Smithfield Elementary
October 2022
Message from the Principal
Hopefully your child shared with you details about some of the fun activities we've had including SWPBS competition between students which was connected to a review of positive behaviors.
Thank you to our PTO for the back to school decorations by the entrances on the first day of school!
The purpose of these monthly newsletters is to keep you informed about upcoming events and connect you with school resources. I hope you find this newsletter helpful with staying informed and involved with your child's learning. As always, if you have any questions, Please call our office at (570) 421-2841.
Erick Kerstetter - Principal
phone # 570-421-2841
Calendar of Events at Smithfield Elementary
3-18: PTO 5th grade Krispy Kreme Donut sales
7: District Casual for a Cause - Big Brothers/Big Sisters
10: Columbus Day - NO SCHOOL for students
11: PTO Meeting 6-8pm
11-14: Mobile Dentist
21: PTO Trunk or Treat/Carnival 5-8pm
27-31: PTO Pencil sales
28: Storybook Character Day (Parade 10-10:20 am)
31: SWPBS Pumpkin Day
Event Information
PTO Meeting
Look for more details at the start of the new school year.
When?: Tuesday, October 11, 6-8pm
Weather Issues
District Website
News Channels
Connect Ed.
The Reading Nook
Title I Family Meeting:
On Wednesday, October 11th we invite all families for our annual Title I Family Meeting from 10:00-10:45. Please see the attached flyer to RSVP.
Storybook Character Day:
Please see the attached flyer for information in regards to our 5th Annual Storybook Character Day Parade scheduled for Friday, October 28th!
Smithfield's Storybook Character Day
October brings our Read-A-Thon event. Here is an image on the importance of reading at home each day!
Your Smithfield Reading Specialists,
Mrs. Agolino & Mrs. Brescancine
Counselor Corner - Newsletter and resources!
ESASD Attendance and Truancy Procedures
Email for Attendance Notes
Birthday Celebrations
Please do not send any items prepackaged (or otherwise) from home to share with others.
The cafeteria is in the process of bringing back their Birthday Basket package that parents/guardians will be able to purchase to celebrate their child's special day. More information and order forms will be released from Food Services soon.
In keeping with health and safety, the ESASD Birthday Basket option will be the only type of birthday celebration permitted at this time.
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