Stewart Stampede
May 2023
Student Placement for 2023/24
It's time for us to work on placing students into classes for the 2023/24 school year. Each year Dr. English asks for input from parents that might help as we work through this process. Some parents include information such as...
"My child is doing well in class this year. Please place him with one or two students from his current class so he will have some familiar faces."
"My child is very good friends with our next door neighbor ________. They play together almost daily. It may not be a good idea to place them in the same classroom."
"My child suffers from test anxiety. Please place her in a class with a teacher who understands how to help children with this type of concern."
Below is the link to the form.
2023-2024 Student Online Registration
Registration for the 2023-2024 school year is open online. Please include the following documents.
Student birth certificate
Student Social Security Card
Parent ID
Student immunization records
Proof of residency
STAAR Testing Dates
This year, all students will take the STAAR test online. We feel confident that students are well prepared as they have been working and testing online all year.
The dates are different this year. Due to online testing, the state is allowing us to space out administrations as necessary. This means students will not be expected to take assessments two days in a row. This change is so much better for our students.
Please see the dates below for specific dates by grade level.
May 9th - 6th grade and 4th grade Math STAAR
May 10th - 5th grade and 3rd grade Math STAAR
May 9th - 11th - Math STAAR
Peet Jr High Band
6th Grade Parents,
The Peet Band will be hosting a Band Parent Association informational meeting for all incoming parents on Monday, May 15th at 6:00pm in the Peet Band Hall. If you are interested in volunteering or contributing to the band program as an active parent next year, you are strongly encouraged to attend this event!
Parking: Please go around the left side of the school and park in the back to enter the band hall. We will have a sign posted on the exterior door. This will also be the same location you will pick up and drop off you child at all Peet Band events next year!
If you have any questions, please contact the Peet Band Directors:
Jeremy Kelsey:
Kelly Connell:
Field Day
Kindergarten, First Grade and Second Grade will be on Friday, May 12th
Third Grade through Sixth Grade will be on Monday, May 15th
Below are some details for each day,
Friday, May 12th
Students in K-2nd will rotate through three areas.
1. field at the church - relays
2. playground adjacent to the car rider drive - various field games (some will include water games)
3. gym and art rooms
* parents are invited to attend
Kindergarten Schedule
9:00AM-10:00AM - field day games on the east playground *
10:00AM-10:30AM - restroom/water break
10:30-11:30 - field day relay events at the church *
11:30-1:00 - lunch and sno cones
1:00PM-2:00PM - indoor field day events
First Grade Schedule
9:00AM-10:00AM - field day relay events at the church *
10:00AM-10:30AM - restroom/water break
10:30-11:30 - indoor field day events
11:30-1:00 - lunch and sno cones
1:00PM-2:00PM - field day games on the east playground *
Second Grade Schedule
9:00AM-10:00AM - indoor field day events
10:00AM-10:30AM - restroom/water break
10:30-11:30 - field day games on the east playground *
11:30-1:00 - lunch and sno cones
1:00PM-2:00PM - field day relay events at the church *
Monday, May 15th
Students in 3rd - 6th grades will rotate through four areas.
1. field at the church - relays
2. playground adjacent to the car rider drive - various field games
3. front drive (at the front of the school) - water relays
4. gym and art rooms
Third Grade Schedule
8:30AM-9:30AM - indoor field day events
9:30AM-10:30AM - field day relay events at the church *
10:30AM-12:00noon - lunch and sno cones
12:00 noon-1:00PM - field day water games (car line drive) *
1:00PM-2:00PM - field day games on the east playground *
Fourth Grade Schedule
8:30AM-9:30AM - field day relay events at the church *
9:30AM-10:30AM - indoor field day events
10:30AM-12:00noon - lunch and sno cones
12:00 noon-1:00PM - field day games on the east playground *
1:00PM-2:00PM - field day water games (car line drive) *
Fifth Grade Schedule
8:30AM-9:30AM - field day games on the east playground *
9:30AM-10:30AM - field day water games (car line drive) *
10:30AM-12:00noon - lunch and sno cones
12:00 noon-1:00PM - field day relay games at the church *
1:00PM-2:00PM - indoor field day events
Sixth Grade Schedule
8:30AM-9:30AM - field day water games (car line drive) *
9:30AM-10:30AM - field day relay games on the east playground *
10:30AM-12:00noon - lunch and sno cones
12:00 noon-1:00PM - indoor field day events
1:00PM-2:00PM - field day relay games at the church *
Additional details:
We need volunteers to help make these days fun and successful. Please consider signing up to help. All volunteers MUST complete a "volunteer in CISD" form online. Volunteers will receive a lanyard with a badge stating that they are a "Field Day Volunteer."
If you are unable to volunteer, you are welcome to come and watch your children during the outdoor games as a spectator. Unfortunately, due to safety and security concerns, we are unable to allow spectators to come into the building.
Due to space and security, only field day volunteers, will be able to help in the gym or art rooms. The specific volunteers include parents who sign up to help with tug of war in the gym, or those helping in the art rooms.
Staff members will be parking in the front parking lot. Volunteers and spectators may park in the faculty parking lot, the church parking lot or along the street. Please be aware that children will be crossing the street to access the field at the church.
Kindergarten Graduation - Pre-Registration Form
For the safety of all our students, we are asking that each person attending the graduation pre-register for this event. Additionally, due to space constraints, we are limiting the number of guests to four (4) per child. If you have any special circumstances we need to be aware of, please contact us.
This form will allow you to register up to four (4) people per student. Complete this form and we will send you the number of tickets you need for the event. Each ticket will be numbered, which will be matched to the student's name. Tickets will be sent home in Tuesday folders.
Bring these tickets to the event. They will be collected at the door. If you don't bring a ticket, you will be asked to check in before entering the building.
The ceremony begins at 8:30AM. Doors open at 8:05AM, after all students have entered the building.
End of Year Event Pre-Registration
Our end of the year events are coming up. Please check the information in the calendar so you don't miss anything.
We are asking everyone attending to pre-register. This will help us prepare for these special events. Each person attending will need to register.
Due to space/capacity, some events are limited to three guests per child. Although we know there are special circumstances, we will try to make allowances where necessary. Please contact your child's teacher if this is the case.
All events are listed on the google form below.
Please complete the pre-registration form for all end of year celebrations and activities.
Parking: Families may park in the parking lot at the front of the school, along the street, or in the church parking lot.
Lunch Reservation
In order to allow more families to come please limit your visits to one per month.
Please note during April and May we will have closed campus dates due to STAAR testing. We will only have lunch visitors on Mondays and Fridays during those weeks.
Our campus will be closed during the testing window (Tuesdays-Thursdays) on:
May 9,10, and 11
This schedule will allow for testing and make-ups.
Our campus will be open during the testing window (Monday and Friday) on:
May 8 and 12
If you have a child who has a birthday on a closed day, please try to come on Monday or Friday that week. We will, however, make exceptions on a case-by-case basis. We don't want kids to miss out on birthday lunch with parent.
What's for Lunch?
Use the link below to see what the students will have for lunch.
Teacher of the Month
Para of the Month
Celebrating our Mustangs
Mighty Mustang Celebration - May 5, 2023 - Students will celebrate at lunch with counselors and principal.
PTO Updates and News
May PTO Meeting
Join us on Friday, May 5 for our PTO meeting. The meeting will be available in-person in the PTO room or via Microsoft Teams. Dr. Smith, Conroe High School's Principal, is joining us.
Field Day
Stewart's Field Days are scheduled for Friday, May 12 (Kinder-2nd grade) and Monday, May 15 (3rd-6th Grade). It is going to be a full day of fun for our Mustangs! P
To make field day possible, we need volunteers! Please sign up to help during our field days.
Field Day Snow Cones
Hannah B's will be on-campus serving snow cones for field day. To purchase a snow cone for your child, please use the following link. Snow cones can only be purchased online. Cash will not be accepted.
Stewart Spirit Night at Cypress Academy Gymnastics
Join us on Friday, May 19 for a Parents Night Out Spirit Night at Cypress Academy Gymnastics from 7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Register in advance ($18) at or you can pay cash at the door ($20). Online registration closes at 5:00 p.m. on May 19.
Concessions will also be for sale (cash only). Thank you for your support!
We have less than 10 yearbooks left! Once yearbooks sell out, they are gone. We will not place another order of yearbooks. Yearbooks are expected to arrive by the last week of school in May. Yearbooks can be purchased using the following link:
2023-2024 PTO Volunteer Opportunities
Planning is underway for the 2023-2024 school year. We would love to have you volunteer with us! We are still looking for a few committee chairs. Please use the links below to sign up to lead or join a committee.
Committee Chair Sign Up:
Committees Sign Up: D.O.G.S.
Our Watch D.O.G.S. program is temporarily on hold due to preparation for the STAAR Test. It will open back up begining May 11, 2023. Use the attached link to sign up.
If you have any questions about Watch DOGS, please contact our counselor Tonya Mathews at
Safety- We want to hear from you.
Stewart Elementary accepts and encourages comments or suggestions regarding safety. We are consistently monitoring our procedures and are open to what you suggest. Additionally, if you see something that concerns you, please take time to make us aware of your observation. You can do this by accessing a form through the QR code below. This QR code will be placed on each entrance door as well. Please access the link to the safety suggestion google form:
If you have any special concerns or comments, please contact our campus safety coordinator, Chelse Rothe. You can email her at
Volunteer in Conroe ISD
Text messages and Emails
Contact information
Karen Scambray
Conroe ISD Bond Planning Committee 2023
Please take time to view the information presented at the link below to learn more about how the committee is progressing towards this important decision.
Upcoming Important Dates * Subject To Change*
4th - Band and Orchestra Concerts 6:00PM
5th - Stellar Student 8:10AM
5th - Mighty Mustang - during lunches
5th - Library Books are Due
11th 5th & 6th Band & Orchestra field trip
12th - K-2 Field Day - details will be communicated soon
12th - 5th/ 6th Grade Choral Trip
15th - 3rd-6th Field Day - details will be communicated soon
16th - 6th Grade Field Trip
17th - 3rd Grade "Bringing the Past to Life" 2:00PM
17th - 5th Grade Wax Museum 8:15AM
18th - 6th Grade Physicals
18th - GT Expo 4th grade at 9:00AM in library
18th - GT Expo 5th grade at 10:30AM in library
18th - GT Expo 6th grade at 1:30PM in library
18th - 5th and 6th Grade Choir Concert 6:00PM
19th - 4th Grade Alamo Challenge
19th - 6th Grade Around the World 9:15AM
19th - GT Expo 3rd grade at 1:00PM
19th - GT Expo 2nd grade at 2:00PM
22nd - CHS Graduation Walk (previous Stewart students) 8:30AM
22nd - Awards Day and Reception 1st grade at 1:30PM
23rd - Awards Day and Reception 2nd grade at 8:05AM
23rd - Awards Day and Reception 3rd grade at 9:05AM
23rd - Awards Day and Reception 4th grade at 10:05AM
24th - Kindergarten Graduation at 8:30AM
25th - 5th and 6th Grade Promotion Ceremony 9:00AM
25th - 6th Grade Clap-Out at 10:20AM
25th - Last Day of School - Early Release at 12:10PM