The Sandcastle Times - Oct. 2023
"Building Strong Foundations for a Lifetime of Learning"
A message from Holly Bevilacqua, COO
We are very excited to host some great family and community events over the next couple of months. Please be sure to check them out and we look forward to seeing you and your family!
I also wanted to remind our families of our referral program. Please spread the word about our Centers and Programs! We would love for you to get a tuition credit!
Have a great October!
Fall is in the air!!!
What a great time of the year to spend with your family. Take everyone to an orchard and enjoy some apple or pumpkin picking. A hayride is also a nice treat or rake up some leaves and have fun jumping in them! Enjoy some quality time with your family just having fun! Hectic schedules cause us to forget about enjoying some of those special moments together! So… sit back, relax, and enjoy being with each other.
Join us :
Trunk or Treat at The East Lyme Center on October 27th from 6 -7pm!
Spook-tacular Harvest Festival at the Killingly Center on October 28th from 10am-12pm
Back-to-school night is here again!!!! Please join us for a fun night with your child's teachers and meet other families!
You are Invited to Back to School Night 2023
Time to think about scheduling your Flu Shots! Please be advised that it is the Connecticut State Law that all children attending child care have a seasonal flu vaccine if they are between 6 to 59 months by December 31st, 2023. Please be sure your child gets their flu shot!
Front Gates and Doors: close the gate/doors behind you when you enter the building, this is for your child’s safety.
Check-in and out: please use the computer to check your child in and out daily, and to give your code to anyone else picking your child up so they can do the same.
Callouts: Please call or arrive at our center by 9 am! This allows our teachers to plan their day and schedule.
Scheduled Hours: It is essential that you do not drop off before your scheduled
contracted time. You are welcome to come in early to help settle your child, but they
should not be left in the teacher’s care until your scheduled drop-off time. Not only do we
have to always stay in ratio, but the teachers may have other opening tasks that they are responsible for and need to complete so they are ready for the day and all the fun activities they have planned. If you need to make a change, please remember to give at least a two-week notice so we can make appropriate arrangements! Form can be found on the website forms page. We appreciate your assistance!
Fall weather is here---DRESS in layers- warm bedding!
Fall is in the air and the weather is becoming colder. Please make sure your child(ren) has the following items at the center:
1. An extra change of clothing appropriate for the change in weather. ALL children must keep a complete change of clothing at the center at all times! This includes an extra outfit, underwear, and socks. An extra pair of old shoes is also a good thing to include with your child’s extra clothes. REMEMBER TO LABEL!
2. Heavier blankets at nap time help keep little toes nice and warm. Please send in a blanket, sheet, and pillow for your child even if he/she does not nap. All of the children do have a rest time and need these items!
3. We do go outside to play every day as part of our curriculum. Please make sure your child has dressed appropriately. This time of year is great for layering --- afternoons tend to be warmer than the early morning hours. A light jacket or sweatshirt works well!
Stay Connected with the Procare Family APP!
- Receive daily reports via push/email/text
- Activity alerts throughout the day
- Easily communicate with your center
- View Daily Activities
View Historical Activities
- Share and Download Photos and Videos
Private Preschool 2023/2024
We offer morning, full-day, 2, 3, or 5-day programs. Please be sure to sign up and share our program with family and friends. Our curriculum is based on the CTELDS (CT Early Learning and Development Standards) and NAEYC criteria for a quality learning environment.
Our program is rich in:
- Social/Emotional Development
- Physical Development and Health
- Language and Literacy
- Creative Arts
- Mathematics
- Science
- Cognition
- Social Studies
Question of the month "What is your family's favorite fall activity to do with children"
Don't forget to submit your answers! It's easy to win by submitting an answer! $25 tuition credit to the winner!!
September's winner: The Drake Family of East Lyme!
Thanks for helping us make our programs better and sharing your ideas and feedback! Without everyone’s input, we are not able to effectively assess how our programs are doing! We appreciate you taking the time to help us assess our policies, procedures, curriculum, and more!
PTO news....
Upcoming events:
One-Stop Holiday Craft and Vendor Fair: NOVEMBER 5TH AT EAST LYME HIGH SCHOOL- 10a,- 2pm- Shop from several local vendors and crafters. We look forward to seeing you there.
East Lyme & Waterford- Cookies- Start 10/9/2023 through 10/23/2023- Delivery 11/20/2023
Killingly & Brooklyn- Butterbraids & Cookie Dough- Start 10/6/2023 through 10/20/2023- Delivery 11/21
Thanks for all of your continued support! We are always looking for new ideas for fundraisers if you have an idea drop by the office and share it with us. Helping out with committees is easy, there are many ways to help!
All around Carelot
Our clubhouse programs are in full swing. Time for new friendships, new memories, and new experiences. What a great way to end the school day! Programs held in Waterford (Great Neck, Quaker Hill, and The Friendship School)
The weather is getting cooler and fall is beginning to arrive!
So far this new school year has been fantastic here at Carelot. We have been getting to know one another and learning all about our families and friends.
October brings many new learning experiences as the children dive into Fabulous Fall! Fall harvest, fire safety, apples, pumpkins, scarecrows and they will end the month brewing up some fun. Stay tuned for more details on a Bootiful and Spooktacular Time!
Carelot Children's Center, Inc.
"Building Strong Foundations for a Lifetime of Learning"
Providing education to Children ages 3 months to 12 years!
Email: adminassist@carelot.net
Website: www.carelot.net
Location: 315 Flanders Road, East Lyme, CT, United States
Phone: 860-739-1993
Facebook: facebook.com/carelotctr