The Navigator Newsletter
Sycamore Junior High's Parent Communication
November 11, 2021
Speak Up/Save Lives
By calling or testing the statewide hotline
- 844-SAFEROH -
- 844-723-3764 -
you can report anything that is suspicious or endangering you, your friends or school.
Coming Up
- Nov 11: Veterans' Day
- Nov 11 & 12: Parent Teacher Conferences
- Nov 12: No School
- November 24-26: Thanksgiving Break - No School
Parent Teacher Conferences
Due to the short 10-minute nature and Google Meet format of the conferences tonight and tomorrow, tech support is not practical. If you signed up for a parent-teacher conference and experience any technical difficulties, please email the teacher to schedule a different time to talk.
First Quarter Honor Roll
Student of the Week and First Class Breakfast Return to SJH
Each week of the quarter, SJH teachers nominate students that exemplify one of the school's core expectations:
Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, Be a Problem Solver.
The first quarter Student of the Week nominees were recognized by their teachers for being respectful. At the end of the quarter, these students were invited to participate in a special breakfast with the teacher who nominated them to celebrate their accomplishments. Congratulations to all of our award winners!
Students of the Week
The following were honored during the first quarter and may or may not be pictured above:
Claire Lemmons
Asher Berg
Margo Simon
Brielle Kirtley
Regis Hearn
Diego Medina Orozco
Cecelia Dempsey
Jada Meade
Lamar Robinson
Griffin Poast
Sam Broxterman
Akul Gumudavalli
Muborak Khamidjonova
Branson Southern
Elma Shafeek
Cyair Clark
Sierra Tarrab
Khadijah Rodriguez-Ndao
Aubree Shade
Damonta Burton
Emily Niehaus
Lost and Found
Has your child lost a sweatshirt, jacket, water bottle or other item?
Have them check the Lost and Found in the main cafeteria. Items from the first quarter will be removed and donated or discarded by Friday 11/19!
You may request that your child be tested on the Cognitive Ability Test (CogAT). If you wish to have your child participate in this round of testing, all requests must be made below by Friday, December 3rd. In order to decrease disruption to your child's instruction, this testing opportunity will take place on Friday, December 10th at 7:00 AM at Sycamore Junior High School. Participating students will miss a portion of first bell, due to testing.
Please note it is the parents' responsibility to provide transportation to school on the day of testing. Additionally, please ensure the correct parent email is entered as this is the email the district will use for communication. Thank you!
If you would like to have your child tested, please fill out this FORM
PTO News: Student Directory
The Student Directory for the 2021-22 school year has now been uploaded to Directory Spot! If you have used Directory Spot in the past, your username and password will continue to work. If you are a new user, please go to www.directoryspot.net, enter your email address as your username and select "Reset Password" to create a password. You may also download the Directory Spot app to your smartphone and use your login information to access the Directory on your phone.
All Sycamore Junior High Families will have access to Directory Spot for the next two weeks, through November 24th. During this time, you will have the ability to add, modify, or delete your information in Directory Spot, so please review your record and make any necessary changes to the entry for your family. You will need to login to the Directory Spot website (not the mobile app) to make changes to your listing.
As of November 25, only families that have joined the Sycamore Junior High PTO will be able access to the Directory. If you have not joined the PTO, please be sure to do so for continued access! Your PTO membership supports many important programs for our students and can be completed online at https://bit.ly/SJHPTOFamilies21-22.
Please email jhptodirectory@sycamoreschools.org if you have any questions about the Student Directory!
Morning Dropoff Expectations
Please be aware that every student is expected to be in the building and in class by 8:02 a.m. or be marked tardy. If you arrive late, please drop off your child at the main entrance in the front of the building.
We recommend riding the bus for those students able to do so. If you need to drop off your child, you may need to alter your schedule to arrive earlier. The building opens at 7:40 am and students may go to the cafeteria to wait for the school day to start.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Yearbook - Ordering and Photo Submittal
The SJHS Yearbook Club is committed to documenting this school year for YOU! Order your yearbook today! The cost is $35/copy.
Click HERE to order your 2022 Yearbook.
Do you have photos you would like to submit to the Yearbook Club? Click HERE and find the “Submit Photos Here” button ! We want to represent ALL students in this year's historic yearbook.
Questions? Contact Mrs. Melissa Speelman
From our Nurse
Parents/Guardians please check with your children each morning to make sure they feel well.
You will find the Covid-19 Daily Parent/Guardian Checklist linked here and on our website. Translations of this document may be found HERE.
Please visit the District's Healthy Aves page for more detailed information.
Sycamore Junior High School
Email: jhadmin@sycamoreschools.org
Website: www.sycamoreschools.org/sycamorejh
Location: 5757 Cooper Road, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Phone: 5136861760
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SycamoreJuniorHighPTO/
Twitter: @sycamorejrhigh