Patriot Post
November 2021
Virtual College and Career Fair
Tuesday, Nov 2, 2021, 04:00 PM
CIF Schedules and Brackets
Website: https://cifss.org/
Beckman's Medical Certificate Program
Beckman's Medical Certificate Program (MCP) was created six years ago to give students an introduction to the medical field and the unique opportunity to interact with numerous healthcare providers. It is a free, optional 3 year sequential club/program that awards students with certificates each year (if they meet all criteria) + a graduation award if students complete all 3 years offered. This year, the majority of seminars will take place during Open Tutorial Periods on Wednesdays. Each year, MCP organizes over 20 events for our BHS students with over 60 healthcare professionals who serve as speakers or mentors. Any BHS student may join at any time. For more information about the program, please email Mr. Chow at pchow@tustin.k12.ca.us, check out their Website/Instagram (links below) or fill out the Google Form Interest Form below to receive more information. The majority of our speakers/mentors are BHS parents so if you are a BHS parent/family member who is passionate about speaking to or mentoring high school students, please contact Mr. Chow for options to participate this academic year! Thank you!
Website: https://bhsmedcertificatep.wixsite.com/bhsmcp
Instagram: @BHS_MCP
Official sign-up form to join MCP: tinyurl.com/mcpsignup2022
Robotics is BACK!!!
Beckman Robotics is a Competitive Robotics program that provides students an opportunity to develop their problem solving, communication, collaborative, and presentation skills in a group setting through the Engineering Design Process. Beckman Robotics is composed of 48 students ranging from 9th grade to 12th grade in six teams. Our six teams have recently competed in two tournaments (3 teams at each) and have won 7 awards. We are preparing to host High School and Middle School tournaments as well as getting ready for three more upcoming tournaments this semester.
Early Finals and Winter Break
Finals Schedule
What's in the Box?!?!
Seniors: It's never too early to buy your cap and gown!!!
Practice SAT or ACT at Beckman
PTO Corner
November is a month of giving thanks! We’re grateful for our new and returning PTO members for supporting our annual PTO Membership campaign! Our programs benefit every student and staff member, and are funded solely by your support. We welcome members at any time of the year, but set PTO budgets and forecasts at the beginning of each school year. When you join PTO before 11/5, you may be eligible for opportunity drawings, giveaways and incentives. Simply visit www.beckmanpto1.com to learn more, and join! And don’t forget to check with your employer about potential donation gift match programs that may double or triple your PTO donation!
We’re also grateful for a collaborative Patriot community. Many committee chairs and volunteers work tirelessly to provide PTO program and event support. We’d also like to thank generous partners Revolution Prep and Teen Road to Safety Driving School, as they provide proceeds that go toward PTO-sponsored programs.
Beckman PTO is also excited to partner with Dream Dinners Tustin for TWO fundraising opportunities on 11/9 and 11/11! Select your choice: in-store meal prep at Dream Dinners on 11/9 OR to pick up select meals of your choice on 11/11! Cost is $50 for either option with $10 coming back to PTO. Visit our Beckman PTO website to learn more, and sign up for this opportunity!