Bertram Family Connection
December 10, 2023
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Looking Ahead
Dec. 6th-21st - 12 Days of Christmas (see below)
Dec. 20th - Christmas Program 5:30 pm Bertram Cafeteria
Dec. 21st - Early Release at 12:20 pm
Dec. 21st - Bulldog Boogie
Dec. 22nd-Jan. 5th - Christmas Break
Jan. 8th - Professional Development/Student Holiday
Morning Drop-off Reminders
Student safety is our priority. Students can be dropped off beginning at 7:15 am. Please do not drop students off before 7:15 am as we do not have staff on duty. If going through the car rider line, students must be dropped off on the curb side. When utilizing the drop-off line, please pull all the way forward as this allows many students to be dropped quickly. If you are walking your student to the front door or gate, please park and use the crosswalk to approach the school.
12 Days of Christmas
Week 2
Monday - Feeling Frosty - Wear Blue and White
Tuesday - Rudolph Day - Dress like a Reindeer
Wednesday - Christmas Warmth - Wear Flannel
Thursday - Wear a Santa Hat
Friday - National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day
Week 3
Monday - Merry, Merry Morning - Wear Christmas PJs
Tuesday - Candy Cane Day - Wear Red and White
Wednesday - Dress as a Christmas Tree
Thursday - Christmas Character Day (Grinch, Cindy Lou, etc.)
Class Parties - December 20th
Our December class parties will be on Wednesday, December 20th. Parents are invited and will need to check in at the office with the event ticket that will be sent home in advance of the party. Family members arriving without an event ticket will need to check in at the office with photo ID.
8:30am-9:30am - 2nd
9am-10 am - PreK
9:30-10:30 am - 1st
10am-11am - Kinder
12:30-1:30pm - 4th
1pm-2pm - 5th
1:30-2:30pm - 3rd
Dec. 21st Early Release at 12:20 pm
No Cell Phones, Smart Watches, or Other Personal Technology
As a reminder, students are not permitted to use personal cell phones, smart watches, or other technology at school. All personal student devices are expected to be put away and in backpacks while student are on campus. BCISD has provided device for every child that we use for learning purposes. If technology is on your child's holiday wish list, please be sure that they understand that it may not be used at school.
Leader in Me
Have you heard your students talk about the 7 Habits or Leader in Me and wonder exactly what that is? As a Leader in Me District, we believe that every member of your family has greatness. Leader in Me is about empowering your child to reach their full potential while ultimately finding their voice. As a school, the staff in this building have made five core commitments to your child. We call these our Core Paradigms. In these paradigms you will find the belief and way we view all students. At this school we see that:
• Everyone is a leader.
• Everyone has genius.
• Change starts with me.
• We empower students to lead their own learning.
• Educators and families partner to develop the whole person.
Not only do these paradigms apply to your student, they apply to all of us! Leader in Me provides our school with the vision and language to lead the school in a way that addresses all areas of development. As each child discovers and develops their unique gifts and talents, they are given opportunities to lead. As leaders, they become active, engaged partners in their own education, and their self-confidence, responsibility, and initiative grows. The children quickly understand the benefits of different gifts and talents; they learn to listen to new ideas, work together to achieve results, and motivate one another to be the best.
We will regularly share with you information on the Habits being taught and how you may support the Leader in Me at home.
Attendance Matters
Bertram's Attendance Tracking
Bertram's ADA for this past week was 93.39%
ADA stands for Average Daily Attendance and is defined as the total days of student attendance divided by the total days of instruction. "98 IS Great!", so 98% is our goal! We recognize that illnesses and events take place that necesitate absences, however, we do encourage every student to be in school every day he/she is able. Let's work toward 98%!
Christmas Program
PTO December Newsletter
Volunteer Opportunities
Staff Favorite Things
Bertram Elementary School
- 7:15am Student Drop Off/ Breakfast
- 7:25am Office Opens
- 7:40am School Begins
- 7:45am Students arriving after this time are marked tardy
- 9:00am Students not in attendance are marked absent
- 1:30pm Any transportation changes DUE, please email: ber-transportation@burnetcisd.net
- 2:30pm All Early Checkouts must be complete - Remember to bring your picture ID to complete early check out
- 3:20pm Student Dismissal
- 3:45pm Office/School Closes
Email: ber-transportation@burnetcisd.net
Website: https://bes.burnetcisd.net/
Location: 315 Main Street, Bertram, TX, USA
Phone: 512-355-2111
Facebook: facebook.com/bertramelementary
Twitter: @BurnetCISD