anything to treat others kindly every day!
Community School
Hello Families!
After School Programs:
We have continued to have a great time in our after school programs. Thank you for being here right at 4:45 for pickup!
Evening Program:
Due to lack of staff, evening programming at Bridgewater is not available from now until the end of the school year. Thank you for understanding.
Jenny Jones
Northfield Community School
Program Coordinator
Bridgewater Elementary
401 Jefferson Parkway
Northfield, MN 55057
Cell: 612-709-9244
Office: 507-664-3359
Pronouns: she/her/ella
Hablo Español
Thank you!
Thank you for all of the kind birthday messages! It is impossible to have a holiday birthday at an elementary school without others finding out. It is great to be 37....again! 😊
February Lunch Menus
There are many activities that children and adults may access during the course of the year. Don't forget to check the numerous opportunities from the Northfield Community Education Program:
Upcoming Events
Feb. 20---No School/Staff Development Day/President's Day
Feb. 21---100th Day of School in Kindergarten
Feb. 22---101st Day of School in 1st Grade
Feb. 22---Kindness Retreat for 4th Grade
Feb. 22---Bus Driver Appreciation Day
Mar. 8---District Choral Festival 4/5 Grade Choirs-NMS
Mar. 9---District Choral Festival Evening Concert
Mar. 16---5th Grade Science Museum Field Trip
Mar. 27-31---Spring Break-No School
Apr. 20---5th Grade Parent Night @ NMS
Apr. 28---2nd Grade Science Museum Field Trip
May 4---NMS Choir Tour (5th Grade Attending)
May 8---Boosterthon Pep Rally
May 9---Band & Choir Concert (2:00 & 7:00pm)
May 19---Boosterthon Fun Run
June 2---Track & Field Day (4th Gr. 9:00-11:30//5th Gr. 12:00-2:30)
June 8---Fifth-Grade Graduation
June 9---Last Day of School (2 hour early release)
School Calendars 22-23
Bridgewater Elementary School
World-Class Learning for Elementary Students K-5 Bridgewater Elementary School, situated on a 14-acrd campus just south of downtown Northfield, is a K-5 public school serving approximately 530 students. It serves the neighborhoods on Northfield's southern side, Dundas, and the rural area south of Highway 19 and west of Highway 246. Students benefit from an active parent-teacher organization, Bridgewater Booster Club (BBC) and many parent volunteers.
The staff is intensely dedicated to offering a high-quality, well-rounded education that strives to meet the specific needs of each student. We focus on empowering our students in their academic and social emotional learning along with building a solid foundation for their educational journey.
Main Office Number: 507-664-3300
Attendance Line: 507-664-3306
Address: 401 Jefferson Parkway
Web page: