Bowman Beacon
Information for parents! Información para los padres!
Principal's Message for the Week
I believe in the beauty in all humans. I have not just travelled but lived and/or taught in many different countries and there are so many ties that bind us all together. Every person adds a beautiful piece to the tapestry of life.
Upcoming Important Dates
Monday, September 11th: Football versus Murphy at Kimbrough Stadium @ 6pm
Monday, September 11th: 8th Volleyball versus Wilson at Bowman 6 pm
Thursday, September 14th: PICTURE DAY!
Thursday, September 14th: 7th Grade Volleyball at Wilson 6 pm
Friday, September 15th: UIL grade check
Friday, September 15th- Sunday, October 15th: National Hispanic Heritage Month
In the Works
October 6th is the last day of the first quarter of school.
October 9-13: students will be off for fall break
PTA is working on a winter dance, so more to come in the future on that as well.
8th Gr. Football
Join Student PTA
Coming Soon - September 28th Spirit Night at Raising Canes
Cell Phones/Personal Devices
Students will not be allowed to have their cell phones, earbuds, or other personal devices out during the school day. We will be asking for them to keep these items in their backpacks during school. We will be reminding students about this procedure during the first few days of school. Please discuss this with your child prior to the start of the school year.
Please note that Chromebooks will not be used in the cafeteria during lunch periods this school year.
If you need to contact your child during the school day, please contact the front office (469.752.4800) and we will relay the information to them.
Attendance at school is important for student success. Please help us ensure your child is attending school each and every day. If they do feel ill or have fever, keep them home! They will be able to complete missing work on their return to campus.
Please ensure your child is at Bowman, in their classroom before the start of class each morning. Please note that school starts at 8:25 am, which means students should be in their classrooms ready to learn by that time.
Appointments and checking your student out
We understand that some doctor's appointments need to be made during the school day. Please follow these procedures:
Send a handwritten, signed note with your child that says something similar to “please send [your child’s name] to the front office at [time you need your child to report to the office] to meet me for an appointment.”
Instruct your child to give it to the teacher whose class they are in during the time listed on the note.
Meet your child in the front office to sign them out of the building.
Do not send anyone to pick a student up that is not on the emergency contact list.
When your student returns to school (same or next day), they must bring a doctor’s note to the front attendance office for an absence excuse.
Bowman Middle School
Location: 2501 Jupiter Rd, Plano, TX 75074, USA
Phone: (469) 752-4800