Schluter Family Updates
Friday, March 3, 2023
3/9 - Donuts with Grownups
3/6-3/10 - Spring Book Fair
3/7 - Open House
3/10 - Early Release
3/13-3/21 - SPRING BREAK
3/28 - Art Show
A Note from Mrs. Williams
What a great, busy week it’s been! I hope everyone stayed safe last night during the storms. Thankfully, our building is in good shape, despite having lost power for a little while last night. I am thankful that all of our families were safe and are well.
Thank you to all those who attended Multicultural Night on Tuesday! It was a wonderful learning experience getting to learn about cultures around the world, but most importantly about the amazing cultures that represent Schluter! We are excited to have even more families represented next year.
Today was also Northwest Reads! Thank you to all of our volunteers for giving of their time to help promote reading and literacy with our students! You being here makes such a difference for our students, and it means the world to us. We were also so thankful to have Mr. Schluter, Dr. Foust, Dr. Raven, and Mrs. Miles come to read with our students too! Be sure to ask your kiddos about it!
Coming soon is also Career Day! If you could not make it to volunteer for Northwest Reads, please consider volunteering for Career Day! Our students love learning about different careers, and thinking about what they want to be when they grow up. Check out the graphic below to sign up to volunteer; we would love to have you!
Next week is Open House, and we can’t wait! This is such a great evening for our students to showcase so much of their learning from throughout the year. We will start with a PTA meeting at 5:15 pm, and classroom visits start at 5:30pm. We will also host another Dudes on Duty orientation at 6:00 pm that evening for any of our dads/uncles/grandfathers who were not able to attend our first kick-off. I hope you’ll join us that night!
It looks like we have lovely weather coming this weekend, so I hope everyone gets to enjoy it!
Mrs. Williams
Reminder: Spring break takes place March 13-21 for students
As a reminder, Northwest ISD students will have spring break from March 13 to 21 before resuming classes on Wednesday, March 22. Please be aware that while staff will be at schools on March 20 and 21, responses may be delayed as professional development will take place to prepare for the return of students.
Book Fair is here!
Tuesday, March 7--Book Fair is closed in the morning for testing and will reopen in the afternoon.
5:30-7:00 Open House--Be sure to stop by the book fair.
Wednesday, March 8-Book Fair is open throughout the day.
Thursday, March 9, 7:20-8:00--Donuts With My Grown-ups Come shop at the book fair and get a donut from your Schluter PTA! Students must be with their grown-up(s) to enter the book fair.
Friday, March 10--Book Fair will close at 11:00, so we can prepare for early dismissal.
Bond election called to meet record-setting growth
With the board’s approval, the referendum will now appear before voters on May 6 for consideration. Voters will have the opportunity to cast ballots on three propositions: new schools and educational facility updates ($1,672,193,000), new high school stadiums and updates to existing stadiums ($301,555,000), and technology devices ($21,752,000). While the total amount of the bond referendum across all three propositions is roughly $1.995 billion, voters will not see that figure and will only see the monetary amount as divided into each proposition. For more information and to view the full proposal, visit www.nisdtxbond.org.
Registration for Camp Invention is open!
In the ALL-NEW Wonder program at @CampInvention children will become innovative entrepreneurs as they design their own mini pop-up business, create a one-of-a-kind MimicBot™, build a mini skate park and become confident event planners. Camp is coming to Berkshire Elementary the week of June 12th. Register your rising K-6th grader for the fun at http://bit.ly/3mbX6vW
SchoolMed telehealth available for district students
🍩📚NEXT WEEK - Donuts with Grownups & Bookfair🍩📚
Volunteer opportunity is now available for sign up!
🍩 We will be serving juice and donuts for Donuts with Grown ups! We would love your help from 7:00 am - 8:15 am on Thursday, March 9th!
📚 If that’s to early for you, but you still want to volunteer. Our amazing Librarian Ms. Pospisil would love your help, helping students pick out books at our Book Fair!
Please make sure you fill out your Raptor background check with the district…
And also attend Volunteer 101.
Thank you for volunteering your time to help make our school great!
Deadline for ads: March 17, 2023
Deadline for yearbook purchase: April 1, 2023
Upload photos on schluterpta.org or the Facebook page (there are monthly posts with upload links)
Register to vote in May election
High school spring plant sales set for April
This year, all schools will host their plant sales for two days only. The annual sale will take place from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday, April 14, and from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 15. Sales will be conducted in each school’s greenhouse. Byron Nelson is located at 2775 Bobcat Blvd. in Trophy Club, Eaton is located at 1350 Eagle Blvd. in Haslet and Northwest is located at 2301 Texan Drive in Justin.
For more information about the sales, read this news article.
Thanks for a great 2023 Expo!
Roanoke Public Library offering free cards to all NISD students, staff
Attendance boundaries set for 2023-2024 school year
School times changing in 2023-2024, slight calendar tweaks
Too many ParentSquare notifications? Change your preferences!
Families in Northwest ISD have full control of how they receive ParentSquare messages. To change your settings, sign in on the ParentSquare website and hover over your profile’s name in the top right corner to select “My Account.” From there, click “Notification Settings” on the left sidebar and turn on or off any message format (email, text and app) and whether you receive notifications instantly or each evening (in the “digest” option).
Set your language preference in ParentSquare
Alphabest Afterschool Care
Reminder: Use MyShoolBucks for school meal accounts
Free or reduced-priced meals now require 2022-2023 application
For students who meet federal requirements, school meals may be provided free or at a reduced cost. To receive this benefit, a student's parent or guardian must fill out the free or reduced-cost meal application and be granted admission into the program. While students in the program receive the same benefits briefly at the start of the following school year, the application must be completed annually to continue receiving the program's benefits. For any student who received benefits from the free or reduced-priced meal program in 2021-2022 but has not yet applied and been granted its benefits for the current school year, regular costs are now in effect.
In order for benefits to continue, an application must be completed and returned and free or reduced-price meals will continue to be provided, if the student qualifies. The application can be completed at this link. Paper applications are also available at all Northwest ISD campuses. Please direct any questions to Yen Brown, free and reduced specialist, at 817-698-1091.
Consider joining our team following an increase to paraprofessional pay!
Schools across the district have several open paraprofessional positions for those interested in joining our team! See a listing of open positions on this webpage.
After-school care positions
Food Service positions
Aramark is seeking full-time and part-time food service employees for locations in Justin, Rhome, Newark, Fort Worth, Keller, Haslet, Trophy Club and Roanoke.
No weekend, holiday or evening hours.
• Apply online: nisdtx.org/foodservice
• Call 817-215-0007NISD now hiring bus drivers
Northwest ISD is seeking applicants who are 18 years and older for bus driver positions starting at $18/hour. Employees receive paid training, TRS retirement, and benefits, including medical, dental and vision.
• Apply online: bit.ly/nisdbusdriver
• Call 817-698-1287
• Email transportationjobs@nisdtx.orgFollow us to stay in the loop!
Positive attitudes
Use their talents
Respect themselves and each other, and
Strive for excellence every day.
We take care of ourselves. We take care of each other. We take care of this place.
Email: schluterelem@nisdtx.org
Website: schluter.nisdtx.org
Location: 1220 Mesa Crest Drive, Haslet, TX, USA
Phone: (817) 698-3900
Facebook: facebook.com/schluterelem
Twitter: @schluterelem