CUSD Reopening Update: Phase 2
September 17, 2020
- Albert Einstein
Message from Superintendent Mueller
Good afternoon,
We welcomed our first cohort of students back on campus this week! As we monitor this first phase, we are actively planning for the return of our second cohort, currently scheduled to come back on Oct. 5th. As we continue this phased approach, we anticipate all students who opted in for in-school learning to be on campus in some capacity by December 1. We want to reassure those families that opt to continue with BRIDGE that we are committed to continuing to provide robust experiences. Please review CUSD reopening plan with Cohort timelines for Phase 2.
Please complete our survey that explains the structure and schedule you can expect in the next phase. This survey requests your direct feedback in an effort to assist our staff in refining the plan. With the dynamic environment we live in and the rapid pace of change, families may have shifted their position and this targeted survey will account for that. I have linked COVID-19 Symptom Decision Tree charts below that will help you understand our plan to respond to various scenarios. Rest assured, we are collaborating with neighboring school districts as we develop our response plans and learn from other schools’ experiences.
Until we are able to return fully to the classroom, BRIDGE will provide live, daily interactions, educational value, and standards-aligned content and assessments. We can never duplicate the magic our staff create on a daily basis in the classroom, but our goal is to provide instruction comparable to in-person experiences. With the uncertainty the future holds it is important for our families to understand that BRIDGE will play a role in learning all year. Our teachers have focused on making learning engaging and accessible within this environment.
The first weeks back have been a time for learning, adjustment, and adaptation as we work together to best utilize Distance Learning (BRIDGE) to engage our learners. I am extremely proud of the faculty for their incredible work developing a robust online learning platform, and equally proud of our students who are working hard to adapt to this new environment. Guided by hopeful and responsible decision-making, it remains our desire to have students return to campus as quickly and safely as possible without compromising continuity of instruction. Given the uncertainties surrounding public health guidelines, I have been hesitant to share the specifics of our reopening plans and phases as there are so many variables that will force us to deviate. I do not want to remove our commitment to a continuity of instruction which includes planning for robust units of study, creative lesson design, content delivery, and assessments until we can return to school. Conditions for a safe return are, relatively, beyond our control. Publishing timelines which we believe are going to change (frequently) potentially sets our staff, parents, or students up for failure or disappointment. Without a measured approach to our safe return we risk a back and forth of on/off campus instruction that can be incredibly disruptive to our primary objective: teaching and learning. Most importantly, the responsibility of ensuring our staff and students are safe by adhering to guidance from public health officials is our top priority.
We thank you for your continued support. I am committed to providing transparent and timely updates to our families, faculty and staff. As state mandates are released, and we anticipate changes throughout the Fall, we will provide community updates to our plan.
Have a safe and restful weekend.
Karl Mueller
What Happens If...
CUSD Grab-and-Go Meal Service: "Free Meals for All" will continue each Monday through the fall semester!
Grab-and-Go Meal Service at Village Elementary and Silver Strand
When: Every Monday (except Holidays)
Location: Multi-Purpose Rooms at VES (H Street) and Silver Strand Elementary
Distribution Time: 4:00PM - 6:00PM (while supplies last)
CUSD Grab & Go Meal Service Goes Universal Through 2020
Meal distribution will continue every Monday while students are in a distance learning environment. The USDA has now approved universal feeding for all children between the ages of 1-18 years through December 31, 2020. They have recognized the need for this around the country and have decided to move forward with it. All children will get free meals regardless of meal status (free/reduced/paid). Children are not required to be students of Coronado Unified School District.
Our next distribution day will be Tuesday, 9/21 beginning at 4 PM. All families with children 18 and under will be able to pick up free breakfast and lunch meals via curb-side pick-up. Each child will receive one bag that contains 7 days’ worth of meals for breakfast and lunch. Meals may consist of packaged, refrigerated, and/or frozen items (heating instructions will be provided). District and school staff will start "Grab and Go Distribution" of meal bags at 4 PM, and will stop once all bags are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.
All meals will be distributed curb-side to decrease the risk of exposure. Bags will be placed into automobile trunks-they will not be handed through the vehicle window for the protection of both our staff and vehicle occupants. Only those in cars will be served meals during this pick-up window, no walk-ups or bicycles are allowed in order to maintain social distancing protocols. If you are unable to pick-up meals by car or during the scheduled distribution time, please email Charity.Campbell@coronadousd.net on Mondays before 2:00 PM and we will schedule an alternative window to pick-up a meal.
Meals may not be distributed to students. Students who are receiving meals are encouraged to be physically present at the time of pick-up. Additionally, adults may pick up meals for students not present by printing and submitting this form at the time of pick-up. No meals will be distributed to parents/guardians without a child present or a form submitted at time of pick up due to state regulations.
Meals are available for all children aged 18 and under. Children are not required to be students of Coronado Unified School District. Our incredible Child Nutrition Service team members and volunteers have served over 173,960 meals since this program began. We are prepared to serve meals weekly to over 830 children (11,620 meals in total). As demands increase, we will continue to increase the number of meals we prepare in order to accommodate the needs of our entire school community. This is free for all children, regardless of meal status - please spread the word!
CUSD is excited to announce a new partnership with Champions to provide before and after school childcare and enrichment opportunities beginning this Fall.
Child-development research shows that three important things impact a child’s future success: social-emotional skills, executive-function skills, and opportunities for inquiry-based learning. With almost 30 years of experience, Champions has developed a curriculum that is carefully designed to build on these three areas in a fun and engaging environment. Their daily learning activities highlight group problem-solving, leadership, focus and self-regulation skills, and frequently follow a child’s own interests to spark self-guided learning. We are excited to partner with Champions to provide meaningful opportunities for Every Child, Every Day to feel connected, challenged, and inspired.
Additional information about Champions can be found by following this link.
Will you need childcare during school closures and/or distance learning?
Caught Being Awesome!
As our educators, parents, and community come together to connect, challenge, and champion our students during our district closure, we are humbled by the outpouring of compliments during these trying times. What a positive testament to our CUSD family!
Jennifer Landry has been working above and beyond to get all of ready to go with technology! I cannot imagine what the start of this school year would have looked like if she had not been here!
Ms. Eldridge’s patience and technological prowess have been instrumental in getting her kindergarteners to independently participate and collaborate during BRIDGE. She patiently, and with words kindergarteners can understand, shows her kids how to use zoom, class link, and seesaw on their own. She creates a classroom environment that keeps 5-year-olds attentive and engaged even in a distance format. She has been an incredible resource for our kids and families, and we wouldn’t have been nearly as successful this week and last without her patience and guidance. Ms. Eldridge is an incredible teacher!
Since school began via BRIDGE, Mrs. Jackson has worked diligently to make each student feel welcome and connected to their peers. Our son is excited to log on each day! It is evident that Mrs. Jackson has diligently planned and worked to make sure each student is successful during this time of virtual learning! We appreciate and applaud her hard work!
Multiple parents, students, and staff recognizing staff for their support, guidance, and going above and beyond for our CUSD family: Kimberley Junk, Traci Orth, Katey Bouwman, Kristina Byrd, and Wendy Moore!
Click here to recognize an employee or volunteer who goes above and beyond to make a difference. Those who are "caught" will receive a copy of the positive words that were shared about them and a "Caught Being Awesome" decal. Please take a minute or two to brighten someone else's day!
Important Resources and Document Links
Adhere to Social Distancing
About CUSD
Email: information@coronadousd.net
Website: coronadousd.net/
Location: 201 6th Street, Coronado, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 522-8900
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoronadoUSD/