Define360 Summer Camp Newsletter
Week 7 (July 24- 27)
As-Salamu Alaykum
The Road back Home: Following the Guide (Compassion)
Dear Parents,
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for an amazing summer here at the Define 360 Camp at Frisco Masjid! This summer has left our counselors and campers with some amazing memories we will never forget. We are always sad to see summer come to an end, but we have so many fun activities to look back on such as the Hajj Simulation, art classes with Sister Nida, STEAM, and more!
This week at camp, students spent time understanding and explaining the definition of and some general examples of compassion. Compassion is defined as the desire to help someone in distress. Our students learned that compassion means to feel and show others we care about them, treat them with kindness, and want to help those in need.
Compassion Capes!
Students focused on how compassion is an attribute of Allah (SWT), and Allah is the Most Compassionate. We should always be compassionate towards each other so that we can attain the pleasure and love of Allah (SWT).
Students read the book, Four Feet, Two Sandals by Karen Lynn Williams and Khadra Mohammed. A story about two young refugee girls without shoes who find one pair of sandals, then become friends as they alternate wearing the sandals. A story filled with compassion and kindness.
In Divine Stories, students learned about The Story of Taif as it emphasizes the importance of resilience, perseverance, and patience in the face of adversity. Despite enduring physical and emotional pain, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) never wavered in his commitment to deliver Allah's message of Islam. Furthermore, the story highlights the significance of mercy and forgiveness in Islam as the Prophet's choice to forgive the people of Taif instead of seeking vengeance!
In STEAM, students did the Ripple Effect Experiment. This connected to the compassion and kindness themes of the week as it helped them see the ripple effects of our actions on people's lives.
The students did a project called Reveal and Reflect. Each student received a hidden mystery word (written with white crayon on their paper) which they found/revealed by painting over it with watercolor!
The words were some of the character traits they've discussed during this camp such as kindness, respect, compassion, gratitude, and etc.
We are so grateful to our admin team, teachers, and volunteers who were able to come out and help us and our students. We all had so much fun! Jazakallah Khair for sending your kids to our Define360 Summer Camp!
Please fill out the form linked below to provide feedback on our summer camp!
Camp Pictures!
Lunch Time!
3rd Grade Fun!
4th Grade Painting
Elephant Toothpaste
3rd Grade Testing if their Straw Boats can Float
3rd Grade's Paper Airplanes during STEAM
Making Kindness Rocks!
Playing Telephone!
Grade 2's Compassion Ads
Middle School Escape Room!
Limbo during Fitness!
Tug of War!
Petting Zoo!