Friendly Friday Update
The weekly newsletter for the FHMS Community - 2/16/24
Mr. Hiti's Message
Our 2024-2025 class registration process is underway. We are meeting with each grade and explaining the new course offerings, as well as working with students to explain the choices they will have as they choose classes for next year. Please call the school office if you have any questions about class offerings at 651-403-7600 and we will be happy to answer or explain the process. We are excited to begin our new schedule and we think it will have a lot of benefits for our students to help them learn, explore and begin to get ready for high school.
Enjoy the long weekend!
Upcoming Dates
- February 19 - No school, Presidents' Day
- February 22 - Conferences (in-person or virtual), 3:30-7:30 p.m.
- February 29 - Conferences (virtual), 3:30-7:30 p.m.
- March 11 - PTA Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
- March 13 - LGBTQ+ Parent/Guardian Meeting, 6:00 p.m.
- March 22 - No school, End of Quarter 3
- March 25 - 29 - No school, Spring Break
Please see the bilingual attachment below for all the details and the link to PTCFast, the program we will be using for scheduling appointments.
We are almost a third of the way to our goal of $6,500 for the annual FH Read-A-Thon! We have raised $1,867 so far, and students have collectively read 177,678 minutes!! We have 2 weeks left, please consider making a donation. If every family donates $15, we will be well over our goal.
The money raised during the Read-A-Thon will be used to purchase new books for classroom libraries and the FH library. Sharing the donation link to your student’s fundraising page is easy - follow these directions.
Try Lacrosse Event for Girls
Two Rivers girls high school lacrosse is hosting a TRY-LAX FREE event for girls in grades K-6 at Two Rivers High School on Monday, February 26 from 6-7:30 p.m., please register here so we know you are coming!
Interested 7th and 8th grade girls are encouraged to try lacrosse at the high school girls captains practices—no experience needed! Click here for February dates and details. Reach out to Two Rivers Head Coach Sydney at with questions.
Attendance Notification Form
We now have an online form to submit absence notifications. Submitting this form fulfills calling in your student's absence. The attendance line will remain active at 651-403-7607, but this is another option for families.
You can view the form here (and bookmark it for future reference!), and it will also be linked on our school website.
About Friendly Hills
Respect. Readiness. Relationships. Responsibility.
Follow ISD197 on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!
Location: 701 Mendota Heights Road, Mendota Heights, MN, USA
Phone: 651-403-7600
Instagram: @friendlyhillsmiddle