Drug Abuse
Group 12: How Your Life Will Change
The Consequences of Drugs
We represent a group of China Spring Middle School students that want to make impact in our community by initiating informative and assistive programs for our middle school to stand up to drugs. We consider it imperative that our peers be educated on the effect of drugs on the body and on families.
this is how wild fires are started, or even normal fires
When you use a Drug, you might be making it mad by getting rid of it.
Did you know this is what weed looks like. even if it looks interesting its still very bad.
The effects
Smoking weed (marijuana) and cigarettes can affect your health. Many people today live constantly doing drugs and think that their life will be better because of it. Effects of getting high very from Colors being brighter, Scenes have more depth, patterns are more evident, dizziness, shallow breathing, dry mouth, increased appetite, slowed reaction time, long term usage, cravings, sleeplessness, and red eyes. In addition marijuana use can lead to sterility and miscarriage. Though it relaxes the body the effects of chemicals in the blood are long lasting and can lead to death.
We are a group of students from China Spring Middle that want to make a change.
Remember Weed is for Dweebs.
Email: icivics@baylor.edu
Website: blogs.baylor.edu/iengage
Phone: (254)710-0000
Friday Morning Live
Drug Abuse: How Your Life Will Change