The Howl
SPWHS Student/Parent/Caregiver Newsletter Vol 2:3 2/6/23
Exciting Events in February
Greetings West Wolves and Parent/Caregivers,
As we continue through second semester and dive fully into Black History Month we are excited for many upcoming events. This week we will be hosting a district wide event on Wednesday night of Black professionals coming and speaking with our students/community. We will be hosting a den decorating contest during SP30. Next week is National Bus Driver Recognition week. It is all national Career and Technical Education month and National FFA week is coming up the week of February 19th-25th. It's going to be a week and a great monthlong celebration.
Jen Ploeger- Principal-
Chai Lee- Associate Principal-
Chad Whalley- Associate Principal-
Staff Shout Out!!!
Please consider taking a moment to celebrate a staff member that has had a positive impact you so far this year! This may be someone that you have connected well with, you have seen working hard, has tried something new or you just want to pause and recognize for all of their work as we launch SP West. You can fill out the form as many times as you would like to recognize different staff. They will receive an email with your note and, if public, will be included in our staff Newsletter next week!
Announcements from the School TVs
Upcoming Athletic Events and Activities this Week!
Adapted Floor Hockey
Bus Driver Recognition Week
Bus Driver Recognition Week - February 13-17, 2023
February 13-17, 2023 is School Bus Driver Recognition Week in the State of Wisconsin. We encourage families to go the extra mile to show appreciation to the men and women that work hard to get our students to and from school safely every day. Please take a moment to thank them or consider having your child make a token of appreciation.
Your kind words, cards, etc., will surely make the driver’s week brighter!Student Opportunities
Vaping- Did you know?
There is a common misconception that vaping is completely harmless. The truth is, vaping is not safe, especially for teens and young adults. Research shows that 66% of teens think their vaping instrument only contains flavored liquid.
What many don’t understand is that these liquids may also contain toxic substances such as formaldehyde, diacetyl, and acrolein. Inhaling these chemicals can significantly harm their lungs. Many vaping liquids also contain nicotine, which can be very addictive for teens and young adults, and can seriously impact their brain development.
Exposure to nicotine at a young age can make it easier for teens to get hooked on vaping and using other tobacco products. Research has also discovered that individuals who vape are more likely to go on to use marijuana or smoke traditional cigarettes compared to their non vaping peers.
Resources: Your student can work with West Student Services staff on a quitplan, for more education, and other community resource referrals. You can also call the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line at 1-800-QUIT NOW or text "READY" to 200-400.
ATTENTION 10th Grade Students and Parents/Caregivers
Wear Red Day Opportunity- Black Women's Heart Health Event
Fighting Heart Disease, Together.
Join your friends, your family, our community members and the Foundation for Black Women’s Wellness – in-person or virtually** – for our 12th Annual National Wear Red Day celebration! This is a FREE event!
Wear Red Day is a day of awareness and education; a time spent together learning how to identify, live-with, and survive heart disease. As Black women, cardiovascular ailments represent the number one threat to our healthy lives. On February 18th, from 11am - 2:30pm, our community will come together to get more informed, more empowered, and more inspired to refuse to let heart disease make a deep-impact on our lives.
Register yourself and the other important Black women in your life! After a 2-year in-person hiatus, reunite with our community of Black women at the Goodman Community Center; remember to come dressed in your red best! When we come together, we create and sustain a communal sisterhood where Black women and girls can live healthy, happy and thriving lives.
In Case You Missed it Last Week...
Attention Winter Athletes and Club/Activity Attenders: Doors Close at 4:00pm
The main entrance door closes at 4:00pm. Athletes that may leave and come back please enter through door 24. Also a reminder that the building closes at 4:00pm. At that time all students need to exit the building or be with an adult.
Parent/Caregiver Partnership Meeting Update
As we launch 2nd semester we had a fantastic meeting of our Parent/Caregiver Partnership meeting last week. Our Parent/Caregiver Partnership is a group for ALL Wolf Parents/Caregivers. While High Schools don't currently have formal SCOs, the partnership between schools and parent/caregivers is as critical while we are preparing to send your child off to life after High School as it was when we were welcoming them into kindergarten. Look for upcoming Parent/Caregiver partnership dates and new opportunities at additional times outside of the evening coming in next week's Howl.
Last week we had a round table conversation on the successes of 1st semester and areas of focus for second semester. We celebrated all of the incredible work that has been done to launch the school year and have a strong first semester. We all agreed that two areas of focus for second semester are bathrooms and students being in class from bell to bell.
- Class Bell to Bell: We are continuing to work to create a culture in which ALL students are in class from bell to bell. This includes: Having a pass every time you are out of class; using the 2 minute warning "ding dong" sound to move quickly to your next class; staying in class until the bell rings; working with your teacher if you need a break within the 85 minute block, taking a break in the den area and then returning to class. I will be focusing 2nd semester on a student principal advisory board to help continue to get feedback from students across our student body on how we can continue to build a culture of care in which students are seen, known and valued in the classroom.
- Bathrooms: We know that we currently have students engaging in unsafe behavior in bathrooms (vaping, missing portions of class, vandalism) which makes it difficult for other students to feel safe and comfortable using the bathroom. We have already taken steps to address this including new floor assignments for our Youth Advocates and daily huddles of our "floor team". We also are in the process of finding additional ways that parents/caregivers can come partner with us for supervision as we have an incredible and very large building with limited staff. More to come soon!
- If you see something that shouldn't be happening... SAY SOMETHING to any adult in the building and they will get it to the right place. Go to a trusted teacher, trusted office staff, youth advocate, dean, AP, Principal JP, anyone. This includes any vandalism in bathrooms or other locations. Together we can take care of this beautiful facility and leave a legacy for the generations to come.
Parking Reminders!
- Parents/Caregivers be sure to use the pick-up/drop-off lane for dropping off and picking up your scholar. DO NOT pull into the student lot or the staff/visitor lot as this causes congestion and potential accidents.
- Handicap stalls are ALWAYS reserved for vehicles with a license plate or placard. Never pull into a handicap stall to wait for someone you are picking up or dropping off. We have had several instances where our scholars are unable to be picked up by their accessible vehicle because other vehicles were in those spaces.
- Students: make sure you have your parking pass and parking in the student lot.
- As we start 2nd semester we will be rebooting parking lot enforcement including tickets. Please reach out with what questions you have.
Bus Updates!
Bus Delays and Emergencies
Please remember that buses may be slightly delayed when we are experiencing snow and icy conditions. Anything within 5 minutes of the scheduled arrival time is considered “on time.”
If your child’s bus is delayed and/or evacuated for any reason (bus breakdown, emergency, etc.) students must stay with the driver and wait for further instructions. If another bus is dispatched, students are to ride that bus and only get off at their assigned stop.
Bus Tags- Every day.
A reminder that students need to show their bus tags to drivers every day to get on the bus. If you need a new bus tag please see Ms. Detert in the front office. You can also pull up your transportation tab in IC.