The Dolphin Whistle
WLES Family Newsletter
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Phone: (240) 740-1020 Fax: (301) 601-0392
School Office Hours: 8:45am-4:45pm
Mrs. Lara Fisher, Registrar/Attendance Secretary
Mrs. M. Deneise Hammond, Principal
Feel free to text (240) 753-9472
Ms. Sheia Jennings, Registrar/Attendance Secretary
Mr. David Kim, Assistant School Administrator
Mrs. L. Orinda Nelson, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Padma Radhakrishnan, Administrative Secretary
Happy New Year, Waters Landing family!
We hope everyone enjoyed Winter Break. The new year opens the door to a fresh start and new opportunities for ourselves and our children. Let's work together to ensure that all students have a successful 2024!
Waters Landing Elementary School is part of the No Place for Hate initiative, which teachers students to respect everyone's differences. We are getting ready to identify some students to be No Place for Hate Rangers, but we want to hear from parents as we start the new year. During the month of January, there will be focus groups meeting with Principal Hammond to share your family's experiences here at WLES, as well as any thoughts and ideas you have to ensure every child is successful. Please sign up here. We hope you will consider attending.
Students will be taking MAP tests during the month of January. MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) is a computerized adaptive assessment that measures your child’s knowledge of reading in Grades 3, 4 and 5 and math in Kindergarten through Grade 5. All students are asked the same number of questions, but the difficulty of each question is based on how well a student answers all the previous questions. As the student answers correctly, questions become more difficult. If the student answers incorrectly, the questions become easier and then become progressively more challenging. This enables the assessment to precisely identify the full spectrum of a student’s strengths and weaknesses. MAP tests are aligned to the national Common Core Standards. Score reports will be available in ParentVue around the beginning of February.
Have a wonderful first week of the year!
Proud to be a Dolphin,
Mr. Kim, Assistant School Administrator
Mrs. Nelson, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Hammond, Principal
A message from our PTA President, Mr. DeFelice...
Fellow Dolphins,
Happy New Year!
A new year means the opportunity to bring about change. I am informing you all, as Mom's, Dads, Grandmas and Grandpas, CHANGE IS NEEDED AT WATERS LANDING!!!
The first change that is needed is parental involvement at Waters Landing Elementary. It is well below average and this is having a direct effect on our kids at school.
These kids need strong parental influences in their lives, especially because we do not know what each child goes through from the moment they wake up, to the moment they go to bed. Our children are struggling with bullying, the inability to play with one another, and this is on top of what these children go through in their daily lives. Some kids are looking for their next meal, some are looking for parental acknowledgement, and some are simply looking for the opportunity to enjoy themselves without fear of being singled out. The bottom line is we do not know what each kid goes through on a daily basis, but what I do know is that a "high five" from a parent, or a "let's go buddy" could mean the world to them and leave them with a smile when things are tough.
The question is whose responsibility is it to promote, enforce, and establish change? To be frank, the answer is YOU!
We as parents need to become more involved. Whether it be sending in supplies or items on the teachers request lists, volunteering at recess and lunch, or simply walking in with your child in the morning and helping the teacher get the kids settled and then going to work. WHATEVER the involvement is every little bit counts. Like I mentioned above as something as simple as a high five or positive comment is all that is needed.
We need to start asking ourselves what can I do for the school? Not what can the school do for me?
I am a working parent myself, I understand those parents whose lives are chaos, and more importantly I realize there are parents out there who truly cannot contribute due to hardship, work, or simply just trying to keep their family afloat, to you guys I say, WE GOT YOUR BACK. The parents who do have time will cover for you, or should be anyways, because in the end we are all in this together.
I am hoping that enough parents realize that contributions no matter how big or how small will promote our end goal of giving these kids positive adult interactions. And to those parents who do what they can to contribute, I wish I could sincerely thank each and every one of you, I wish you could see the impact you are having. Right now you are the foundation of our community, without you we would be lost. If there is any way I can help you further your contributions please reach out to me ASAP, if not again THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.
If you have any ideas or concerns AND input on how we can make a change please feel free to contact me at If you contact me with a complaint, problem or concern, we can work together to figure it out. I hope to see you at the PTA meeting next Tuesday at 7:00pm in the Media Center. We are teh DOlphins...Sea the possibilities!
Jamie DeFelice
PTA President
If you know of any organization who would like to partner with us, please let us know.