Clackamas River Chinooks!
October 7, 2022
Good Afternoon Chinooks!
Today our teachers spent the day learning more about our new reading curriculum, Benchmark, and working in their PLC teams to make sure your student is getting exactly what they need. We hope you spent the day getting a little extra time in the fall sunshine.
Here are the updates for the week:
~Jog-A-Thon money is due on Friday, October 13th. Please let your teacher know if you need additional time to collect funds.
~Family Breakfast is October 12th. That is this coming Wednesday! So far, we have 54 people who have RSVP'd! This link can also take you to the sign up. The times for this free event are as follows:
3rd 7:40-8:10
4th 8:10-8:40
5th 8:40-9:10
~SOCKTOBER continues at CRE! We are up to 64 pairs of socks for families in the community that are in need. While this is a great start, we know there are many more feet to cover.
~Our first PTO night is October 19th at 5:30. We would love to have you attend in person here at CRE. If that is not possible, please send me an email and I will add you to the virtual link. andersonch@estacada.k12.or.us
~Our Fall Family Night is right around the corner on Thursday, October 27th! We look forward to seeing here at CRE from 5:00-7:00 PM. During this time, your family can eat dinner in the cafe and visit the PODs to play games with teachers and staff. We invite you to bring a pumpkin designed as your favorite book character and come in costume. As with all our events, you will need to go to the HomeTown App and sign up for a ticket. For this event, you will need a ticket for every family member attending.
We hope you have a wonderful sunny weekend. We'll look forward to seeing you Monday!
Christina Anderson
Clackamas River
Clackamas River Elementary
Email: andersonch@estacada.k12.or.us
Website: http://www.cres.estacada.k12.or.us/home
Location: 301 Northeast 2nd Avenue, Estacada, OR, USA
Phone: (503) 630-8552
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ClackamasRiverElem