December 8, 2023
Important Upcoming Dates
December 11 - 5th and 6th Grade Band Concert @ Westside Middle School
December 12 - Family Engagement Night @ 6:00pm - Amazing Arthur Magician
December 13 - Papa John's Fundraiser
December 21 - 1pm Dismissal
December 22 - No School
You can link to the Westbrook Calendar Here: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=d2VzdHNpZGU2Ni5uZXRfY2FicjVyaWhsMzB2OWQ0aXVmamwzN2Y3bnNAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ
Attendance Matters
Please try to schedule appointments, trips, and other activities outside of the school day, when possible!
Pickleball League for Westbrook Families
Westbrook Pickleball Club (WPC)
When: Fridays 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Where: Westbrook Elementary School
Sponsors: Aaron Callaway & Jared Svagera
This club is welcome to all Westbrook families to learn and play Pickleball in a casual setting. The club will be donation funded, all funds will be incorporated back into the club.
To start, we will have two full courts, with nets, balls, and paddles, with room to grow.
Young children are welcome to play in the gym, however children will need to bring their own gym equipment, such as basketballs, frisbees, etc.
If you have any questions, please contact Aaron at aaroncallaway31@gmail.com
We hope to see you there!
Looking for Representatives for Westside Community Council
Each school in the Westside School District has 2-3 parents as a part of the Westside Community Council. Currently, Westbrook does not have any representation within this group. If you or someone you know would be interested in this, please reach out to Mr. Stevens or check out the Community Council website here.
Seeking Prize Donations
We are seeking donations for prizes to put in our WOW store! Students earn WOW cards throughout the school day for good behavior. We then let them use the cards to purchase small prizes in our WOW store, but we are running low on prizes (which is a good thing!)
We are seeking donations off our District-Approved Snack List. If you can support us, please just drop items off at the main office.