Weekly Family Newsletter
December 30, 2022

Happy New Year and Welcome 2023!
We have been very blessed the last 5 months and we look forward to a year of growth and new possibilities.
We will start the new year welcoming Ms. Brandi Healy as our preschool 3 year old teacher. We look forward to see what she will bring to our youngest students and help grow an amazing program.
We are also welcoming a new after school care program and welcome Mrs. Ashley Spina as monitor of the program. If you are interested in your child attending our after school care program, please notify Ms. Pohorence and your homeroom teacher, so we can give you pick up information as no one will be working the buzzer system after 3:00 pm.
Also, note that the ordering for Friday pizza has been opened for January. Please order by Monday of the week, so we can plan and purchase what we need. If you are having issues with the ordering, please reach out to Mrs. Liberatore or Ms. Pohorence, we would be happy to help you navigate through the family portal.
If you need more covid at home tests, please just reach out to Ms. Liberatore. We have plenty in stock and we will send home with your child.
Below you will find further information on upcoming events, a fundraising update, and other notices.
After school care
Our after school care program will be available Monday through Friday, except on no school days. Students will go to the cafeteria at the 2:30 dismissal time and have a schedule of outside time, homework time, and games and crafts.
Cost for each student attending is $10 per hour per child. We will use the FACTS student system for logging in the time and billing will occur through FACTS at the end of the month.
All students need to be picked up by 5:30 pm. We will be using talking points app to notify Mrs. Spina of your arrival since our buzzer system is unavailable.
Again, please let Ms. Pohorence and your child's homeroom teacher know, if your child will be attending, so we can make sure we get you the talking points information.
Family Fun Festival
We are in need of many volunteers to help with the Family Fun Festival.
There are a few ways you can help. It takes months to prepare for a successful event. We need booth captains and volunteers for a shift at a booth or for clean up and set up.
A booth captain will need to organize the set up and operation of the booth and find workers for the booth shifts. Many hands make for light work.
Why is this festival so important? It is a major fundraiser for the school. We have talked about the importance of our fundraisers to keep the tuition rates reasonable and to support our operating costs. It also advertises the school and gives the community a family friendly event. Again, we need to have volunteers in place as soon as possible to make the event successful.
Please prayfully consider assisting. Reach out to Troy Quigley at quigley1226@gmail.com or 315- 945-4053 if interested in helping.
Upcoming Events
Save the date for these activities and events!
- Friday, January 6
8:30 am - St. Stephen Church
Epiphany Mass
All are welcome to attend Mass with our school. - Monday, January 9th - Spirit Wear Day - Students and staff may dress in their school spirit wear or their uniform of the day. This way we all have a chance to wear that spirit wear we ordered.
- No School - Monday, January 16th in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Monday, January 23rd - 1 hour early release of Geneva bus riders only. If your child will not be riding the Geneva bus this day, please notify the transportation department, your child's homeroom teacher, and Ms. Liberatore.
- Monday, January 30th - Friday, February 3rd
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming! This is a great fundraiser for our library which is in need of updating. - Saturday, January 28th - Friday, February 3rd
Catholic Schools' Week
Stay tune for the list of special activities and events, including an Open House and Ice Cream Social on Wednesday, February 1st and special guest lunch on Friday, February 3rd.
Winter Weather
Although we have not had too much winter weather, we anticipate it coming.
Reminder to look for a text alert to your phone, look on our Facebook page, or watch WROC tv for any cancellations or delays. If we are delayed 1 or 2 hours, we will not have preschool 3 year olds that day.
Also, our teachers have asked on snowy and wet days that students come to school with snow pants and boots for outside recess time. Boots, including dress boots, are not part of the regular uniform, so a change of shoes are necessary for the school day. Additionally, warm coats, hats, and gloves/mittens are important for students to go outside. We enjoy giving all students some fresh air whenever possible.
Fundraiser Update
We are so appreciative of our supporters and donors. Without them, we would not be able to meet our operating costs, make building and technology improvements, and provide scholarships to our families.
This year our fundraising goal is $61,000 and as of December 24, 2022, we are currently at $18,079. We are still waiting on the totals from the Christmas Trees at Lynch's and the Downtown Shopping Days.
During our Roc the Day Campaign, some of our donors made their donation in honor of or in memory of. We would like to recognize the donations in memory of:
- Victoria Sinay
- Genevieve (Jay) Feligno
In honor of:
- Matthew, William, and James Prindle
- The Prindle Family
- All my former DeSales students
Upcoming events will be Monterrey Restaurant on January 17th, the Read-a-thon, and the Niagara Chocolate Sale. We are also working with the Knights of Columbus on two fundraisers. More information to come on these fundraisers.
Don't forget we receive money from Amazon Smile, St. Pauly Textile, and Box Tops on a monthly or quarterly basis. Please continue to use this options for small ways to support the school.